President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani may have assured Trump’s impeachment. Time Magazine’s Vera Bergengruen, who wrote the cover story on Giuliani, explains. Aired on 11/01/19.
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Rudy Giuliani Is Dragging Down President Donald Trump | All In | MSNBC
Giuliani’s been framing his defence for the past 3 years. ‘Unsanity’ [SIC]
@Apple Pie Obey your Australian Overlord. You have the best healthcare system ever created and medication prices are fair and reasonable. The economy is great, subsidising farmers is good for the country. The 1.4 Trillion lost from your stock market is great for the country. GM closing down factories is good. Samsung not opening a factory is good.
Did you watch the Trump Rally
Richard T I already watched night of the living dead. Once is enough for me
It has tobe called the ugliest old mens club!
J M : I hope America is willing to SHOW UP? During the Depositions, especially Trump’s! The GOP NEEDS TO HEAR US! RELENTLESSLY!

Is Donald going to leave Rudy to hang out to dry for the public to see. Rudy did Donald dirty work and made money off of this and the Republican party still think that it is a witch hunt. Go fuger!!!!
I wonder how much Rudy charges for access to the corrupt trump
Probably less than access to the Russian piggybank known as the Clinton Crime Foundation.
Why would Trump be corrupt?
And let him keep dragging Trump down.
All the way to the bottom of the sea.
Where not even the scavangers would eat them…
Mulvaney admits Quid-pro-quo! Bill Taylor admits Quid-pro-quo!
Wait for it….in 5….4….3….2…1….”Rudy, Mike Pompeo, Jay Sekulow, Bill Barr, Bill Taylor, and Mulvaney only worked for me for a short time…I hardly know them…..I know nothing about them…..I think they were lawyers….I have many lawyers….never spoke with them….wouldn’t know them if they were in the room…Rudy, Mike, Jay, Bill’s, and Mulvaney who??”
Did you watch the Trump rally
I’m so hoping that SNL will open Saturdays show with a skit of the planned Trump Fireside Chat…hope to see Giuliani stoking the fire while Kellyanne is sitting on the rug below Trump and busy massaging his tired and bonespured feet…”Live from New York…”
Ghouliani is a grenade about to implode
I’d love to have Rudi’s air miles…
If you want Rudy’s air miles just grow some fangs and some wings and you’re all set
There’s much speculation as to how Rudy Giuliani “America’s Mayor,” the widely admired civic leader who presided over NYC during 9/11, could have been siphoned into Trump’s underworld. We got a Trump thanks to a compliant, sensationalist media apparatus that breathed life into his phony self-made billionaire myth, just as we owe them for Rudy, who they cast as a post-9/11 American hero.
By the time that the planes crashed into the Towers on Sept. 11, 2001 Giuliani was a master surfer of the wave of public opinion. In the attacks that played out in lower Manhattan, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, PA, close to 3,000 people were killed — 343 of them uniformed New York City firemen.
Overnight, the media turned Giuliani into a larger than life heroic figure. But the people that were most intimately familiar with the city’s pre-9/11 counter-terrorism preparations knew that it was Giuliani’s failures as Mayor which contributed directly to the horrific body count for the FDNY that day.
On Feb. 26, 1993, the World Trade Center was attacked with a 1,200-pound bomb concealed in a rental truck that exploded in the basement. The blast killed six, injured 1,000 people, and forced 50,000 to evacuate.
In a detailed after-action report published in 1994 by the FDNY, the inability of firefighters and their officers to communicate over their analog radios that day was flagged as a vital issue that needed to be addressed with urgency. In 2008 — when Giuliani was running for president — FDNY Lt. James Wood recounted his experiences during the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in an informational video produced by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF).
While the bombing had taken place during Mayor Dinkins tenure as Mayor, Giuliani was sworn in on Jan. 2 1994. As the IAFF recalls it, the critical report about the defective fire radios gathered dust for several years.
It took until March of 2001 for new digital radios to be deployed, but they were withdrawn weeks later after they were deemed responsible for a near life-ending miscue when a firefighter isolated in a basement fire in Queens radioed a “May Day” call for assistance that none of his co-workers heard over their radios. It was only picked up by another fire company miles away. The new radios were shelved, and the old dysfunctional analogs were put back in service.
The contract for the new radios was a no bid, non-competitive contract that was, as it turned out, just an extension of an existing contract with Motorola, which has a near-monopoly on emergency communications.
According to a report issued by the NYC Comptroller the next month, Giuliani had “willfully” violated “city contracting rules…. endangering firefighters in a reckless bid to buy a new type of hand-held radio that it later had to pull from service,” The Times reported that “the new digital radios were never properly tested before being distributed to firefighters.” As City Comptroller Alan Hevesi documented, “they were purchased through what he described as an improper process that did not allow competing companies to bid for the contract.” At the time, Michael Wolf, who represented Com-Net Ericsson, a Motorola competitor, told the Times he was stymied in his efforts to even get the city to consider his company’s products.
Just six months later, FDNY’s bravest faced the doomsday scenario as they sized up the rescue operation in the Twin Towers on 9/11 that would take so many of their lives. They were equipped with the same analog radios that had failed them so badly when the WTC was bombed back in 1993. As the IAFF video documents and as the 9/11 timeline confirms, at 9:32 am. on 9/11, an FDNY Chief ordered all members in the North Tower down to the lobby. Even though he repeated the order, not a single company responded.
At 9:59 the WTC South Tower collapsed; and at 10 am the order to abandon the North Tower was repeated. Inside the North Tower were 121 firefighters who never heard that order. They perished when the North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am.
“On 9/11 firefighters went into the North Tower and started ascending the tower, yet they were being called back and they kept going,” said Richard Salem, an attorney who has been representing several of the firefighters’ families who lost loved ones when the North Tower collapsed. “Not one other uniformed officer from any other department, who had functioning radios, perished in that tower other than the FDNY.”
Despicably, Giuliani tried to cover up his own malfeasance by telling the 9/11 Commission that the North Tower firefighters had ignored the radio orders because of “their willingness, the way I describe it to stand their ground.”
Retired FDNY Deputy Chief Jim Riches, who lost his son Jimmy in the North Tower, will tell this tragic story to anyone who will listen. He and other surviving family members shadowed Giuliani during the 2008 primary and carried on a media campaign that was picked up by outlets like the Guardian.
“These radios did not work in the WTC in 1993 and they did not work in 2001.” Jim Riches stated. “We got the story out there but when the media christened him ‘America’s Mayor,’ it all went away.”
You You keep trying clown. You got nothing
For information on what happened on 9/11, signed onto by more than 3200 architects and engineers, google:
architects and engineers for 9/11 truth
@Kevin stevens We have the Senate and the President…all you have is a half a bottle of lube and some glitter, fruitcake.
You You keep trying tool. You are the minority and are going down. Your comments only push independents, a former republican, to the left. So keep posting your stupid. It is working
Debi. Keith Oberman was the only person covering this in the media
Rudy Giuliani _didn’t know_ he was married to his second cousin. He thought it was alright to marry his cousin, believing she was his third cousin.
Who in their right mind would hire this clown to represent them as their attorney
Did you watch the Trump rally
@Richard T Please elaborate!
you would know about incest beings you are from incest moutain
Big oof
Alex. Only a clown like Trump would
Watch Booty claim he was running a RICO undercover surveillance of Chump…..bwahahaha What a Shoe?
Rudy belongs in a cell with Trump’s last personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Soon will have to build an entirely new prison, just from Trump’s lawyers. We can call it Trumpshank Correctional Facilities.
you belong in prison in the gulags along with the staff of msmbc you all need to be kicked out of this country most of you are pedophiles any how and treasonous KHunts and it is none of your business what Rudy does you fuckheads do not have the wherewithall to be in the same room as Rudy
@pappy schon exactly Rudy Giuliani is allowed to investigate obstruction anywhere he wants to
@Richard T #TrumpLife baby
@Richard T I watched it…what’s your point,?
How do you “drag down” a bottom feeder?
“We keep thinking we’ve hit rock bottom, and then we hear Trump knocking from below.”
I’ve forgotten who said that, but it just won’t stop being true.
@Gary Cooper , That is accurate ,Lol.
Rudy Colludie, making calls with his patootie!
I wished Rudy would hurry up and finish the job.
Trump’s the con man, and America’s the mark.
I think you mean Putin’s the conman and Trump is his inside man. And yeah, we’re the mark.
“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty” – George Washington
The American “ author”s voice is so horrible it could be sold as A Torture tool to US military