“The picture here is pretty clear,” says Chris Hayes. “If you're rich, or connected, or in the president's Cabinet, or one of his buddies, you get taken care of. And everyone else—you're on your own.” Aired on 12/10/2020.
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#RudyGiuliani #Covid #MSNBC
Rudy Giuliani: I Got Special Covid Treatment Because I’m A ‘Celebrity’ | All In | MSNBC
“That many others couldn’t”. The many others: 292,000+ dead and going up thousands each day. Yeah, it’s a hoax all right.
@TheDon Wins lol msnbc are like nazis leading people towards their own death because they want people to wear masks and social distance
. And trump isn’t what you described eventhough trump downplayed covid while holding rallies during a pandemic and told CULT45 to take hydroxychloroquine, but privately has admitted that covid is deadly and when infected with covid he did NOT take hydroxychloroquine.
Large portion of those people died in New York Elderly Homes
How do you know it’s 292k?, because they told you on the news, you really are an imbecile
Yes, Mr Rudy is a fighter for Truth & he deserves special Treatment. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump Victory

, Because human court cannot detect Fraud/corruption with their super small eyes
, & human court may support Fraud even with strong evidences. There are visible voter Fraud with Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….But, Heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & Truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..&
Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)….Woe/destruction to you all Liars & Fraud supporters (Matt 23; )…..Fighting a Good Fight in prayer for Pres Trump’s Victory
Meanwhile your Democratic leader Pelosi let people suffer by not being able to pay bills and put food on the table. https://youtu.be/xKz0AAA_ukI
Wow so the rest of us ain’t
I had to take care of myself 
Yes, precisely!
News Flash, eh?
ok, so keep the best medecine for the stupidest of our species…. Facepalm.
wouldn’t you want it
@DarkForse trump tripled his dads money
@Dxbxbx not Nixon was great man
@DaughterZion Ros I doubt heaven will help Trump since you know, he’s the antichrist and all. I would assume the people upstairs might want to take a hard pass on helping him destroy more people.
@onlythewise1 Really??? Where did you get that from. This is the problem with people who believe the fakeness of a reality show & the lies of a habitual liar. This is hilarious. Truth is he consistently bankrupted businesses & could no longer borrow from American banks. His money comes from fraud, tax evasion scams, foreigners who want favors from him & Deutschebank (who no longer wants to do business with him & has been longing to call in their $400million he borrowed from them & sever all ties with him). He has always been bad news. For the followers who fell tor that Apprentice scam, I feel so sorry for it all. It is a lie. Which other billionaire have you ever known or seen that runs around screaming “I’m a billionaire, BELIEVE ME, I’m really really rich.” He’s a joke & a fraud. Always has been. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/deutsche-bank-trump-ties-debts-after-election-reuters-2020-11%3famp
“Sometimes when you’re a celebrity….” Hmmmm. Didn’t I hear that same phrase from Trump four years ago that referred to grabbing something?
yes you did.
Rudy has to grab his own –
@boaty msboatface lol !!
so much for america being a ”classless” society.. Didn’t you all leave europe to avoid this kind of crap?
@Kel V guillotines
@Siobhan Leedham probably, but these people only think about themselves & don’t care if they infect others.
@xGodofAcidx I’m making a cultural statement, so its ok.
@29 corporations cannot be left wing as they are capitalist. The left is anti capitalist or capitalist (with strong regulations)
who said America was a “classless society”?????????????…….have you no clue at all……….
Of All Forms of Inequality, Injustice in Health Care is the Most Shocking and Inhumane…
“The let them eat cake” Trump pandemic policy
oh yes
oh wow
And it’s the American way. Be proud.
“That is the way”
Only special interests people folks, remember we are not equal with those SOB’S.
Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald Trump got special treatment for the coronavirus.
@Rudy Colludy Ghouliani So, if we don’t support trump, you think we deserve to die? You want to withhold treatment from anyone who does not support your politics?
When are you thinking of firing up the old gas chambers for those of us who refuse to die from Covid19.
They are vile POS. Karma will,get her revenge, I hope sooner than Later
Ok and now name the radical left individuals, the ones you hypocritically support, that also received this type of treatment. I bet you won’t complain about that.
@TherealLumpendoodle lmao the hypocrisy of this statement speaks volumes, wasn’t it democrats talking about blacklisting trump supporters? I’ve heard plenty of lefties say trump supporters need to be exterminated get off your high horse
@Steve Vilotti facts
I swear they are just pulling a weekend at bernies with rudys body and he’s been dead for a month. He looks horrible.
@Stopping By Joe Biden is the definition of A creep….. apparently Hunter is as well now he’s under investigation for tax fraud and underaged girls as the old saying goes Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
He took the vaccine, don’t take it, it was made in Russia.
@Richard Barry can someone please tell trump & his goony birds that personal appearances really do make a difference
Geez if we all could just look 1/2 this good when we’re in our 80’s.. hater.
So the “cocktail” is only given to wastes of skin?
That’s why they continue to minimize the severity of it. They have the best care that most ppl will never be able to afford.
You try and get it.
@Crowbar1115 Why didn’t Trump and Rudy get this canine heartworm medicine?
Yes, Mr Rudy is a fighter for Truth & he deserves special Treatment. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump Victory

, Because human court cannot detect Fraud/corruption with their super small eyes
, & human court may support Fraud even with strong evidences. There are visible voter Fraud with Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….But, Heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & Truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..&
Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)….Woe/destruction to you all Liars & Fraud supporters (Matt 23; )…Fighting a Good Fight in prayer for Pres Trump’s Victory
@DaughterZion Ros looks like that will be trump who gets all that without the winning part, the bible just described him to a tee!
The big-government Bolshevik socialized medicine and free
publicly-funded chopper transport services Donald got were pretty
awesome indeed.
And who paid for all these celebrities to get a dose of the vaccine?
We the ppl.
The same people were paying for the medical professionals to receive the vaccine
Once again the Republican party has shown it’s *NOT* the Party of the People, it’s the Party of the Elite!
Yes, Mr Rudy is a fighter for Truth & he deserves special Treatment. Heaven’s Court is coming to fight for Pres Trump Victory

, Because human court cannot detect Fraud/corruption with their super small eyes
, & human court may support Fraud even with strong evidences. There are visible voter Fraud with Mail-in ballots, night counting, late ballots, Foreign Dominion, etc….But, Heaven/universe creator sees all cheating/Fraud of Human heart/human hands, & So, in Pres Trump’s case, heaven’s Court is coming soon to bring justice & Truth (Jeremiah 1v19; Psalms 82v2; 76v9; Luke 18v6; )…..&
Heaven’s sharpened sword is coming to cut off all Liars’/cheaters’, Lie speaking/Lie arguing/evil speaking tongues ( Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Psalms 7v12; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4;)….Woe/destruction to you all Liars & Fraud supporters (Matt 23; )…..Fighting a Good Fight in prayer for Pres Trump’s Victory
whenever you rdy to riot ill be there to help
Your statement shows you don’t understand anything thats even going on. You get vaccines before you get sick. He didn’t get a vaccine. He got treatment. Every single person that gets Covid is getting the same treatments. Sorry that his health insurance is better than yours. You might want to ask your employer for better insurance if you have any concerns over the quality of your healthcare. Or, you may want to find better employment that offers what you desire. Like everyone else. Including Giuliani. Not his fault he’s smart enough to get that for himself while others seem confused about how any of this works at all.
he’s a friggin disgrace; not a celebrity.
@Pat Baisey he didn’t have vivid he had an upset tummy from to much of the Donny’s commie.
@29 no it’s the Trump supporters that can’t get over it.
@Emily Xiong yep and probably took a special bus to school everyday.
@Cecilia Lee You have NO idea what socialism is, it has NOTHING to do with Communism, but helping people in the country, you are ignorant.
@Remimi2017 It’s pretty sad. They pick a word, describe it with as much negativity as that they can. They then assign it to people they declare as their enemies. They have no clue about what the word means but with absolute certainty it is a bad bad bad word to describe the people who are being mean to the Cult leader.
People who refuse to wear masks & who model mask-less behavior as a “celebrity” should get the absolute worst treatment.
Yet you missed the point that we aren’t being sold these antibodies… only a Pfizer vaccine
The big-government Bolshevik socialized medicine and free
publicly-funded chopper transport services Donald got were pretty
awesome indeed.
Worst is mild, try poison!
That’s very tolerant and loving of you to say. God bless your heart
There is NO virus. CDC has admitted they have never ISOLATED the virus. Cannot prove any virus exists. So *what are they testing for* exactly?
No proof that a healthy person with no symptoms spreads a fake disease. It was just a bad flu. Anyone who takes this vaccine against NOTHING deserves the horrors that await them. PLEASE friends, look into this subject more. Only 6% of the deaths they say exist are actually from this bad flu. But the other deaths are normal deaths from other causes.
Like George Floyd, died from an overdose, self inflicted. Not a hero, not a martyr, no truth to any nonsense they spew.
I am very disappointed in Trump for allowing this fraud to continue!! There is no virus! Tests are completely meaningless. This is done deliberately to destroy the economy and make people WANT a dangerous vaccine.
A celebrity? Bahahaha, bless his heart. He thinks he’s important. Pride comes before the fall
Yes. Indeed. Thats true.
The gall of “Ghouliani” is really disgusting and disturbing.
The big-government Bolshevik socialized medicine and free
publicly-funded chopper transport services Donald got were pretty
awesome indeed.
Yeah let’s just say its the flu but as soon as they get it they need to be air lifted to the best hospital our taxpayer money could pay
He’s a legend in his own mind.
My grandmother died last wed. At 76. She left 2 children, 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. This sickens me to think she may have actually had a chance.
I am so sorry for your loss. Makes me sick how unfair the treatment is if you are a “celebrity” adding no value to anyone’s life, where a Grandmother is so important in so many lives.
I’m so incredibly sorry for your lost

Sorry for your loss
Pretty bad when you call yourself a celebrity. I guess he is just like Bozo was a celebrity when he worked for the circus.
“When you’re a celebrity they let you do it.”