Washington Post White House Bureau Chief Philip Rucker shares the latest reporting on what's going on inside the Trump White House after the president encouraged a violent insurrection on Capitol Hill. Aired on 1/7/2021.
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#Rucker #Trump #MSNBC
Rucker: White House Staff Don't Know What Trump Will Do Next | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
‘Trump 2020’ is not a slogan. It’s an expiration date.
@wrangler space you trumpists need to prove
@Liberty Freedom you need to watch real news instead of conspiracy theory stations . Or does truth hurt for some reason?
What do you mean, it’s already a shitholed economy under Trumps failed pandemic response!!!
But Trump almost succeeded yesterday – his organised break-in aimed to grab the certified college vote records and burn them. The legislature only had 5 minutes to hide the cases containing certified college votes and somehow they managed. Otherwise all evidence of the certified votes of all states voting for Biden would have been destroyed and Trump will stay on for another 4 years to say the least…
@Stephen Dale
And how do you know so much, I haven’t heard even the media explain this plan so well?
They were not rioters. They were Domestic Terrorists
@We The people is a no content troll site!
@Stasia Spade you people are the problem
But Trump almost succeeded yesterday – his organised break-in aimed to grab the certified college vote records and burn them. The legislature only had 5 minutes to hide the cases containing certified college votes and somehow they managed. Otherwise all evidence of the certified votes of all states voting for Biden would have been destroyed and Trump will stay on for another 4 years to say the least…
@Stephen Dale that’s a good story. Is that what they came up with to tell the people? Those were antifa. You can tell by their girl jeans ( skinny jeans ) and there beta male looks about them. You people don’t know what you’re talking about. You all may be stupid but….
@Stephen Dale i think regardless the Donald and Pence’s term ends on the 20th at noon. So even if they had destroyed them Trump would have no longer been duly elected after that date and time. And so Nancy Pelosi will be President in the interim.
The fact that Trump feels betrayed by Pence is comical.
@N NarcissMinator I believe that ship has sailed!
Of 100 favors, do 99 and miss 1 and you’ll recognize an ungrateful by the reaction.
@Santa De Jesusa It wasn’t Pence’s job to save Trump from himself.
He stood for him a lot but this ask was a ridiculous and lost cause.
He only looks like a traitor to you because Trump bullied Pence publicly to do it.
Trump wouldn’t be in this mess if he had behaved; he caused his own downfall.
Each man chooses good or evil of his own free will; its a gift so He lets it happen. He doesn’t pick favorite politicians as you’ve maybe been told. DMy respectful suggestion: don’t mix things up.
@Kandee Seaver Would not be bad to undo his unfair tax gifts designed for the very rich. He saved A LOT himself.
But Trump almost succeeded yesterday – his organised break-in aimed to grab the certified college vote records and burn them. The legislature only had 5 minutes to hide the cases containing certified college votes and somehow they managed. Otherwise all evidence of the certified votes of all states voting for Biden would have been destroyed and Trump will stay on for another 4 years to say the least…
I’m not surprised about the mob, I’m surprised how easy it was for them to get in without being shot.
The lack of melanated skin was their protection. It will also affect them negatively.
They are shooting unarmed peaceful civilians who pose no threat. But this mob was just let in. Unbelievable.
When BLM protesters were gassed, shot with rubber bullets etc and the white people what happened nothing 1 shot and died
But Trump almost succeeded yesterday – his organised break-in aimed to grab the certified college vote records and burn them. The legislature only had 5 minutes to hide the cases containing certified college votes and somehow they managed. Otherwise all evidence of the certified votes of all states voting for Biden would have been destroyed and Trump will stay on for another 4 years to say the least…
” The President is in a very fragile mental state RIGHT NOW “. This President has probably been in a fragile mental state since puberty.
Right Now? He has been for the past 74 years.
@S McDonald Woke Culture, get it right. There is only one group of liberals running around that have to hide in their happy place when the truth comes out.
@jimmy joe Sorry I don’t understand what you mean. What truth? What is ‘Woke Culture’?
@S McDonald Its the young Democrats and Liberals dropping Acid and calling it waking up. That is who you believe in right now. Its the people who want Cocaine to be legal.
But Trump almost succeeded yesterday – his organised break-in aimed to grab the certified college vote records and burn them. The legislature only had 5 minutes to hide the cases containing certified college votes and somehow they managed. Otherwise all evidence of the certified votes of all states voting for Biden would have been destroyed and Trump will stay on for another 4 years to say the least…
He’s always been in a fragile mental state. He should be locked away. At least.
Yes, for the past 74 years.
This is what happens when you elect a man child who has no grip on reality !
No grip on reality, i.e., laws, governance, the constitution, civics, empathy, compassion, equality, nutrition, poverty, health care, religion, science, public service…I’m sure I missed some!
@jimmy joe Lol, you can’t even spell his name correctly!
@quidagis33 Sounds like your Talking about Hunter Bidden working for Big Government again, why it has a huge pay check and he is greedy. Unlike trump who gives away his pay check each year.
Accomplices: Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh, Coulter, Carlson, Ingraham, among others. Anyone who’s been trafficking in lies and deception, misinformation and inciting seditious behavior like we saw today. Gotta get a handle on that.
@Joe Bruno, agree but he’s not just an accomplice, he’s a perpetrator, an inciter
@Kevin Clark Yes….because he was not ‘far’ enough to the right. Especially on the wall. She has not broke with them based on the respect for law, decency or civil rights.
Jeanine Pirro also comes to mind.
@Nata Lewis Yes, to all. Especially, the FOX part!
Your right, without their assistance in spreading misinformation trump would not have been as successful getting his message of hate and division to the people.
This was nothing short of an attempted coup on America’s principles of democracy. Invoke the 25th Amendment now!
Sedition, traitor, insurrection can not be better defined than by trump yesterday. the laws broken demand swift, brutal justice. High crimes and misdemeanors? No we are at civil war against the lame duck president.
More than this needs to be done. After we impeach & convict (which we should do NOW), the media need to point by point, lie by lie, refute with video evidence, official documentation, and sworn testimony all 10,000 + lies Donald Trump has sold his cult so that his cultists can see this fool for what he is, for what every other sane person sees and hears when this evil man lies. All the social media companies should then target his cult members with this refutation. All of the ads on all of the feeds for every one of his cultists will be this video refutation with facts, film, official documents, and sworn testimony so that maybe the cultists can be deprogrammed and finally see this liar for what he is, and so that no Newsmax, no youtube channel, no reddit forum can cover up the truth.
No being insane can be used by his lawyers to stay out of jail.
Trump needs treason charges
Can’t he just be removed from office and taken into custody? Totally unfit to continue, even for one more day, in his position.
Oh Trump is in a “fragile mental state.” Excuse me while us healthcare workers continue working!
@SURVIVAL OUTPOST CHANNEL what does that even mean
you got really triggered 
get used to it, you’re gonna be crying those little snowflake tears for 8 more years
Right?! As he makes their job harder, health care workers need more encouragement & help
As a compassionate guy, I think that we have a DUTY to get trump to the Betty Ford Rehabilitation Clinic. Immediately!! The poor soul is in real “spiritual” suffering. So y’all round him up and I’ll drive him up to Bettys place and we’ll get this poor, long suffering, misunderstood soul, one of Gods creatures, the HELP he needs.
@Kendall Peters you go buddy, I will drive you there too, no worries I got gas
Has Trump ever congratulated the healthcare workers? Any normal Pres would be commenting daily, and yet he says nothing unless its’to blow his own Trumpet.
“never did I imagine” – traitor trump has been leading up to this his whole lawless presidency. The 25th NOW!
Humm ? What after 4 years youve only just cottoned on ..zzzzzzzzzzzz
Not traitor trump. White supremacy. Due in part to white complacency. If you don’t want what happened yesterday to happen again then you need to be honest with everyone around you and yourself. There needs to be an active and life long commitment by every white person, including mixed people who look white (because we DO have white privilege) to face white supremacy head on. Everyday. Because it isn’t going to just end. Ever. It will never just end. It needs to be a constant fight against bigotry.
@Na Na Naa
Trump is a traitor
_”So Much Winning. You’re going to get tired of Winning.”_ – Donald J. Trump
The emperor has no clothes, give him an orange jumpsuit or a straight jacket.
Right on well said

It would nicely match his face color.
There are several free cells at Guantanamo Bay.
That you “couldn’t see this coming” is really just a lack of imagination on your part. A blind deaf man could have seen this coming.
“The best – is yet – to come”, said Junior’s witch, remember?
They not done yet America needs to wake up ..Thats just a sample of things to come ..More danger lies ahead even after he leaves office His whole family is Madd, insane.
This man is a major national security risk. He needs to be arrested NOW.
They all should be charged and have a criminal record that way they can never vote again.
VP Pence’s stance against Trump’s coup, was rewarded – NO FLY ON HIS HAIR.
Not even Putin in his wildest dreams imagined a more effective agent than Trump.