Rubio, Demings face off in fiery Florida Senate debate | USA TODAY

Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democrat Congresswoman Val Demings exchanged jabs during the Florida Senate debate as election day gets closer.

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The word "liar" was tossed out a few times, along with plenty of other tough language as Florida Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and his Democratic opponent, U.S. Rep. Val Demings, met on the debate stage in a heated matchup Tuesday night on the campus of Palm Beach State College.

Demings often was on the offensive as she tries to unseat a two-term incumbent and shake up a race where polls show her lagging, in a state that increasingly has trended red. A practiced debater, Rubio deflected on some hot-button issues, such as abortion, and tried to ignore others as he sought to avoid major missteps in the home stretch.

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#Florida #Senate #Debate

Rubio, Demings face off in fiery Florida Senate debate | USA TODAY


    1. @jabberyt
      …for Floridians! The rest of the country will continue to move forward, not backwards, at the hands of the likes of DeSantis, Rubio, and Gaetz!

  1. f sen.rubio was sweating buckets to an obnoxious point, he outta request a lowering of the thermostat. this is his campaign to lose and should win handily by double digits. i’ve been guaranteeing here since january that control of both houses of congress will flip in november…….and sticking by it

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