The Washington Post was first to break the news of a whistleblower who says federal workers greeted evacuated Americans returning from the center of the coronavirus outbreak in China without proper training or infection control protection leading to questions about how Trump's team is handling the health crisis. Aired on 02/27/20.
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Rpts: Trump Team's Coronavirus Response Mired By Protocol Breakdown | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Gee, turns out that “establishment bureaucracy” and expertise is pretty sensible and important after all.
@Brett McKenzie I think it’s called irony
@Wayne Claremont You are a Sucker for the Pathological Liar Tangerine . . . .
Can’t Blame The Black Guy now, He left you the Continuity Folder for this stuff, which 45 promptly ripped up!
Let’s remember that dear old humanitarian 45* said that people working to help Ebola victims should not be allowed back in the US and should “suffer the consequences”.
IOW: the people who helped in Ebola infected areas deserve to suffer and die since, after all, they were helping what 45* considers subhumans in “shitholes”. (i.e. they are “race traitors” or “US traitors” or “Western World traitors” or some such disgusting nonsense in 45*’s mind)
Surely he views these unprotected Coronavirus workers as the same (he surely didn’t care about their safety to begin with) and thus of no moral concern.
while some people did know the risk and put their lives on the line..which you should watch the interview more…Trump was the ones who refused quarentine and who wanted to come back to the states soon as they showed symptoms..main research and fact check gets you so far In life
Go get laid. Maybe you’ll cry less.
Mike Pence will oversee the fight against the coronavirus? What’s he going to do? Hire an exorcist to extract the virus out of sick people with Bible verses?
@MrSmokelife There is no plan… other than the advent of spring weather.
@MrSmokelife , you are delusional, fox lies at least 90% of the time, pence is not qualified for anything beyond abject toadyism, and trump has mandated all information on coronavirus be cleared by the very unqualified pence before release, a guarantee that we will never hear the truth about coronavirus and what is really going on. You can watch fox if you want to, you are obviously not interested in hearing the truth if you “think” fox represents the truth, those of us with functioning brains will skip the fox propaganda shows though, no thank you very much anyway. Thank you for your time, fool.
@MrSmokelife If Trump didn’t fire our pandemic response team back in 2018 then we would have had our best scientists and doctors already working on it months ago. Trump really screwed up there.
@Dan Cogswell I said YOU should watch fox, I gather my news only from actual independent journalist, then I compare the truth to the mainstream narrative and it turns out Fox is usually accurate and MSNBCNNABCBS never is. It’s almost like they make it up as they go along, because they do. I hope you wake up soon, you are the most dangerous tool in their arsenal.
@MrSmokelife , you lie about fox and the main stream media, why should anyone, myself included, pay attention to a liar such as yourself. Fake news fox almost never gets anything right, they mostly spread trumpian lies and russian disinformation, just as you do, LIAR.
Mike Pence, in charge, he’s the one who said, smoking doesn’t cause cancer .I feel better already
Coronavirus sips a cold one with Pence at the helm.
@Ben Lutz pence is bored as I type.
@Tootsie Troll …if they would let CDC do a study we’d know how much it has increased already. Seems some people are putting a plan into practice, notice the sporadic killings for unknown reasons.
@J V …it’s so helpful when one quibbles.
@lima leaf frog some people just like to be accurate instead of presenting strawmen and arguing from absurdity. Words mean things. There is nothing trivial about using words incorrectly to attack someones position. “Don’t listen to him! He doesn’t think smoking causes cancer!” Well it doesn’t. To argue so is an argument against fact. There is no “quibble” when correcting bad information.
All those firings and unfilled positions finally coming back to haunt Trump’s Campaign, just in time for November…MAGA Blues
He’s an amateur. Professionals avoided him.
The man is mostly a clown, but he will win the election again. If you can’t see that you are even more of the joke.
@Mith RandirPutin told America confidently, look it up on youtube, that he will be moving his propaganda cyber warfare on and will no longer be using bots/trolls out of RUSSIAN but will be getting Americans bots/trolls/to do battle within America itself. NBaimf says you left and right deserve each other suggest me what Putin was talking about and I’ve seen a growing but relatively small amount of American bots troll so far start to say Democrats and republicans are just as bad as each other but the economy is good so we must give trump some credit and allow him to steer the country. if NBaimf is neither left nor right what is he/she, is the question. Mith: sounds like one of those.
Everything is about himself. Even people dying. EVERYTHING.
@Zeek Banistor i see a lean body. A mind thats religous but not a bigot. A non cheater, no wife-beater. In a nutshell, i see everything a MAGA fan is not.
@Rob Wright I see you are a bigot. You just lumped every human being that voted for Trump into one tidy little definition. How closed minded and bigoted of you! Then again some on the left are quite nasty. Notice I said “some”.
Rob Wright Vote him out!!
Like how he says “if were doing bad people will tell us” And be fired, or silenced.
@Pat Kelly so far he has done everything that he said he was going to do when elected. I won’t say that he has been a good President…he has been a GREAT PRESIDENT!
@MrRondonmon The extreme ends of both parties are ruining this country. Congratulations
. And after he called you the “stupidest people in the country” on Oprah in 1988.
@Richard Conservatives are not extreme because we disagree with queerdom buddy and abortion. The left wing murderers are extreme. They MAKE UP the Conservative boogyman story, there is no such thing.
“…could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.” The stable genius is the only one that does not know – ANYTHING.
I don’t have confidence in any man that refers to his wife as “mother”.
@MrSmokelife As yours is?
@Just Say’n I’m a deep ocean of truth. Just Sayin’.
I don’t trust a man who so untrustworthy he can’t be in a room with a woman alone that isn’t his wife. That says a lot about his lack of moral character.
at least he didn’t say: “I think I know more about viruses than anyone else”!….
He probably did say it just not in front of a camera … Yet !!!
It must have been hard for him to keep that to himself. Time for RE-Impeachment.
Mark Gor But didn’t he? He claims the vaccine is right around the corner when the doctors say it’s a year and a half away. He claims there are only 15 cases in the US and they’re all getting better when the number has now gone up to 64. Given that there were 8400 people that got off the crew ship and only 200 testing kits available I’m sure that number is wrong.
@Margo Romero hmm… so you mean to tell me that someone has hit the Chosen One with the humility stick recently? hehe
WOW, Mike Pence has confidence in Trump. That’s reassuring to hear.
Hmm… I better look up that word… maybe “reassuring” doesn’t mean what I think it means…
You know the Darkly ironic thing is that secretary Azar could be signing his own death warrant if he is lying, which he probably is. I would trust a whistleblower over top Administration officials if my life depended upon it and it does.
The US can’t even manage to handle a small number of evacuees with contamination. This thing’s going to rip right through the US.
The CDC reports that Red MAGA hats coming from China have the virus.
@Badgersj I go to the doctor, hand him a card, not really difficult. You see I’m capable, I pay for the insurance I want, then I pay for my own small deductible too, so my neighbor doesn’t have to. Then when the elderly or disabled need a social program, we have several. Healthy young people who can work should work and pay into the social welfare of those in need, not to you and everyone because you feel a little ill. America baby, because freedom ain’t free.
@MrSmokelife Well, good for you, glad to hear it. Fine if it suits you. Do you feel the same about your police force, or your armed services?
One of the big problems with the NHS is people from other countries coming in with diseases, pregnancies or even aged parents, then throwing themselves on the health system and not paying for it. The biggest culprit is the whole continent of Africa, followed by – the USA. So, a lot of your fellow countrymen are not finding your system works for them. It’s cheaper to pay for a budget flight and pitch up at the closest hospital to Heathrow. One family even dumped their father and ran. The poor old man had no idea what had happened, or even who he was. Eventually his family was traced and he was sent back to the USA. One of his English carers happened to be in the States a year or two later and went to visit him in his American hospital, and burst into tears at the state he was in, in what was more or less prison conditions.
@James Ricker trump cut the CDC funds, they wouldn’t cut their own budget.
Orangutan Man: “If we were doing a BAD JOB, we should be CRITICIZED.” Trump and his Liar Brigade are doing a HORIBBLE JOB. HE should be IMPEACHED and the brigade run out of government on a rail. The entire Banana Republican Party is guilty of GROSS MALPRACTICE.
If that doesn’t make you feel safe,well I’d say you must be human.
Incompetent fool flying the plane, just waiting to go down.
“The President has every confidence in the Secretary as I do”. The kiss of death on any Official. He is officially the fall guy now.
Ask any coach or politician what a ” vote of confidence ” really means.
I guess he’s done a great job. I’ve heard himself talking about it so he must have done a great job.
phony “sincere face” of the century award to mike pence, I would not ever believe a word from pence without extensive verification of the validity of his position.
This is my favorite comment of 2020 so far

No one cares. You’re not important.
tyler street, I may not be important to you, but I am a honest man, can you say the same and be telling the truth?……… No, I didn’t think so. And I do not support this corrupt administration, or corruption of any sort. As a trump supporting toady you are in favor of the traitorous first American dictator, making you a traitor as well. So I can not express how little your opinion on anything means to me. Real Americans do care.
Rumor: This just out: due to Corona virus , all MAGA rallies have been canceled for the foreseeable future.
“We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows. ”
– well, that was encouraging thing to hear from your president. He sure sounds like he’s “done a great job”
Go get laid maybe you’ll cry less.
He is a real genius alpha man hahahaha
@Tyler Street It sounds like you’re projecting your inner feelings.
@Tyler Street Just did… still want to cry. Any other suggestions?