Bloomberg is reporting that President Trump ordered Rex Tillerson in 2017 to help a Turkish client of Rudy Giuliani's who was facing charges from the Justice Department. Tillerson reportedly refused the demand.
Rpt: Trump Once Ordered Tillerson To Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges | The Last Word | MSNBC
impeach all of those fools!
That there is precisely what the Russians refer to as “kompromat” against Trump. Proof of a crime the can leverage to extract favours – such as a US military pullout to facilitate an invasion to wipe out US allies in the fight against ISIS. Every Trump voter is now a traitor.
Amen , brother . You are correct . All supporters or sycophants of trump ARE TRAITORS TO THEIR VOTWRS, AMERICANS , OATH, AND THEMSELVES!! .
Just when you think Trump can’t get anymore crooked, you’re proven wrong
How does he sleep at night knowing thousands of people who have sacrificed their lives for Americans fighting ISIS are going to get slaughtered just so he can make a few more bucks? Where is the line for republicans?
Francis Moon
The line is black and white, and wealth and power… that’s it.
Republicans do not care about the greater good for humanity whatsoever.
@AJ P “governments” dont care about the greater good of society it’s all about power two wings on the same bird.
Francis Moon
Sociopaths don’t experience empathy, conscience or shame.
He doesn’t feel empathy, he doesn’t feel others pain or sorrow he is a sociopath, psychopath! He should be tried at the Hague for crimes agaist humanity. The world sees what he is there is no excuse for protecting this monster and the GOP are responsible for all his crimes because they enabled him! Will never forget this will go down in history as a Power grab by the wealthy for more power and money! End Citizens United, end the electoral college, end lobbying by the Pharmaceutical industry, oil companies, Wall Street, Big Banks bring power back to the People! BERNIE2020!
Because Trump is nothing but a thug, he respects other thugs around the world.
Yes he wants to be a gangster, and a theory of mines is that he has both the G O P Congress & Senate personal affairs to black Mail & control the party, mob tactics.
@OG Hymie Weiss when he’s in sing-sing then he will feel like a first class gangster

israel is protected by god so we do not must waste mony on them
So often, the president would say, ‘Here’s what I want to do, and here’s how I want to do it,’ ” Tillerson said, according to the Houston Chronicle, “and I would have to say to him, ‘Mr. President, I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law.’ ”
Prison has a “reservation” for Rudy Jewels!
Erdogan: “Now it is time to deliver and retire your troops”.
So, let me get this straight: Trump, who did nothing but bash President Obama for not being harsh enough on the Iranians and saying Obama’s agreement with them would only encourage the Iranians to develop an atomic bomb, presses Tillerson to get the Justice Department to lay off prosecuting a close personal friend of Turkey’s thug President Erdogan, charged with violating the Iranian nuclear sanctions. Just so Trump could then get a favor back from the thug Erdogan.
As Giuliani would say, “So What?? It’s not a crime, even if it is! You have no right to know about that!!”
Crooked Quid Pro Quo: It’s the Trump Brand……
Thuggery in the oval office the UNITED STATES of and the Republican party in both chambers.
This is what happens when you elect a President who owes money and favors to every shady leader around the world.
Couldn’t agree more.
Especially Vladimir Putin Trump is Putin’s puppy.
Giuliani couldn’t possibly defend his actions – even on Fox. His behaviour will go a long way to justifying the impeachment process. Tillerson, McMaster, Mattis and Kelly will play a major part as well. The president must know that his fate is probably in their hands.
Please don’t list Kelly with the good guys. He’s profiting off of the concentration camps at the border. Any wonder why they’re private, for-profit companies running them?? How many of his buddies making money off others misery? Oh yeah, private prisons where they get paid by the head count and crooked cops (Arpaeo) and crooked judges. hmm.
The great betrayer, still supported by the grand old brothel?!
I said from the start of his presidency that he’d sell his country down the drain for a few lousy bucks…..and that’s exactly what he’s been doing. Let the Sthn District of NY prosecutors loose on him and his slimy kids…they’ll all end up in jail.
This man does not know what it takes to be a president. America needs to remove him from office right now
Aaaah, the penny has dropped….tRUmp does business with dictator-types bc he can ONLY operate on the down-low, in a mob-style, lawless manner. Most democratic leaders are restricted and are guided by morals & scruples & won’t play ball with him on that level.
Since when does stabbing your allies in the back make america great again.
“You have no right to know that.” = Of course it’s true.
“I will fight corruption …….”. That saying has a familiar ring to it.
He is a traitor. He should be removed, and locked up with his enablers.