Royal commentator thinks new book on Harry and Meghan is cruel towards Prince William

Royal commentator Richard FitzWilliam discusses the book 'Finding Freedom' and why he finds the contents cruel to Prince William and Kate.

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Royal commentator thinks new book on Harry and Meghan is cruel towards Prince William


  1. This book only confirmed that Prince William was right about this girl and that Just Harry’s judgment leaves a lot to be desired. If anything William and Kate just came out classier and even more royal than ever.

    1. You are no different than William. Harry didn’t need to wait a decade. He was in his thirties he had been around the block and had lots of girlfriends before Meghan. He knew his own mind.

    2. @Don Pryce Just a question: Can one dislike or be cautious of a person of color without being a racist? I ask that as a woman of color.

    3. @Elaine Soto I think yes Elaine. I am not a racist at all but I like a person or I dislike a person regardless of age religion colour education profession…..
      Like always attracts like. If the other person is the opposite of my personality I would not bond or like.

    1. KDCMM Calolo in youre dreams Meghan is a scheming conniving grifter, she’s a horrid woman she’s taken what she wants from the RF now wants it abolished, you can’t be English or you wouldn’t be saying this

  2. This book is a childish way to explain HERself.
    “But, but William was soooo mean to me, and, and Catherine doesn´t want to be my BFF,
    and that´s why she´s mean too! Buy me a mansion Harry, in far far away, or I will never be happy again (you know what I mean Harry!)”
    Who´s gonna buy that crap, seriously?

    1. @Mim Moon I have read many many comments and I am convinced that almost all MM sugars are uneducated and use bad language. They usually can’t discuss in a mature manner but start immediately attacking and insulting others. I think they get paid to write such drivel.

  3. From what I have seen/read of the book, sounds to me like Meghan was the writer!–I don’t think the other two “authors” had much to do with it!

    1. *@Marjorie Hopkins:* Maggot had been keeping journals every step of the way. She handed them over to Marcus and he shared them with his boy toy, Scooby Doo. There isn’t a person following this farce that isn’t aware that every time mm’s lips are moving she is engaged in spewing lies. Even her “squadders” know she’s lying, but in the ‘World of Wokes’ the ends always justify the means.

    2. @gina wiggles Oh I agree! we are seeing so much of this attitude in the USA–You can tell she is a democrat!

  4. They try to make William and Kate staid and dowdy. As if following centuries of tradition is beneath a jet set couple like Meghan and Harry.

  5. Megnut is jealous of Duchess Catherine and the fact that Megnut will never be Queen. You left for your freedom, so shut up already and quit all the lies.

    1. Yep, MM is not patient, she wanted special treatment and respect instantly. Kate was not respected for more than a decade even after she married William. difference between a girl and a woman even if they are the same ages

    2. Debbie Collins Meghan doesn’t need a title she’s the title strong, smart, intelligent, and very well educated woman .waity Kathy can have it, she’s a doormat.

    1. There’s no proof that this is true because they are quoting the Courtiers, Buckingham Palace Staff, and staff from William and Kate. This has been confirmed through the lawsuit that Meghan filed against the Daily Mail.

  6. William dated Kate for 9 years and both of them made sure that if they wanted to get married it has to be 100%. And follows with having a family.

    1. She didn’t wait they were in a relationship it was early to get married William obviously wanted to enjoy his life because we all know after he got married he took his position more seriously

    1. @Irma Adams We don’t say high school, it is secondary school here. You need to insult a brit with their own language🤗 I do have a boring life .

    2. @Irma Adams Worked all day in my home office, in my pj’s. Got a takeaway and now slaging off your IDOL. The weekend, a big shop and a new top , probably go to pub for Sunday lunch . Boring , quite life🤗

    3. @Irma Adams Other side ? My opinion: MM is a malignant narcissist. This disorder comes with a range of personality issues ie grandiosity, entitlement, manipulating, controlling issues…..very thin-skinned interpreting everything as criticism followed by playing the “victim-card”. You must not be a genius to realise this book was written by a emotional disturbed person aged 15. All the commercial brands naming, telling MM is “perfect”, the intimate details, peeing in the wood makes her imbeccaple… a sign that MM wrote it by herself deluded by her personality disorder. This is not a “book” but a “script for a daily drama soap opera”. I didn’t buy and gave the money to a children’s hospice. That was more sustainable.

  7. Megan had everything to do with this book!
    There’s too many intimate details that her friends would have not have known about.
    No one but Meghan would have that information!

  8. It’s a hagiography as he says. All it’s done is to increase the disgust felt towards them and to increase the admiration for the dignity shown by the Cambridges.

  9. Where were the paps when megan was having a wee down the woods scobie collecting leaves with harry l expect for him to wipe her backside

  10. I cringe every time I see that footage of Meghan pulling Harry’s arm to make him sit down when he was clearly waiting for the other women to be seated. She had zero etiquette.

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