Paul Rosenzweig, former Whitewater prosecutor, joins MSNBC to preview the strategy of former President Trump’s defense team at the Senate impeachment trial. Aired on 02/12/2021.
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#Rosenzweig #Trump #MSNBC
Rosenzweig: Goal Of Trump Defense Should Be ‘To Bore People To Death’ | MSNBC
Hillary Clinton was brave enough to appear before the US House Committee on Benghazi, yet Trump is too cowardly to appear at his second impeachment trial. It shows you who the real leader is as opposed to the real loser.
@RobBCactive and he’d take four hours to answer the question ‘What is your name? ‘
exactly….because when you have Nothing to hide….you testify(Hillary Clinton)….when you DO… NEVER TESTIFY- SEE TRUMP ON BOTH IMPEACHMENTS… LMAO
@David Goldman not on 6th January he wasn’t so that’s rubbish, the dates irrelevant he was President & he’s still claiming to be by using Presidential Letterhead Paper so is he or is he not keeping in mind he’s refused to concede he’s still saying I won so OK you wanna be treated as potus then you can have your wish.. Stop The Count!

@Robin The one video of him at a deposition is hysterical. He couldn’t even read a document out loud without stammering and tripping over words…so embarrassing that the barely literate criminal would one day be the President. I pray this country will be spared from ever having to deal with him or his evil and corrupt spawn ever again. We have suffered enough because of him.
@golfdude2007 Trump is such a pathological liar that no lawyer would ever put him on the stand. Heck, his lawyers have learned never to consult with him without a recorder or a second lawyer as it is guaranteed that he’ll lie about it later.
I thought that there was the tactic on day one when they read poetry…..
What’s the point in defending an acquittal?! He’s NEVER been held accountable. This country’s laws are for the poor.
Freedom from justice for all who can afford it
Bingo. Hey, somebody finally said it. Not to forget that the rich also make money from privately contracted prisons too.
@Julian crooks Yep. This country was built by the rich for the rich to enrich themselves. We are all slaves.
I have a feeling that “boring people to death” will likely be a successful endeavor should they aim for it.
Being boring is the one and only strategy these lawyers are capable of.
Ignoring the facts is what they will do.
@Sue Zbell while democrats avoid the fact he said. Protest peacefully.
@Wally Censorship where when did he say it
Prove it give reference don’t just talk out of ur azz
“You can’t defend the indefensible – anything you say sounds self-serving and hypocritical.” — Diane Abbott
information does not equal knowledge
They don’t care
Trump threw his most LOYAL supporter Pence to a vicious Mob. What do Graham, mcconnell,cruz, etc think he will do to them?
Exactly he throw anyone under the bus to protect himself
Its only a matter of time. He throws everyone under the bus eventually.
That’s already the current strategy, with R senators deliberately trying to look bored.
Their go to excuse for not holding T rump accountable is going to be that the trial is unconstitutional — that way they avoid those inconvenient “facts”.
@Sue Zbell they failed quiz on day 1.
Legal argument for impeachment was cleared up first day.
They could get up there and say literally anything and the repugs will not do the right thing…
Their strategy will be:
1) Nuh uh.
2) What about that over there?
3) Whatever. We got 40 of the jurors in our pockets.
Vance sad but true!
Really!? MSNBC tell ya?
They will just deliberately bore people and wait on the GOP to acquit.
Defence lawyers don’t have to do anything Republic party won’t vote to prosecute trump its a disgrace
I personally think their best bet is to go with the “Chewbacca defense”.
Blame a space laser.
those gop Senators no longer wishing to be on trump side, just sit out this impeachment vote by staying at home this weekend.
20 Senators staying home would = 56/80 Senators = 70% passage of impeachment of djt.
The defense lawyers could literally just show up and say “Y’all ain’t gonna do NOTHIN.” And at least 34 Republicans will say, “That’s a compelling argument, I’d go with it.”
@Druca Ferreira what??
Hahahahahaha Trump could of shot a man dead with a pistol in his hand and the assassination broadcasted and he still would get off Scott free with the same defense….
@David Goldman with such good arguments, they would fit perfectly in today’s gop…
Sounds great to me!
@Nicole Isaac *could have
Defence team could quack like a duck for 2 hours still many Republican’s will say Trump was innocent.. What a joke it is
Replublican senators replublican congress gives giant middle finger to America.
And the police officer that died along with the rest that put their lives on the line to save their lives and American democracy itself
Lets face it. This senate trial system is stupid from the outset. It’s like having a jury stacked with mobsters being expected to pass impartial judgement on their vindictive mob boss.
This is lunacy.
Defense lawyer: “The other side relied on media reports and so-called ‘video’ as evidence.”

America: “Yeah, that video showed what was said and done, numb nut!”
Defense lawyer:
Judging by the guy giving his speech right now, that is exactly their strategy