Chuck Rosenberg discusses the abrupt resignation of four federal prosecutors from the Roger Stone case after the Department of Justice Justice Department said it planned to reduce its recommended sentence for the longtime Trump ally. He discusses the ruling's affect on the verdict, and how it will be viewed by the pubic. Aired on 02/11/20.
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Rosenberg: Eventual Roger Stone Verdict 'Infected' After DOJ Removes Appearance Of Fairness | MSNBC
Absolute worst corruption in any presidency EVER!!!
@Town _Biznessman You are just grasping for straws…Good luck! Ha!
@Paul Belardo what year do you live in? Trump is the current criminal in the white house. Obama won both the electoral college and the popular vote for two terms, and he was able to serve both terms without being impeached. Obsessing over Obama who hasn’t been in office for three years is really ridiculous.
@Debbie Martini No one obsesses over Obama lol Obummer was and is completely useless. President Trump destroy whatever legacy he thought he had lol
@Debbie Martini Trump is only impeached by the deranged Democraps. The impeachment is Fake
I feel a pardon comming whatever the judge will decide
V , if a person is pardoned , then there is no criminal record
Acceptance of the pardon *’maintains the record’,* Sayno…it *isn’t* a time machine.

And Stone’s never minded his *’two-faced rat’ status,* so…
You can’t pardon state crimes. Only federal.
If impeachment was the last recourse in preventing assassination, it has failed.
these are very dark times for our democracy, vote blue and any of the candidates will uphold the integrity of the office and sanctity of the constitution
“Schiff told us for 18 months he had proof of Russian collusion. Still waiting.”
I’m not going to debunk everything you said since you have obviously not looked into this OR you’re lying, I’m not sure which so we’ll stick to the first one.
Don Jr. admitted to trying to conspire with Russian agents to undermine the 2016 election, he implicated Manafort and Kushner.
@Town _Biznessman hillary lied 7 times to the fbi and congress.. nothing.. comey lied to congress and ..nothing.. 2 faced dems
@Town _Biznessman – Mcgowan *must’ve* ‘missed the news’…
@Paul Belardo so he misrepresented one thing trump said, then everything else he quoted wasn’t true. can you get any dumber?
Hey Sue, Lamar, Thom….and the rest of the #GangOfPutin
he def learned his “lesson”
good teaching
He learned he can get away with whatever he wants.
Historians will have *NO accolades* for *ALL* those who aided #45
, and *who chose* ‘party over country’. In fact, those so ‘ignobly noted’ will have *ONLY themselves* to blame for their unflattering descriptives.
That *won’t* help their future generations, however, who will bear *THAT* shame in their lineage.
CynAnne1 greed Over Patriotism
#GOP …
well, it was nice knowing you ‘murika
astounding just how far down you have sunk, in just three short years
Not Us, the government.
I’m Dutch. The USA finally a full Banana Republic! LOL LOL
You laugh as if it causes no harm to the rest of the world, for the full force of the US to be in the hands of a LegitimatelyRetarded, InsanelyMaliciousKKKunt, and for there to be no functioning restraints on his ManicSavagery. Has the Netherlands moved to a safer planet?
making nixon look like a choir boy
Stone has a giant Nixon tramp stamp on his back visible when trump bends him over.
@three monkeys stone is trumps head of brown shirts.
he/they already sent “armed poll watchers” to i think hispanic voting areas to intimidate voters in 2016.
im sure the majority of em were neo-nazis that jumped at the chance to play brown shirt and will again in 2020.
GreensOplenty No doubt. Just wait to see what the now untethered Trump gets up to heading to the polls. He has already told rally goers in NH to cross over and vote in the Dem primary to throw wrenches into the system like they did with all the phone line clogging in Iowa.
“We are the party that stands for the Rule of Law!” – republicans

” – the world
“I stay out of things, a degree to which you wouldnt believe”
Well, that statement is factual…. in that i wouldnt believe it, given him “staying out of things” is a lie.
This is off the reservation. This authoritarian autocracy is now unhinged.
And scary
Impeach Barr and then he needs to be dis barred
You might get him impeached but, you can’t think Moscow Mitch will allow him to be convicted.
@S. Lee Mccauley but you can get him did barred
Penny Munger You’re really going to be upset when Durham starts making arrests.
@Rod That’s the exact same thing y’all said about Horowitz and others and the Republicans couldn’t find anything!
@Rod I think you maybe upset because the bar has ask for Congress to investigate Barr bottom line . If you run for President run honestly not with other countries help and don’t say he isn’t because he has out right done it and said it . I will say no more on this . This country is in a bad way now you will see
Of course he’s going to pardon him. The democrats should be playing this on a non stop loop. Wow.
Lying to congress. Witness tempering. Threatening a witness with violence, deserves a sentence along those guidelines. The Feds will give you 5 years for threatening to harm someone for the transmissions via the internet, alone, without it being compounded by the charge being made to a witness. Lying to Congress should get you a couple.
Remember, it was Bannon’s testimony that sealed Stone’s fate.
Town _Biznessman When does Comey, Brennan and McCabe get charged for the very same crimes as Stone?
*When* was Stone a Government official, duly authorized *and* oath-bound, again…?
i’m a republican voting blue 2020, i’m am done …..
jdhdh hdbbdk I’m an Independent and will never vote for a Democrat/Socialist again.
Thank you,
Hahahahah. Yeah right. Nobody believes you. What exactly is your breaking point here? You people are a joke
@Rod , just judging by your insane babbling comments, you’ve never been an Independent and always been a RWNJ!

You’re right Trump, we don’t believe you stay out of things AT ALL.
He puts his nose into EVERYTHING—–Pete Rose’s Hall of Fame case, Hollywood actor’s roles, Prince Harry’s marriage etc etc etc etc etc.
Let’s hope the judge gives him at least 7 yrs
Holly Hocks – that piece of faecal matter should have been incarcerated 40 years ago but has slithered out of all his offensive shenanigans time and again, all the while with that smarmy, lopsided smirk on his twisted face.
Don Quixote Are you trying to tell me you don’t like him then?
Holly Hocks – if I was a Jesus jammer he wouldn’t be on the Christmas card list.
Donald Trump: “I stay out if things to a degree, you wouldn’t believe.”
Your right Trump we don’t believe you because we know everything you say is a pack of lies!