Former senior FBI official Chuck Rosenberg explains Attorney General Bill Barr’s surprising decision to authorize federal prosecutors to probe voter fraud allegations. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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#BillBarr #ChuckRosenberg #MSNBC
Rosenberg: AG Barr’s Memo Is ‘Only Designed To Appease A Petulant President’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump’s like that tenant that trashes their apartment before they are evicted. Sadly, he’ll make sure we all lose.
@1Luv1life <— Disoriented Red MAGA.. Dazed and confused, bumping into walls and wandering into traffic..
Trump used to bang on about how Obama had the whole place bugged. When someone like him makes bizarre accusations, I recommend watching his intentions imstead of wasting time and energy trying to show Obama did no such thing.
Biden needs to have that orange sh*t-stain steamed cleaned
You know that letter outgoing presidents leave for their successors? Trump will just crap in an envelope and leave it on the Oval Office desk.
Kenny Thomas – It will take a lot of Lysol and soap to get rid of all if the COVID and orange makeup stains on the furniture.
Entire Republican Base is Petulant.
Can’t Handle a Loss like Adults……
@Robert Dillon yes your right a cult
@meghnac78 Mitch McConnell might just be handing the Senate to the Democrats.
@Vihari —SURELY you jest. the dems justify the election fraud, because hilllllary ( THE SORRIEST CANDIDATE) to date, got sent home. @ Jack clark– talk to Nancy, and hillllary about alcohol, @Robert—ask Joe about Robert Byrd and the 3k’s “everything a LIBERAL is accusing anyone of , is the definition of that liberal”
They ALL wear Pampers!
@tim dryden
Federal Marshals will escort baby Donald out of the White House. Wait and see.
If trump doesn’t stop wielding his power in unconstitutional ways he will be dragged out in handcuffs.
@sharon nagle or a bodybag
@K. McKee
Yet they don’t intervene
@Grey Mouser
You think
@K. McKee No matter who he replaces atop the DoD, the guys with the actual guns will not obey an “unlawful order.” And his “Proud Boys” don’t have nearly as good the hardware as our troops have. Once Biden is sworn in, Trump’s no longer “Commander-in-Chief;” he’s a squatter and trespasser of the White House. He will be removed; one way or another.
Hey Barr!

How’s that “lock her up!” thing coming along?
He said he’s gonna release Hilary’s emails 2 weeks ago.. LOL!!
Like that woulda made a difference…
Barr: why do you think I’m doing this? So I can get my pardon.
It’s on hold for Rudy’s investigation in to Hunter’s (suddenly missing from ALL narratives) laptop…LOLOL!! MAGA Tears taste SO GOOD!
Poor Morons.
Can you imagine losing your Pap-Pap and Maw-Maw to COVID because Donald “The Grifter” Trump told you to? Then watching him lose the election and fail you!?!?… *WOW* !
If these people ever realize how hard they’ve been _Conned by The Don_ they are going to spontaneously combust..LOL!
Like rats on a sinking ship will do anything to stay afloat and out of jail .
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
From the UK
Am sorry mate but you are doing a disservice to rats.

Rats will jump ship when it is sinking but they don’t do anything to actually sink it!!!
Stay safe
@Timothy McAuley

barr is the biggest lap dog I’ve ever seen
Something else. He has a parallel agenda. He’s hedging his bets in case Trump eeks a win.
I keep seeing him as the Cheshire Cat added to that crazy Tweet VR video of the Four Seasons set.
Real life Cujo.
ms. Barr is going to jail too.
We CAN’T let BULLIES scare us….
It is scary though, for them it is fun, but for us it is our lives. We voted and that should be that.
@Janet Clough
Yep we are scared I have no faith in these Institutions
The Trump cult is pretty much the only portion of humanity upset by his defeat. The planet as a whole is rejoicing.
Well Putin and little Kim probably cried a few
@Chris Ileka WOW. You don’t even know me.
@M G Interesting how unconcerned djtRUMP’s worshipers are about fascism — but they’re soooooo terribly afraid of “socialism” they think the “dems” are about!
Milly the horse is fine
@68Charger this is why the lord said I got this. Dam America you really don’t fear God, do you?
Barr must be DISBARRED…..he’s supposed to REPRESENT THE PEOPLE NOT TRUMP!!!
Sad How People Believes their Own Lies and Make up Stories in their Heads… Shame On You Trump!
He’s a lunatic, but what’s worse is the people following him
Yeah, same here…shame, shame on you, Trump!
Agreed 100%
They always have followers. It’s unfortunate more people can’t see the insanity.
Stop appeasing him. Just tell the guy “It’s over.”
WAKE UP ugh! Trump is putting his unqualified sychophants, like Nunes who will do anything he wants, into high pentagon positions ffs! That is EXACTLY how you prepare a coup ugh
GOP can stop this but only if america stops acting like apathetic boiling frogs & pressures relentlessly like never before!
@Anne Mahoney yes so there has to be a way to let Trump know he will he letting go…silence is like complacency…
But then Trump would be like, “No you can’t quit” so the person says “I fire myself then” to which he shout, “No firing yourself! I quit you!” because he is a toddler like that.
@Shirley Allen yes he Head of the Election Crimes Unit resigned when he got that memo.
Barr has almost, not quite, but almost as much to lose when Trump is ousted. He, at the very least, most likely won’t be getting any more prominent positions. All those lawyers that quit and wrote letters against him will help see to that. With that said, his interference and going outside of his duties could possibly have him under review to lose his license and/or have legal proceedings that might have him jailed
He bailed because he doesn’t want to continue being a part of this s***show.
No, he is a career military and civil servant… We would rather suffer, be broke, go to jail before we allow our integrity to be put into question…
@PawetFashions Barr let his integrity be questioned when he helped cover up Iran Contra. He is Trump’s Roy Cohn.
Join the club bub
Like seriously she’s right people are scared and it’s getting scarier every minute.
Nice pic.
trump WANTS people to be scared….don’t go along with his attention-seeking bottomless pit of narcissism routine. Step away and realize we are the adults….find a way to excuse Barr as head of DOJ, and recall McConnel
TIME TO BE TERRIFIED IS HERE! Trump is putting his unqualified sychophants, like Nunes who will do anything he wants, into high pentagon positions ffs! That is EXACTLY how you prepare a coup ugh
GOP can stop this but only if america stops acting like apathetic boiling frogs & pressures relentlessly like never before!
@MaryLou Sherman
WAKE UP ugh! Trump is putting his unqualified sychophants, like Nunes who will do anything he wants, into high pentagon positions ffs! That is EXACTLY how you prepare a coup ugh
GOP can stop this but only if america stops acting like apathetic boiling frogs & pressures relentlessly like never before!
I like the way he says “with a a normal President” multiple times in the context of what he is speaking on.
Make no mistake about it, they are attempting a coup.
All it takes is getting blue states run by red people to call mail in votes fraudulent
He’d then be “legitimate” POTUS on January 21st, and yes, he’d be commander in chief for a 2nd term
And remember, don’t be scared- even though 70M voted for Trump, I doubt half of them would answer some call to arms.
However we have 75M+ (and counting) voters who will answer a call for peaceful demonstration, shutdown of civil life, if a coup is attempted.
This could be a direct attack on our democratic process.
@jeb1273 that’s why Trump is firing people at the Pentagon, so he could put one of his minions in charge of the military!
He got some in the military
@jeb1273 He is appointing his friends to the Pentagon who will be in charge.
The Next AG better go after Barr and his associates…this is a attempted coup on our democracy…
Why? The only fraud they found so far is in favor of Trump.
@David Drake Barr has used the supposedly independent justice Dept as Trumps personal business. It’s illegal. Supposed to be independent. He has committed felony and will be charged. Wait and see. He’s worse than trump. An enabler. No mercy
I don’t think they’ll do anything or else these fools wouldn’t continuously commit crimes
@RichardGUTUBE He does a good drunken Fred Flintstone impersonation.
These people are making fools of themselves and doing nothing but ruining their future careers by standing behind Trump during all of this.
Sara Turner and with each passing day trump is guaranteeing to completely tarnish his legacy in history. He’ll be studied in the future as “the American Hitler” who tried to destroy democracy
Just wanted to give President Elect Biden a thumbs up alongside someone with the same family name.
@Casey Turner

When McCain lost to Obama did he act like Trump? When Hilary lost to Trump did she act like Trump? Trump is a virus to our democracy!! No election is perfect.
It’s not completely the same but there is a good YT video showing how gracious President-elect Joe Biden and his wife Jill were to the then Vice President-elect Mike Pence and his wife. They had hosted the Pences to see the house that the Penses would occupy for the coming four years. Have you heard anything about Mike Pence and his wife doing the same for Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband? No, because as always, Pence is cowing down to the Orange Buffoon. Horrible, horrible role model for our young people.
The WHOLE WORLD is laughing at tRuMp.
Trump looks like he’s attempting a coup as republicans look on and encourage it with all their cowardly enabling!