Experts say Governor DeSantis has to defeat Charlie Crist if he wants to run for president in 2024.
RELATED: Florida governor debate: DeSantis, Crist make their arguments on CRT
DeSantis' emergence as a possible Republican presidential candidate in just a year and a half has shadowed his re-election bid against Crist, a former Republican governor who switched parties more than a decade ago and most recently served as U.S. Congressman for Florida's 13th District.
DeSantis rose in Republican political polls after his frequent clashes with President Joe Biden and his administration over COVID lockdown and vaccination policies. DeSantis and Republican legislative allies dissolved the special tax district for the Walt Disney Co. after it objected to a law that forbade teachers from discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill.
DeSantis authorized the transport of Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard, a Democratic stronghold in protest of Biden immigration policies. While the move was popular among GOP Republicans, the national controversy sparked a criminal investigation and a federal class-action lawsuit. The suit alleged the Florida governor authorized a fraudulent scheme that lured migrants with false information.
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Ron DeSantis isn’t facing any challenge for Florida governor. Crist is done. He might as well drop out
@Allison Orwell shut up groomer party member.
You live day by day by deluding yourself that your society is viable. How horrific.
If you want 12% inflation next year then please cast a ballot for any republican because if DeSantis wins easily inflation will rise above 9.1% and every one will pay $6.00/ per gallon for gasoline,witch is very good for bill gates and Microsoft because they own Exxon it will also help tremendously British petroleum and the United kingdom out of their economic repression but for the rest of us hardship neither DeSantis or bill gates are qualified to call themselves Americans because the voting rights act falls under the Us constitution not the British or belongs to Microsoft/Exxon,just try the remember that when you vote by 11/08/2022.
@Sofia Ruha you’re describing what Democrats have already done. The adults will be back in charge when the GOP sweep the elections. I’d seek therapy to cope
@The Kentucky Rifleman dear Kentucky rifle man I do not need therapy but those fellow Republicans who has been arrested charged and convicted of sedition and insurrection could probably use some,if you personally has participated in those events and has not been identified yet please turn yourself in to authorities because they looking for you ,the outcome of the November elections hinges largely on the criminal trial of the Trump organization and the government’s ability to prosecute those of like Trump and DeSantis as many of us has been anticipating since August whether Mr Trump will be charged criminally the clock is still ticking so any republican or Trump supporter I wouldn’t place a bet whether DeSantis will get re-elected it is not settled because the Trump DeSantis partnership designed to harm both of them unevenly witch should unfold by no later then the end of the year.
Yes it is! We want Desantas policies
Policies for bullying
@Susan Sharp
your opinion. We all got em.
He stands firm on the values I believe in so my opinion is the only one that counts
The fact so many people in Florida want a bully cruel person like DeSantis is very sad. I think DeSantis will win which is a horrible statement about my state.
How? Because hes firm, dont take any bs and stands his ground? Move out of Fla then, go where your beliefs policies reign
@Barrett Kettle You are that blind? If confronted by an equal or more powerful person like all bullies he will fold. My family has been in Florida for over a hundred years. Not moving and not condoning evil.
@Stephen Cullum
Well that’s your opinion, he has stood his ground so far
supply a link to go fund me I’ll contribute. Chicago would be perfect
@Stephen Cullum “Not condoning evil” LMFAO
DeSantis is a sad sad man
Your a very confused individual. Socialist I’d speculate
Not too quick here. There are many angry women that were not polled
So what? Let them be angry, they’re going to be anyway. I’m assuming you’re referencing the abortion subject and I think he is doing the right thing
Would not be the first time women have saved us. I am hoping enough get off the couch and vote. If they do DeSantis will lose.
@Stephen Cullum Not all angry women out there are pro-choice and pro abortion, just so you know. There are as well many pro-life and angry woman as pro choice and pro-abortion in Florida, and they easily push Desantis to the finish line.
@Stephen Cullum you really implying women just lay on the couch all day? Sexist much?
@Clappin’ThemAmogusCheeks Please! I have used the same statement for men. If we don’t make an effort to vote the anti-democracy voters will and we will be living in an authoritarian hell hole. Rather settle this at the ballot box than on the streets.

Would your head explode if you admit that both sides are corrupt?
Charlie bailed on Florida when the storm came.
Lol lip-licker fled FL then returned wearing GOGO Boots for photo opp
Did you name your profile after a liberal? That’s awesome! LMAO
I was gonna do it but i was afraid people would realize that i had no personality and that i was clinging to an old trend for relevance . You should be proud lmao.
I agree that the choice is between the least of 2 far from perfect options. But I am really in awe of how biased is the media when still dubbing the law as “don’t say gay”. Has anyone cared to actually educate themselves to understand the ill intent of that moniker? Parents should have a say in their kids’ education. (even more at a younger age)
yeah, ron said its about indoctrination but i guess he forgot to put that word in it too!! lying fascist
Ron is the best governor
Ron for President
…GOVERNOR RON …..BUT NOT YET President TRUMP 2024 first THEN May be Governor RON after President TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
msm already made a new trump. You’re out of style
I can’t choose between real trump and msm trump lmao. yes i can
A Ukrainian nationalist comes home after a rally, tired, hungry, looks, an elevator is working in the entrance, runs into the apartment, and there his wife cooks food on gas, he is already sick, goes to the bathroom, and there is hot water.
Sliding down the wall, he whispers:
– That’s right, the Russian invaders are back again!
We support young Ron. He is more better than another old governor as old Biden.
So he’s going for salary for the next 2 years while he dunps Florida to go on the campaign run.