Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, voiced his support for moving forward with a vote on President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, claiming the decision was "consistent with history." Aired on 9/22/2020.
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Romney: Decision To Hold Vote On Trump's Supreme Court Nominee 'Consistent with History' | MSNBC
“Don’t underestimate the power of our emperor”
Romney has learned that Trump is the New GOP and going against him could be detrimental to your Political Career.
Funny thing is Trump hasn’t done 1 thing to show he is an Emperor. Please explain your post. What has he done that has gone against the constitution? He didn’t start an impeachment with a fake report, spy on his opponent or anything like that……you who does that kind of stuff? Dictators….
His hypocrisy can’t be good for his soul.
Let’s make up the rules as we go along. Especially for an impeached president that you voted to remove.
Romney has successfully gotten both parties to hate him.
@MarcSylex Don’t blame Romney, blame the weak Dems, they can stop this with an impeachment
It’s called voting with your conscience not always along party lines. He obviously votes for his constituents based on his sky high approval in Utah.
So,@MarcSylex , your Democrats are back to accusing Mitt Romney of killing his dog. This is why Americans should NEVER pander to the left. They’ll toss you aside and smear you the moment you disagree — even once.
He should be an independent at this point.
If you’re a Democrat,@Legit Ruler, you can have Romney. Take him. Please?
I’m so disappointed in Mitt. I thought he might be a voice of reason and follow his moral compass, but I guess the allure of a conservative Justice is just too strong.
I’m surprised he can stand without a spine.
Telldem1 Its the puppet donor stick propping him up from the back because he doesn’t have any kind of spine !!
@Dan Saturday – I agree.
You really think someone with 5 wives has a spine ?
Epic rap battles of history … Obama vs Romney
They say your father was a great man , you must be whats left of him . Republiklans need a puppet and you fit , got their hand so far up your rear , call you Mitt .
Romney is a slick talking politician who has no standards.
Diane, Why are you blaming him, blame the Dems for being Weak, they can stop this with an impeachment!
@1pr007 don’t be ridiculous
@Jefryt 67 Explain??
Aww are you made bc he was in your side during the impeachment but now isn’t? Heck I bet you even praised him as a good guy during the impeachment but now that he went against you now he’s always been bad, typical progressive if someone had 1 disagreement with you that person is bad and you would never talk to them again.
@Alex Nowicki he is just a political hack that made a bad decision to side with the losers knowing it wouldn’t change the outcome.
“Following the law and following the constitution”……yeah, thts exactly what comes to mind when I think of this administration
Best comment I’ve read yet on Mitt’s hypocrisy.
Cant pass a covid relief, but rush to do this?
Covid relief comes from the House (Dem control), Justice confirmation comes from the Senate (Repub control). Dems are do nothings and worse, at least the Repubs get things done.
Democrats are blocking the relief in the house.
Romney must like Oscar Mayer because he’s a weine .
Trump will choose a Supreme Court Justices by the end of the week. Poor dems are getting everything they deserve. Joe will raise your taxes send jobs overseas. If you want to live in a communist country and support slave factories with suicide nets and enjoy looting and burning America to the ground and chanting no borders no walls no USA at all vote for Joe. C’mon man if you vote for Trump you ain’t black !
It’s always so hard to watch Mitt do something that he knows is wrong. It just drips off of him.
Yeah he looks stressed. Too bad. It looks like he’s going to follow the leader.
How is it wrong? Republicans hold the senate and the White House, why is it wrong for them to move forward?
@edward batista because in 2016 republicans said if there’s an empty seat this close to an election, that they should wait for the people decide after the new president is elected to fill the seat. Now they’re being hippocrates. Check the news.
Except he literally just said he wouldn’t block the vote.
Had thought he had more of a code. My mistake.
How sad Romney shows his true colours.
Cry about it, loser.
Trump will choose a Supreme Court Justices by the end of the week. Poor dems are getting everything they deserve. Joe will raise your taxes send jobs overseas. If you want to live in a communist country and support slave factories with suicide nets and enjoy looting and burning America to the ground and chanting no borders no walls no USA at all vote for Joe. C’mon man if you vote for Trump you ain’t black !
A long time ago Romney tied his dog to the stop of his car like a Christmas tree. He showed a lack of gumption ages ago.
“BANDINI MOUNTAIN” The GOP will lose every two years for a long time.
Used to think you where a patriot Mitt, i was so wrong
Trump will choose a Supreme Court Justices by the end of the week. Poor dems are getting everything they deserve. Joe will raise your taxes send jobs overseas. If you want to live in a communist country and support slave factories with suicide nets and enjoy looting and burning America to the ground and chanting no borders no walls no USA at all vote for Joe. C’mon man if you vote for Trump you ain’t black !
LMFAO, when Romney doesn’t vote with dems u sad, but when he does he’s a good little doggo.
And just like that….all his credibility evaporates
Do democrats bidding as a republican or lose all your credibility! Sounds fair.
So, you voted for Mittens in 2012.
@Mikevdog Yes when I saw them call Mitt Romney the most milk toast guy in the world racist I voted for him. The definition of racist to democrats and left leaning people means ANYONE to the right of AOC.
wait he still had credibility ? that guy ?!
Romney the weakling back to carrying water for his orangina.
GOP lesson : accept all insults from the orange monster, then lick his boots. Have any of these people any idea of morality ?
It’s all personal and emotional for you Libs.
Mikevdog sorry but not at all a « lib » here…
If they did they wouldn’t be conservatives.
Trump will choose a Supreme Court Justices by the end of the week. Poor dems are getting everything they deserve. Joe will raise your taxes send jobs overseas. If you want to live in a communist country and support slave factories with suicide nets and enjoy looting and burning America to the ground and chanting no borders no walls no USA at all vote for Joe. C’mon man if you vote for Trump you ain’t black !
” Who is your stylist? ” Frankenstein
” Where did you get your Wardrobe? ” Barry Manilow…” Who wrote that Speech you jus read? ” The ILLUMINATI
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of the Law”
How can supporters of Trump, pretend to be Christians?.