CNN's Nadia Romero breaks down the latest in the U.S. election, as the Trump campaign tries to stop the counting of mail-in ballots.
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There is no one that would vote for someone that cant even remember his name come on
@Mel Morrison who tf uses radio anymore. Are you delusional? Turn your brain ON and try thinking for once. How bout that?
@Guac4Lif3 lol that’s on China
@VISHNU NOT delusion: an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
How can the powers that be create a delusion? Also, the powers that be don’t want you to think that the pandemic is a conspiracy. None of what you are saying makes sense
@Guac4Lif3 I cant he’s dead
@Ben Cressman The powers that be……hi diddly dee said pinocchio with his delusion of what was being said and where he was led
Suddenly all swing states go Biden at the last moment, by just enough, but not to much????
@skate metal pre-election polls don’t mean anything. but the dems will probably change the law so they do
look up project veritas breaking news; election fraud revealed.
@Figurine by some uname loser source with zero evidence right and a lot of this and that!
it is what is it, the mail in would be stacked by dem because most of them actually fear long covid lineup.
@skate metal 180k votes being found 100% for biden, out of the blue, your election is rigged garbage. Cheaters dont win
Well, don’t you?
Oh great, Trudeau just got an idea for our next election……
He used it on the last election.
Yup, I can see it now, the “new normal” is going to be taking days to decide ridings.
1.4 million immigrants by 2023?
administrative state is controlled by liberals, I am sure the liberals are getting invalid votes. the administrative system is run by liberals. just think about it – one party thinks Government can solve the problems (liberals) and one party thinks Government is the problem (conservatives). 90% of government employees are liberals. so therefore all administration is heavily biased towards liberals including voting etc…
1.4 million immigrants by 2023, 1.4 million liberal voters in 2023.
Whats Wrong with this new network.
The name. They are “news”, not News.
Welcome to the party, pal. The news has been this wrong the whole time. You have to find independent news sources or at the very least, conservative to balance out the normal extremist liberal bias.
@poitsplace I have been watching info wars lately.
canada is full of crazy lefties. Think the usa is bad? canada is sjw central. Just has less ppl overall
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
USA will have a civil war, and China will be happy.
and Turkey, and Russia, and Iran, Pakistan and all the other shltholes out there, Canada included.
@Tom Nguyen yep. Shame shity china will never be as great as Japan.
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
@Tom Nguyen dream on, you’ll have your nose into th mud in no time,….just wait a little.
@Hunt Mike I am not Chinese lmao. I am just telling you their perspective.
America is about to have another civil war and no one is going to care
not the idiots, they wouldn’t care, only to have their stupid guts full. …nothing else….”me first, me first!
@Brett S OHH so now Biden steals it? I guess all the “scammy” stuff Trump was doing prior to this election you’re going to ignore? You do realize this was a record high in-person voting by America right? If there is THAT large amount of Americans voting, not sure how ANY stealing will be going on, other then done by Trump. There is FACTS, vs FICTION, and so for you pro Trump supporters and Trump himself are losing cause your believe in FICTION. “We should have “FEWER COVID” tests right? I BET you won’t tell me who said that.
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
If you think this you dont understand anything. Its going to affect the whole world including you.
@ChessMaster Master I hope so
He’s allowed to call in lawyers, stop suggesting he’s doing something untoward.
Out of the blue mt a$$ if they were for Trump you wouldn’t say a thing.
@Dregh but trump won 2016. u sure cheaters dont win?
@Crystal Bordage I definitely would, I don’t care who it is, personally I think they’re both in on it and its to create distrust among voters
But its not possible for multiple instances of 6 figures worth of votes coming in, and 100% of them are for Biden, they really couldn’t be anymore blatant with the fraud
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
@Figurine Ha ha ha that’s the exact link I just posted. Well done!
Biden gained 134k votes in 1 minute. Oh nvm “tRuMp dO aNyThiNg sO hE bABy”
@Lul Highman – Check the voting results between DWS and Tim Canova, ballots were illegally destroyed and no one went to jail because they promised never to do it again.
@Hiya They just wanted to avoid recounting the votes
@Hiya Reread your post, check your spelling and punctuation, then try calling everyone else dumb again.
@Darkwingscooter Amazing, isnt’ it? What are the chances?
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
They need Biden to win, so that he can start another war overseas.
I agree, Trump was against the wars
@Jonathan Szwed All the Mid East progress is going to be reversed with more wars. I have no doubt about it. The CCP who is playing the long game, must be smiling from ear to ear, as they already have Biden in their pocket.
@Jonathan Szwed He was until he became president when he could have pulled out anytime. He didn’t. One more reason he’s unfit.
Wait… he campaigns from his basement, does some caravan cruises and wins the most amount of votes ever? Only in democrat reality!!! Fraud.
When the Democrats can’t get their way, they cheat.
and burn, and loot
You’re not paying attention. They’re talking about counting mail in ballots and Trump wants to stop the count. That’s voter suppression. Why would you want a leader that advocates that? Rudy is spewing nonsense. When the ballots are counted part of the process is getting all the info about where they’re from. Not mars. Rudy knows that you trump supporters don’t understand due process so they straight up lie and you fall for it because they know you won’t look into it or even figure out how to look into it.
@Walter Platzer hey Wally, you moron most states have limits on the date which ballots will be accepted, but I’m guessing a liberal like yourself has no problem with cheating. If you actually believe in a democratic process then let Trumps claims go to court unless the big lie of voter fraud is real then obviously yo7 have something to hide.
“his personal lawyer” you mean the greatest mayor of NYC and a well credited lawyer? WTF!?
@GodEnderX yah the Hunter laptop that was dropped off by Hunter himself was for sure the Russians….. the only one who worked with Russia was Hunter himself and Hillarybeast.
@Robert Selles o yeah did the legally blind store clerk tell you that? thats weird, because the fbi says otherwise.
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
@GodEnderX actually Obama/Biden FBI told you that…. nice try
@Robert Selles take it easy on the meth. Its showing.
I love the fact that on an incredibly busy day for her, the reporter still took time to check in on her Grandma. That’s really nice
And he should this election stinks time to find out the truth.
…and find some punctuation.
Define truth!
@Diana Gorates We won’t know till this gets sorted out. Which it will probably not be ever.
1430000 ballots show up in the middle of the night michigan all for biden 100% biden that’s impossible humanely impossible
@mahones jones It needs to be proven just because it’s strange doesn’t mean it’s fraud it must be proven or it won’t matter. Proving it is the hard part.
When he is leading Michigan at 3:30 AM by almost 200,000 votes and then another 183,000 votes are counted before 9AM and every single one of them is for Biden that is suspicious. Actually it is statistically impossible. So yes calling his lawyers makes sense and anyone in their right mind would have done it.
What is your source for this? Where did you see that 183,000 votes 100% for Biden were counted at 9AM (on what day?)
All swing states almost simultaneously stopped counting. Like you wrote out of nowhere 100k+ votes all of a sudden and ALL for Biden in Michigan and NOT one vote for anyone else. A vertical spike in the voting graph out of nowhere the chances are 0%, but I am sure it is 100% ELECTION FRAUD.
@Leo in his dream
Memology just did a video on this.
When something stinks you need to find out where the smell is coming from.
Some more unbiased reporting!

“When something doesn’t go his way”, or some might say “when the election is rigged.”
“When Dems ‘Behave Badly’ TRUMP call his Lawyers” There, I fixed the Headline, YW!