Romain Virgo | The Song Beautiful to Me Interpretation | TVJ Smile Jamaica

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  1. Romain, you’re beautiful is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. What you and you wife have is awesome. Virgonation is here supporting.

  2. Romain love his mother dearly so he has to make it in life bkessing to u romain

  3. I swear these demons out there just active going around disliking everything encouraging, uplifting, beautiful and just full of love…..soooo sad…..

    1. @Jacqueline Bryan the lord said he will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies, so they gonna hate, let’s kill them with success.

    2. Will definitely be my wedding song, I got so emotional listening to this song, am beautiful with or without makeup, I never like makeup before, now this song allowing me to embrace my beauty more. Nuff love

  4. Wow! Wow! Wow! What a BEAUTIFUL 😍young man with a BEAUTIFUL SONG! This song 🎵 is definately TIMELESS…..Liz, you are definately Beautiful to your Romain. God Bless you both and your Beautiful Family. Romain I know mom is always bursting with pride, she did a great job in raising a Beautiful Soul of a Man. Just listening to this song gets me so emotional. BIG UP VIRGONATION everytime, I’m definately a fan. 😊🥳🎊👍💃🕺🌹

  5. Watching and voting for him from all together sing he’s so humble I’m still watching him… virgonation full time ❤

  6. Great song , awesome interview BUT Rom where was Liz when you got dressed ? Inside joke for Virgonation !!

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