Dr. Noel Gibney, professor emeritus at the University of Alberta, says the Alberta government is 'rolling the dice' with its reopening plan.
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Biking without a helmet, crossing the road, driving, all of these things are risky. Life has risk.
None of those things you listed are airborne. Poor comparison.
@Neville Taylor How does the distribution of COVID deaths in Canada in 2020-2021 compare to the distribution of influenza and pneumonia deaths in Canada in 2015-2019?
If you don’t know this, you should look it up. (It’s fairly easy data to find.)
@Primmakin Sofis Influenza deaths on average in Canada is around 6,000 to 8,000 per year. So far, in just over a year, with social distancing and mask wearing, there has been around 26,000 deaths from covid. What point are you trying to make here?
@Neville Taylor Not what I asked. Try again.
I asked that question specifically because it contains an important bit of information which puts COVID into a different light..
(By the way, the 2015-2019 annual average number of influenza and pneumonia deaths in Canada is 7,333.)
its like Robert F Kennedy Jr says ” I am only anti vax if you think wanting vaccines to be fully safety tested means you are against vaccines – if I want fully safety testing of automobiles does that make me anti-automobile?”
The states are 100% open and everything is fine.
@Eric 777 No Matter how many Facts or Figures you Compile, no matter how many eye witnesses or the mountain of common sense…..will EVER fix idiotic politicians or there blind mindless idealistic followers….lol
Except for maybe a long brutal Flogging….followed by a week or two in an iron gibbet!
@WolfeCanada Zero since they opened everything up!! Facts do matter!!
@WolfeCanada is that 600,000 deaths above the usual annual death toll?
@WolfeCanada its like Robert F Kennedy Jr says ” I am only anti vax if you think wanting vaccines to be fully safety tested means you are against vaccines – if I want fully safety testing of automobiles does that make me anti-automobile?”
Life must go on
then everyone will keep dying vause some virus will come back anyways
@Rebecca M. the vaccines don’t protect you from getting or spreading the virus
So… there’s that
Alberta is like Texas and Texas is open and giving it
That word no longer has meaning
Kenney will just change his mind in a few months, seems to be always changing the tone.
This guy talks alot…..but says so little!
More like reopening way too late. Give it up!
France vs. Hungary today. 67000 screaming fans. Yet still you can’t get a haircut in Ontario
“Rolling the dice” can be used to describe taking multiple covid shots.
@Neville Taylor anti gene therapy
@Neville Taylor its like Robert F Kennedy Jr says ” I am only anti vax if you think wanting vaccines to be fully safety tested means you are against vaccines – if I want fully safety testing of automobiles does that make me anti-automobile?”
“experts” a word this government has managed to make lose all meaning
@Neville Taylor _radical right-wing_
Ooooooh, you were so close to hitting buzzword bingo. You are supposed to use the term “far right”.
@Primmakin Sofis Nah, “radical right-wing” is far more on point.
@Neville Taylor “experts” a shield feckless pro-lockdowners use, masquerading as bleeding hearts.
@Neville Taylor how so?
Experts and their advice allow you to point blame for decisions.
An expert is someone that’s actually been on the front lines and has skin in the game.
One guess as to who hasn’t and doesn’t.
Trust The $cience
Tax is theft
Oh we definitely need to be careful put tampons in our bums just to be sure don’t u think
What are you talking about?
I guess we will see how it goes.
I am waiting for the Echo variant in the fall. This one will be even more scary.
Robert Conquest’s Third Law of Politics: ‘The best way to explain bureaucrats’ behaviour is to assume they’re controlled by a cabal of their enemies.’
If this guy is wrong, will he resign? Nope, NDP political operator.
I’m not paying for lottery winners
The West’s Roulette!
No, Alberta is not opening too early. The problem is we live in a country full of Karen’s. Infact, Canada is a giant Karen and were a gutless heap of nothingness.