Roiled By Trump Politics, NOAA Seeks Accountability, Atonement | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on the backlash within the weather science community over an unsigned statement from NOAA supporting Donald Trump's false claims about the path of Hurricane Dorian, praise for the team that stood up to Trump's misinformation, and the investigation into the genesis of the unsigned statement.
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Roiled By Trump Politics, NOAA Seeks Accountability, Atonement | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Roiled By Trump Politics, NOAA Seeks Accountability, Atonement | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. What NEXT?! There is not popcorn in the world for this!
    It *would* be comical if it wasn’t so corrupt and so disgusting.

    1. Kiwihame : Wasn’t it, “telling,” though? In the HEART of Trump Country, Alabama, no one panicked, before the weather service corrected Trump, right? And, no one there decided Trump was, “right,” and the Weather Service was, “wrong,” did they? Is that not PROOF that Trump’s Cult just PRETENDS to, “believe,” what he says? So long as Trump remains Greedy, Racist and keeps shouting, “‘Muricuh First!” they will FAKE Believe in whatever comes out of his Orange Orifice. The Land of Fake Believe? . . . 🤔

    2. Kiwihame your actually a significant part of the problem. You might as well be a Trump supporter. Your already helping him by nonchalantly normalizing the situation.

    3. This is a massive public safety issue; it’s hard enough to get people to evacuate when NOAA issues a warning, now everyone will assume that they are just lying to appease Trump, even if they are telling the truth.

    1. @Pete Lind exactly. Stupid right wingers are just mad they have to work and we don’t 😆. Once Bernie is elected we’ll have free stuff and more big booty latinas. Mexico should keep all the guys and kids though. Bernie 2020!

  2. B-A-N-A-N-A R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C !

    By now there should be no people left wondering how things like ‘Hitler’ could happen.
    That’s how it happens.
    Enablers are everywhere and transparency is missing.

    Get of this slope in 2020 or the US as we know it is toast.

    1. morganbesh a strong country doesn’t fall in 3 years by a fat Orange man. But a weak country apparently does in style.

    2. @Kent Brian There it is, right one time. The typical Trumper “America is a Republic, not a democracy!” mantra. A Republic IS a democracy, genius. Find a dictionary, please.

    1. @Stephen Paulson My conundrum is why are these folks punishing themselved by continuously viewing vids tht they find distasteful/factually flawedl/and built on falsehoods. If it were me… I’d change channels; I’d follow reporting tht I deemed truthful; I wouldn’t waste my time on anything less than quality commentaries.

    1. Dan Ozomatli : I appreciate Rachel giving more of the story and historical meaning, as it gives news stories context. History repeats itself; perhaps American citizens will remember past deeds and actions.

    1. Dumps has got to show his s in public every day. He felt upstaged by Dorian, and had to make headlines by acting crazy. We don’t bat an eyelash at that. Ross’s actions frightened us. We were hoping that there were some grown ups in the room.

    2. @Jamtommy1 Demented little troll using a Pepe avatar: I’m taking a moment from glorifying myself on 4-chan showing how ignorant, narcissistic, petty, and hateful I am by trolling a comment section talking poorly about the spray tanned garbage bag me and the rest of my sad, horrible little friends elected and love because he parrots the vile crap we think on a daily basis.

      I’m sorry…does the truth make you realize how small and wrong you are?

    1. Oddie : Wilbur Ross was the Russian Money Launderer in Chief, at the Bank of Cyprus. So, naturally, Trump put him in charge of America’s, “commerce.” Need someone to cover tracks, right? . . .

  3. Well Trump is a sociopath, a malignant narcissist, and the Chosen One to boot. So he isn’t obligated to listen to anyone. And he will fire anyone who dares to try and tell him anything. Even telling him the time of the day is enough to get you fired. The time of day will be whatever the chosen one says it is.

    1. Just jail this racist rapists constitution killer of AMERICA and given to the GOP GOVERNMENT OF PUTIN. NOW JAIL THIS TRAITOR TRUMP.

    1. @Spunkmire So, let me get this straight. Not only are we racists, homophobes, xenophobes, deplorables and white supremacists bent on the utter destruction of blacks and Mexicans everywhere, now we’re not “real Americans”???

  4. Honestly, watching US politics is like watching a 1,000-day-long Monty Python skit. It’s so ridiculous, it’s literally hard to accept. When your weather reporting becomes compromised because it doesn’t pander to Dear Leader, JFC, all hope is lost.

    1. @Hallands Menved Break up dead lock, the man is clueless.You talking as if what he does is well thought out.He has no goal , no end game and you are here talking foolishness.One thing that is necessary for proper functioning of society is order- been able to plan into the future.Businesses cannot plan because they do not know when Trump will cause a disruption with a tweet.You think getting up daily and just deciding to do or not to do without thinking about the consequences positive or negative is a good thing.You know the problem he could have caused with this weather thing.

    2. Trane Francks – LOL!! I equalled it to a exhaustingly long Three Stooges episode.

      You are spot on. It’s a circus….and a bad one at that

  5. Wilbur Ross…the human melting wax bust. He definitely needs to go, this is inexcusable. Compromising the accurate relaying of vital weather information that is vital to public safety over protecting the Presidents fragile ego is such an unconscionable breach of public trust.

  6. Welcome to Soviet Amerika, where scientific results which contradict the dogma of the Politburo gets you quietly shuffled to a collective farm in Yakutsk, while “scientists” who throw garbage science down a bottomless hole get money grants and the right to purchase bluejeans from the commissars.

    1. He could have even “gracefully” (even if untruthfully) blamed it on someone else: “I was given wrong information in a changing weather situation. Thankfully the storm turned from the predicted path and Alabama is safe.”

    2. If he had any wits or grace, he could have quickly ended this.
      But this is a pattern…imagine if “covfefe” was explained with a joke; “As you know, I have really big hands and fingers; sometimes they press several letters at once…”

    1. T.R. Plume – I am certain Trump instructed him to ‘take care of it’ like a mafioso. How would have Ross know Trump’s fragile ego was hurting.

  7. What next for Trump?? Change the locations of the countries to defend his ignorance? This stable genius is too dangerous!

  8. Wilbur Ross should be fired for non payment of taxes to his country of origin, he is so corrupt, it’s disgusting.

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