Seth Cousins, a juror in the Roger Stone trial, defends the guilty verdict, saying that it was "not rigged" and that President Donald Trump "damages our democracy" by attacking the process. #CNN #News
Roger Stone juror on trial verdict: This was not rigged

Only he can fix everything? Only he is the “CHOSEN ONE”, now he is “the law of the land”? He really thinks he’s a king!? Lmao he’s more of a court jester!
@It’s Meekers Thankfully, you – or what you say, think or feel, means no more to me than it does to anyone else. Toodles.
@It’s Meekers Rotflmao. Not quite and you never could.
@Carnell Bell Quit taking it up the shitter!
@v blackwell bet that high heel was up your shitter!
A criminal President equals other free criminals, who would have thought
What a great time to be a corrupted individual in every sense of the word!!!
I’m so sick of this assertion that if someone is a democrat, they can’t be honorable or take their duty seriously. This party is everything mentality is ruining our country. Let’s be Americans and humans and stop this nonsense. This “president” has shamed our country behind anything normal and it has nothing to do wirh party, other than his party refuses to put a check on him.
@Glenn V Yeah, you’re right.
I can’t wait til that loud mouth orange clown is in jail with him.
@Kevin K – Your adoration of tRump has already driven you insane, whether you’re a Ruskie troll or in his cult.
@Alexander Cartier Not during the trial ffs, that was a joke. Liberals really do have their sense of humor amputated at birth. Last week Trump said democrats want to give illegal aliens free rolls royces and every major news network ran a “fact check on free rolls royces”
@Alexander Cartier Several of those posts were about Stone, you are either lying, dumb or blind. She tweeted out the article about stone being arrested and spammed a dozen fistbump and laughing emojis. You’re so far left you’re off the deep end man, there’s no talking to you. I’m sure you’d be fine with neonazis being the jury of a young jewish man too?
@Kevin K Just stop trying dude, I literally posted a screenshot of the jury spamming tweets and emojis on roger stone being arrested and they all agree *No bias here* They are lost. They just repeat whatever Brian Stelter and Don Lemon says. These are thesame people who chant black lives matter while kicking a black man to death for wearing a maga hat. Same people who are very much opposed to racism but rallied behind Ralph Northam in KKK robes because he’s a democrat. You can’t help them, they’re gone.
He is completely destroying your country, democracy and the rule of law. Damn it America, I see this from thousands of miles away! By the way, I am not American, so please don’t comment and say ” liberal” or “antitrump”. I am non of the above. Just so fricking crystal clear even a blind person can see it happening. Wake the hell up!
@Philip Berggren And what kind of crimes did they actually commit? Definitely none against this country or anywhere near it.
We know.
@galaxy s –
those are some really weak crimes, as pointed out by the short lengths of their sentences.
Looking back, “covfefe” was such a nice thing to go crazy over…
2010Bla you will be eating those words very soon , wake up and stop sleeping at the wheel
@Mark Polk, great description of the TrumpTard.
@Marquis de Favras Joe Biden says JOBS is a 3 letter word
Where’s Batman, the Joker has taken control of the asylum
It’s A Great Time To Be A Convicted Criminal Friend Of The Orange Turd.
They could be related.
jealous ?
@luis nieves I Guess You Have Never Heard Of Sarcasm.
Joseph de Maistre “Every country has the government that they deserve and in a democracy they have the leaders that they deserve”. Vote and Vote paper ballot!
@Alex Domanovic Donald Trump is showing compassion toward the wayward both democrat and republican
@Bernadette Smart Actually north korea is one of only two countries with 100% voter turnout because not voting is illegal. The other is Belgium. North Koreans vote, the problem is they’re shot in the head if they don’t vote for kim jong un.
I think I speak for everyone when I say #Trump2020
Who ever thought, “America the great” would be powerless to stop a CRIMINAL gone awry!
Manateaparty – Fake Fredo always lying. The American Dream is Back!
“We are here to reaffirm that America is a nation that believes in redemption,” Best Champion Ever for criminal justice R e f o r m POTUS said. “We believe in second chances (‘Hope for Prisoners’ program in Las Vegas: helps former inmates
get back on their feet and reenter society after they’ve served their time).
in programs to rehabilitate prisoners before they reenter society.
he said. “When we say Hire American, we mean ALL Americans.
Signed the historic First Step Act, which reformed outdated sentencing guidelines, expanded judges’ discretion in punishing non-violent offenders, and invested over $400 million
Now, “we began a nationwide campaign to encourage businesses to expand Second Chance Hiring,”
Trump is a criminal. He has been mobbed up since the early 1980s. America does have power to stop Trump’s corruption in November 2020.
@Harpo “I’m only reporting what I’ve heard probably 100 times”
You do realize then that your conclusion is irrational, right? The number of times a claim is made or heard bears ZERO relationship to whether it’s true or false. This is extremely basic logic.
The last thing Putin wants is a head of US intelligence who knows what he’s doing.
A corrupt individual with little intelligence hiring someone with no intelligence. This would be very humorous if it wasn’t Trump always helping Putin.
Vote this lunatic out and throw everyone involved in prison.
He made these pardons to minimize his own crimes. He’s trying to rewrite his naked corruption as “Eh.”
He cant cause the whole wide world knows the truth, only them dumb stupid uneducated blind azzhole that thinks it’s a white verse black thang dont, they are so damn pitiful.
@thelionman2008 you know she is telling the truth azzhole
@carolina peters
LMFAO, you okay?
“the freedom that was stolen from you?” Is he for real?
Yes, it’s also my nightmare. Our country is going to be like N Korea, Cuba or Russia.
“Freedom that was stolen from you”. Rod, your freedom was legally taken from you because you perpetrated an illegal act and was convicted. So dude change your words because you are beginning to sound like the man you praise, a liar.
Fake news
That’s; what they do… they ‘think’ that when they say it… “It Is”… and only Crooks and Idiots will listen to it… and believe it… so, they will LIVE IT!
Well done America, another nail in the coffin of justice.
The US is no better that the worst fascist states and the corruption of North Korea!
I love Trump’s detailed commentary when he wasn’t even in the jury room.
Here’s a short simple message to Mr Self-appointed Know-all.
Just shut up.
More like “Chief Crime Enforcement Officer”.