Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and MSNBC legal analyst Maya Wiley on the president’s attacks against protesters who want to take down Confederate statues. Aired on 06/23/2020.
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Robinson: Taking Down Confederate Statues Is Not Destroying History, It’s Presenting Real History
The traitors were lucky to be alive. No reason to honor them.
@Joe Obiden Classic Dunning Kruger effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
@Stone Men Good one but let their stupid comments live on the internet for all to see. When future historians are analyzing past events these would come in handy. I am sure data analytics on these comments will help historians gage the ignorance and gullibility of some people.
At the time that statue was erected, he had never been a traitor. The statue of Jackson was commissioned in 1847 to commemorate his part in the Battle of New Orleans in the war of 1812. It was installed in 1853. The Civil War did not start until 1861.
New England states threatened secession during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. Their economies were threatened by trade embargoes placed on France and Britain.
Joseph Johnston was so traitorous, he found himself serving as honorary pallbearer at WT Sherman’s funeral.
Joseph Wheeler was so odious a turncoat, he was rehired by the US Army and made a Major General.
Was slaveholding the root cause of the conflict?
John S. Mosby said yes.
Bruce Catton said no.
Find the traitor.
Ask the ACLU.
Better yet, read about the organization.
“My biggest regret in LIFE was…impregnating Donald TRUMP’s mother” — Ronald McDonald, 2015
@L X Got to respect Mr Pence for his views concerning LGBTQ.
@William H Pence thinks the Earth is only 6000 years old.
Did Pence’s parents have any children that lived ?
Don’t insult Ronald McDonald.
Those gangsters should have their arms cut off and executed including their families. The decent American people of going out with weapons and anyone with any sign of the terrorist organization black lives matter must be apprehended to death, then do not complain when the people go out and execute them, the socialist press is in their sights.
The harder Donald tries to look strong, the weaker and more insecure he shows himself to be.
@William H There you go projecting again, clown face. it’s okay to come out…no need to point the finger anymore. you can now go serve your country in the military without fear of persecution by the straight guys.
@Alvaro Garcia Your babble is the results of injecting disinfectant. Do yourself a favor & stop, asshat. Everything you just regurgitated was totally unhinged & nonsensical.
lol.. why cant your wimp cult take trump down..you tried every scam in the book.. and trump keeps beating them..
you r a psych.
Everyone sees what you lunatics are about now. The Left is gonna have a rude awakening in November, thanks Raz and all those “peaceful protesters” over in CHAZISTAN who are responsible for a third death in as many days. You guys just handed Trump victory. People are already starting to view you as the enemy, rightfully so. LARPing Marxism is going out of style in a hurry bud.
If statues are needed to learn history somebody should explain to me why I know about Adolf Hitler, having never seen a statue of him.
Or Mussolini or Stalin or Pol Pot….
@Diogenes of Seattle white jesus is racist….hahahaha
@Diogenes of Seattle Gone with the wind, depicted life in the south at a specific time. It was the first time a black woman won an oscar!
Removed from HBO for being “racist”. What’s next? Roots?
Nancy Green (a freed slave) started a food brand, sold it to general mills, and became the first black female millionare. Aunt Jemima is now being destroyed for being “racist”.
David Dorns life mattered!!!
Learn the difference between “objective” and “subjective”!
@g0679 just like “chaz/chop”.
@Don Rit Gone With the Wind was not permanently removed.
It was removed until it could be contextualized.
And most importantly: it does not portray a realistic view of antebellum life in the south.
It does portray the Antebellum South in the way white racists like to portray it.
@citizenxgen and now we have proof that you’re either a racist or that you haven’t read the Bible.
Me: Hey Donald. You’re a bumbling autocrat.
Trump: Did you just call me a talking car?
@tubruton I don’t hate anyone I’m just stating facts.
Trump: You calling me a Transformer?
Let’s talk about roe vs wade. AOC, I’ll just swim across.
Hey biggus I saw a post you made on a different channel that seemed rather ambiguous. Are you for trump’s wall ?
Those gangsters should have their arms cut off and executed including their families. The decent American people of going out with weapons and anyone with any sign of the terrorist organization black lives matter must be apprehended to death, then do not complain when the people go out and execute them, the socialist press is in their sights.
The American Revolution was won by Traitors.
@Tonny Stalk the Revolution, pay attention.
@Justice Boofer So you’re saying we should have statues of the great men from Britain whom fought against
Nancy Beveridge Taylor
New England states threatened secession during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. Their economies were threatened by trade embargoes placed on France and Britain.
Joseph Johnston was so traitorous, he found himself serving as pallbearer at WT Sherman’s funeral.
Joseph Wheeler was so odious a turncoat, the US Army rehired him and gave him the rank of Major General.
Was slaveholding the root cause of the conflict?
John S. Mosby said yes.
Bruce Catton said no.
But enough prattling about such overly distant matters.
I’ve forgotten Eleanor Roosevelt’s maiden name. Could you kindly refresh my memory?
Regions of the southeastern US, areas known for issues related to lack of hybrid vigor – they tend to be mountainous, isolated – and without old plantations. They were known for fierce independence and did not generally favor slaveholding or secession.
Visit some Amish and Mennonite folk whenever you drive through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Kansas. Share with them your thoughts about isolated, insular social groups and genetics. Perhaps they will invite you to join them for dinner, and you can sample their tempting shoo-fly pie.
And if the South had won, they would have written the history books. And I prefer revolutionaries as we revolted against undue control and unjust appropriation from King George who basically ignored us until we started making a little fuss. Traitors are those that seek to undermine and destroy the government from within buy trusted individuals. Thats why Benidict Arnold will forever be called a traitor not a revolutionary like my ancestors (I am a Son of the American Revolution btw). You, we just call a troll.
@Karen Byrd no NOT TRAITORS! The Colonists that REVOLTED against unjust and undue appropriations from England. A TRAITOR is a person that seeks to destroy or subvert the rulers. The Founding Fathers were very clear on the fact that they had no wish to overthrow King George, just to become independant and free. Only a loser/hater would call them traitors.
Typhoid trump spreading racism, hate and pathological lies
Tim Dog
so how racist are you? how many lies do you tell? What lurks in your evil mind?
Statues has one place, which is Museums . Period.
@Brother Sanguinary sounds like you have it all worked out
Statues of racist punks shouldn’t exist anywhere .. Let alone a museum!!
@Brother Sanguinary That statue was erected well before the Civil War to honor his victory in the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. I agree that statues erected to honor Confederates for their part in the Civil War is wrong. But, this statue is not one of those.
Salah Mohamed
Let us remove all war-related statues.
What strange times we live in. People are actually mad at statues.
Deutoronomy 7:5kjv
Flag and statues of treason and “Perpetual hatred” ….. Ezekiel 35:5-6kjv.
seeking wisdom
watch out or the leftest nuts will ban you for posting links to versus in the Bible. Separation of Church and leftest idiots
Hebrews 5 13
It shouldn’t even have to be explained. It’s like if parts of Germany had monuments to the Nazi regime on public grounds today. It would be absurd and people would sooner or later seek to tear them down for the same basic reasons.
??????? I don’t understand your question.
You see the people tearing down the history of racist confederates, put in place by segregationists as being pro segregation?
What about Washington? He wasn’t a confederate.
@bryanatwku Washington illegally sold land that was owned by native Americans. That is how he made his fortune in the beginning. Wrong is wrong and it is time we all admit it. I know about Hitler thru books but I have never seen a statue of him. Stop protecting crimes to humanity.
@bryanatwku He sure wasn’t.
He actually died more than a generation before the civil war started.
Paul Arroyo, you mean to tell me Washington was an imperfect human? You don’t say…
I’d be fine with keep confederate statues…
As long as we kept them in a Hall of Losers.
Ro G
Of course.
The Union Army made such quick, efficient work of those inbred, halfwit, poorly led rebels.
That statue was erected well before the Civil War to honor Jackson’s victory in the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. I agree that statues erected to honor Confederates for their part in the Civil War is wrong. But, this statue is not one of those.
Yeah white people love a loser look how they love racist trump
@Ro G racist live for satan so evil is great for them and their God satan
Chris Rock said “If you”re on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. avenue, run!”
Proof that Trump is a Traitor to the United States, he supports Traitors who fought against the Union and LOST…Nothing else needs to be said
Should we build public statues of all America’s enemy soldiers?
Put Hitler near Trump Tower. He’ll feel at home.
If going for statues of enemies how about one for Bin Laden?
Tim Murphy
perhaps put a statue of you in a park that has a lot of pigeons. They can voice peoples
opinion of you on their bathroom break
@Joy B
Put him near Mara Lago.
We need to talk about roe vs wade. aOC, I’ll just swim across.
All monuments in Denmark are still standing since our first King Gorm in the year 900. The USA is only 248 years old !!!!!
Sure but they have taken down more than just confederate statues. They took down Teddy Roosevelt, he was one of our best.
They took down U.S.Grant’s statue they must have been mistaken with side he was on.
They tore down a statue of The Father of Our Country, George Washington, in my city. Anyway, the Jackson statue was erected well before the Civil War to honor Jackson’s victory in the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812.
What about George Washington being that he was a slave owner and frankly he was British being born in north west England yet he was a American President. What about Abe Lincoln who only stepped in after half is life as a worker on a river ship and when he did step in to rescue slaves thankfully, he suggested sending the slaves back to where they came from instead of fighting for equal rights from the start. As much as I respect what these two presidents done and thank them, it seems like there is dark sides to everyone in history really when it comes down to it that americans of today do not realize.
I’m 65 years old and I must be really stupid or something, because for my whole life, I’ve judged others on their character, NOT THEIR SKIN COLOR. Such a simple concept for some really thick headed American’s in this country. Grow the eff up!!
If those statues really are about history, then where are the statues to honor John Brown? The statues to honor all the indigenous people who died in the wars with the United States government? All those are Americans who literally died fighting for freedom and I have yet to see a single statue of them
That statue was erected well before the Civil War to honor Jackson’s victory in the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. I agree that statues erected to honor Confederates for their part in the Civil War are wrong. But, this statue is not one of those.
There is a massive stone carving being done, not far from mount rushmore. To honor Crazy Horse.
Or didnt you know about that??!!
There is a statue in Washington D. C. to honor MLK.
Or didn’t you know about that??!!
Want more? Build them!
Don Rit I didn’t know that. I’ll do my best
Leave the statues up. Add a plaque in big, bold letters that says: “Racist/White Supremacist.” —CounterRacist Codified Reply
You worried about some statues?? Its a test, if you chose a statue to come down, but don’t protest when a tombstone goes up, you lose..everything is test..remember that
“Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.”― Heinrich Heine
Racist ? maybe we should burn them.
@Mason Washington Racism has nothing to do with it. It’s about cultural heritage. Rome has a Colosseum, Egypt Pyramids, and near me stands a large building built by socialists. You appreciate your memory and knowledge, or you are helpless and destructive. I dont know how many WE are you, but I am sure that you cant speak for all.
niewiadomoco does Germany have hitler statues ?
niewiadomoco or were those buildings you listed built to honor a single person that was a traitor to the very country honoring it AND a loser? Give me a break
@Mason Washington Do you mean Roman emperors, pharaohs mummies, or Lenin’s mausoleum, which was closed recently because it was in a very bad condition? There is no Hitler monument. I do not miss this. His image is still present also thanks to American productions. Sculpture is a dying species.
Get “Killer” Joe Scarborough back on. I miss him and his sidekick, the polish lady.