Rep. David Cicilline, D-RI, joins Morning Joe to discuss the former special counsel's Wednesday hearings before the House Judiciary and House Intelligence Committees.
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Robert Mueller Testimony Will Change Some Minds, Says Judiciary Member | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Instead of origins Trump said “oranges”
@Jan fromOz,
– Trump has improved the lives of American minorities more than any President in modern history, and that wasn’t by accident, since he made it a campaign promise to do so!
Rand Kocher really? How? As an American minority, I’m truly interested to hear your thoughts because I’m just not seeing it.
@@Devin Alexander Fairrow
– By accomplishing the lowest unemployment in American history for American minorities for starters.
– President Trump, as all true Conservatives, hope to see rural and inner city areas that suffer with generational cycles of poverty because of lack of work have good local jobs made available. It’s all apart of Trump’s push for fairer immigration and international trade.
– I’m 64 years old and this has been on my political wish list since my 20’s, and Trump is the first President since then to express it as one of his as well.
– I wish him all the luck in the World with this and so should you!
Rand Kocher I appreciate that you seem like a genuine conservative with values that you believe. It’s sad, though, because our president is not and does not. I asked you what he’s done. You told me what happened during his presidency. That’s not the same thing. Black unemployment has been decreasing steadily for 8 years or so now. Sure, Trump didn’t do anything to stop that progress. But what did he actually do to promote it? The man is a racist. And how can you call him a true conservative when he was a Democrat his whole life before I took the Republican Party by storm with birtherism. Which is RACIST and just ONE example of how crazy it sounds to me, a black man, when conservatives say they care about inner cities. How can this all be? I could go on and on but it’s pointless. Thank you for answering. But I must admit, you have said nothing sir. I wish you well. I do NOT wish him well. Never will.
Mueller time
3:30 ! The rusher investigation!
the trump justice department has established a really low Barr. And the Barr just keeps getting lower and lower ever day.
@NPC#8675309 it’s not only about Russia I guess you either are rich or stupid I don’t care what charges the bring on trump at this he is screwing with the American people, higher taxes, no health care in sight the deficit is going up to an unreal proportion if this keeps the USA will have to fille bankruptcy isn’t that trump specialty……
@NPC#8675309 trump cheated plain and simple…… and just like trump not to many people read the full report ……
NPC#8675309 he’s making a pun
Barr is the boss. True Justice is blind. Sorry you, fascist Democrat, America is not rolling over. We are sending you all to the island.
I wonder if the DOJ will object to any Republican questions that deal with potential bias? I don’t think that’s in the report?!!
Well Muller is not able legally to talk about any of the report.. but all he can talk about is what you call bias.. BTW don’t forget Democrats wrote the report so it’s only full of bias.
xlioilx wtf do you mean by dems writing the report?
Mueller is a republican
@xlioilx Im for Trump. Today’s not the end Democrats will never be done.
the investigator must object to any impediment to justice, bring the charges, let the court deny them based on precedent, let the people object, let the law change to match the times
precedent is the word you were looking for.
@Patricia Manzi thank you
Let’s hope he puts country and citizens before party and lives up to the reputation that he has.
@Scott Allen Dude yes you do care.
If not you would not have bothered to respond haha.
@Scott Merila, whatever you want to believe, sport.
@Scott Allen It’s not so much what I believe is it is what I know.
@Scott Merila, you don’t know as much as you think you know. Anyway, have a good night.
@Scott Allen I think you’d be quite surprised at just how much I do know.
Rachel Maddow covered this very very well last night. The guy that signed that letter has no ruling over Mueller… Wonder how strong his integrity will truly be…

@Anna Dodson I am always open to opposing perspectives, aren’t you?
@Linda Galway Don’t you mean fabrications? Madcow is a tool of the Deep State.
When will you stop obediently swallowing whatever MSNBC feeds you? MSNBC are playing you for ratiings. Always the ‘bombshells’
but never any explosion 
DoJ owns the report.
Mueller cant do legally anything.
Just a question- if the testimony doesn’t go outside the report, what about the redacted parts? Can some of those be looked into somehow? It is part of the official report.
No. The redactions are for a variety of reasons, for example, investigative techniques. They will not be looked into.
Mueller is the supreme lawyer that would cause them to yield. the trump administration is inferior and refuses to acknowledge that this country is very idolized. it’s a disparagement against truth and a disbelief beyond action. good video!
you are just a subject, i’m a widget
since when was msnbc conservative …lol….never!
@Glen Bush
@Saltponds239 ” Hillary retaliated for!”
I don’t care forever at this moment
Be that as it may, I will fix it through preliminary
A fountain of liquid magma go blow
So I shield my window from going down
There’s certain lyres in youth
Also, when they find that butt head’s wrongdoing
The judge will reveal to us reality
For what reason did they pick you in the event that you fear reality
The country loathes trump since his capacity was abused
We have vindicated, retaliated for ms. Clinton today
We have vindicated ms Clinton today
I’m not a trump hater
In any case, I don’t bolster him
Rather plotting fetus removal
For what reason don’t you execute those chronicles
Because you are liable, liable you are
@Glen Bush I have only one response
The Republicans are like “Trump is OUR crook, leave him alone”.
Actually they’re like Muller hired HIllary’s attorney to work on the report so it’s bunk now we will expose Muller.. They can’t wait for him to testify they are salivating and dumboKKKs are just IMPORTING more MEXICAN SLAVES!
The hardest working President ever FOR the American people. The house of cards framing of Trump is in the process of tumbling down – all that is left is the rats. Comey, McAbe, Strock, Rice, Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc etc.
Why is DOJ threatening Mueller with a letter he better stay in the boundaries of the report? Could it be they are guilty?
BECAUSE MUELLER ASKED FOR IT – Didn’t Fake News inform you of that?
Well I heard it on msnbc last night so not sure who you are referring to..oh yeah. Fox..
CherBear share bear somewhere else. Show your face and name before you point your TDS finger
You stupid *itch! Mueller asked for the letter.
yes i agree. his reputation has been built up a bit though. i’ve seen him bale in a house hearing on drugs and it was a real joke. i hope he does do what is right
Trump sues to block the House from getting his state tax returns. Actions of a guiltless person?
@David Perrin yeah his head.
@David Perrin Yea – a hammer and sickle.
As Trump said ‘we don’t know the ‘oranges’ of the Mueller investigation’
We as citizens demand all questions be asked and answered. We also demand the publication of the entire Muller report Unredacted.
Ya, but goverment should not spy its own. So those who seek info about americans need to do so with private investigators.
Land of the free.
Are you that stupid or are you a bot? The Democrats that could read the unredacted report didn’t. What does that tell you?
The corrupt oaf in the White House still obstructing justice by having DOJ “limit” Mueller’s testimony.
To see how most Americans know jack about the LAW, continue reading.
I pray Mueller maintains his Integrity and Honor to America NOT trump
Any president with external influence from foreign countries should be arrested immediately and tried for treason