Robert Gibbs: Trump Wants To Drag People Down ‘To The Gutter’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Robert Gibbs, former Obama press secretary, blasts Trump’s ‘feckless’ response to Covid-19, and argues that if he managed the virus responsibly, Trump would be ‘coasting to reelection’ Aired on 09/17/2020.
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Robert Gibbs: Trump Wants To Drag People Down ‘To The Gutter’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Robert Gibbs: Trump Wants To Drag People Down ‘To The Gutter’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. You’re not kidding — I live in Manhattan for decades and Trump attended my church — we knew he was a crook way back in the 1980’s — I bet NO ONE from NYC voted for this creep — we knew him as a con man even back then.

  1. In her new book, Trump’s niece says Trump was scarred by his father and developed habits of lying and self-deception that shadowed him into the White House.

    “This is far beyond garden-variety narcissism,” Mary Trump writes in her book. “Donald is not simply weak, his ego is a fragile thing that must be bolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what he claims to be,” she writes.

    “In Donald’s mind, even acknowledging an inevitable threat would indicate weakness. Taking responsibility would open him up to blame. Being a hero – being good – is impossible for him,” she writes in the book.

    Mary Trump, a 55-year-old psychologist, blames Trump’s father for giving Donald his bad habits. Fred Trump Sr was a cold and forbidding patriarch who wanted his son to follow in his footsteps – demanding Trump to follow less-than-scrupulous real estate practices and eventually propping him up if his own initiatives failed.

    “When things turned south in the late 1980s, Fred could no longer separate himself from his son’s brutal ineptitude; the father had no choice but to stay invested,” Mary Trump writes. “His monster had been set free.”

    “The people with access to him are weaker than Donald is, more craven, but just as desperate. Their futures are directly dependent on his success and favor,” she said. “Although more powerful people put Donald into the institutions that have shielded him since the very beginning, it’s people weaker than he is who are keeping him there.”

    Putin, Kim Jong Un and Mitch McConnell, “all whom bear more than a passing psychological resemblance to Fred,” recognized after the election that Donald Trump’s personal history and personality flaws made him vulnerable to manipulation, Mary Trump writes.

    “His pathologies have rendered him so simple-minded that it takes nothing more than repeating to him the things he says to and about himself dozens of times a day – he’s the smartest, the greatest, the best – to get him to do whatever they want, whether it’s imprisoning children in concentration camps, betraying allies, implementing economy-crushing tax cuts, or degrading every institution that’s contributed to the United States’ rise and the flourishing of liberal democracy.”
    Trump’s initial response to the coronavirus “underscores his need to minimize negativity at all costs,” Mary Trump writes.
    “Fear – the equivalent of weakness in our family – is as unacceptable to him now as it was when he was three years old,” she said.

    She points to Gov. Cuomo’s response to his state’s outbreak of COVID-19 cases as an example of “real leadership,” further revealing the president as a “petty, pathetic little man – ignorant, incapable, out of his depth, and lost to his own delusional spin.”

    At the end, Mary Trump writes “Donald isn’t really the problem after all” – it is his enablers, from his father to the celebrity media to the congressional Republicans who acquitted him of impeachment.

    “This is the end result of Donald’s having continually been given a pass and rewarded not just for his failures but for his transgressions – against tradition, against decency, against the law, and against fellow human beings,” she writes.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to post the excerpts as I had not read his niece’s book. This country is going through a lot right now and relief and healing and sanity may come only when Trump’s out of office and sending him to prison will be an American catharsis.

    2. I almost think his sycophants are worse; they don’t have whatever genetic + childhood abuse as an excuse. They are bootlickers and such people can easily be persuaded into doing atrocities, e.g., Hitler’s group. Great quote from Mary–thanks for sharing it–seems to really hit the nail on the pointy head.

    3. Good overview of some of Mary Trump’s book excerpts. Interesting how literally dozens of books about Chump’s numerous flaws and failures have emerged from those who have worked for and with him over the years.

    4. what I really liked about Mary Trump’s book is that she doesn’t carry out any personal grudge but instead describe how he became who he is from inside the family and from a professional psychological view.

    1. He’s so intelligent, charming and articulate, I can’t imagine that he was once the head of the RNC

  2. No one else is sounding like a president, but Joe. He isn’t a great speaker, but he’s been doing better.
    He actually has policies, and some are good! What does Putin have to offer? Several million more dead bodies. A collapsed economy. More deaths.

  3. If Biden is elected, he shouldn’t give Trait Trump or Bill Barr if they are charged and found guilty of committ ing crimes while they were in office!!

  4. Trump is so uncomfortable and insecure in his own skin that he can only insult, criticize and put down people who doesn’t agree with him. This baby only knows how to throw tan-trumps

    1. Imagine what a monster Trump’s father had to be to raise a son like this — Trump is a deeply unhappy man who cares nothing about anyone, including himself — I don’t believe Trump’s known one happy day but that doesn’t mean that we can permit the monster he’s grown into to destroy our American democracy.

    2. so right angelina hunter. For anyone who can see it, Trump is a deeply troubled man who seeks attention any way he can get it. That’s why he lies so much… because then everyone has fact check and rebut, making him the most talked about person in the world – just the way he wants it – no lie (no pun intended brian lol)

    3. @lmsingh I hope in the near future to never hear his name again.

      I’m tired of being concerned about a deeply dishonest man who is in the most important office in the world and totally incapable of handling it.

      If he’s voted out of office he has so little concern about anyone, I can see him starting a way before he leaves the White House being carried out kicking and screaming and perhaps unleashing trouble on us all with our international enemies — he is a deeply dangerous man.

      Before he got into office I thought he was just stupid and morally corrupt.

      But with these past four years I understand just how dangerous he is to all of us and in fact, to people around the world in how he’s de-stabilized us with our allies and played up to our enemies. I pray for a miracle — to vote Trump out peacefully and begin our rebuilding of our country. Who would have thought this would take a miracle but that’s how much this criminal has divided this country.

    1. King Of Swords we have many people that listen to trump, and my questions are don’t people believe about all the death people in our country, and not only the people here, look around the world , this is very serious and people are not lessening, what’s wrong with our country, I’am afraid we have too many ignorant people in the USA is sad but is the truth

    2. @Matt Thompson The CDC says 190,000+ deaths because COVID attacks underlying conditions and exacerbates them. Stop with your low IQ crap.

  5. I have friends that are super republicans here in Wisconsin and they now voting for Biden. we are voting blue

  6. Just in the WTO ruled that trump’s trade war tariffs against China are illegal.

    China won and Mexico is now going to sue trump for the wall.


  8. My question is why does anyone have to tell them exactly what to do ? We have enough information to know the truth at this point and we know enough to keep ourselves safe… stop listening to these idiots, hunker down until we have the nation vaccinated ( 3rd quarter 2021) wash your hands, wear your mask, stay home unless absolutely necessary… this is a long haul people …. virus does not care about your presumed privileges … your only guarantee is to live and die everything in between is … well that’s up to you

  9. one thing that trump has never dissapointed us in, is being a psychopathic narcissist. everytime you think he can’t get any lower he takes you to the gutter.

    1. Biden DOES act presidential because he’s a decent man who has worked across the aisle with Republicans. I believe Biden’s humble enough to consult the intellects every president has access to but the current occupant of the White House won’t listen to. I also believe Biden loves his country and loves the American people not just his own self-absorbed self like our current president. The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Agains Trump — they’re my heroes!

  10. Wrong
    Trump has done the impossible — in less than 4 years he has dragged the entire US of A into the sewer
    Nov03. Cannot come soon enough

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