Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, Washington Post White House reporter Ashley Parker, and New York University law professor Melissa Murray discuss reports that aides say Trump may eventually accept results of the election, but never concede. Aired on 11/11/2020.
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#RobertGibbs #Trump #MSNBC
Robert Gibbs Says Trump’s ‘Legal Avenues Are Dwindling’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing this country
@Dan Dan I’m geeing you up Dan Dan , but I’ve noticed the comment quite a few times in recent weeks but your right he is killing Americans , there was so many red flags that was just brushed under the table and the biggest red flag was when he said he wants to run America like a business, just look at how many casinos and hotels that have gone belly up over the years to many to mention probably. When he said that people should of ran into the polling stations and voted against him but what he did was blind his supporters with greed and stupidity and they fell for it hook line and sinker it was a big distraction from what he was really about. His idol Hitler got into power on the promise of a great economy that put the men back into work, but it was a very big distraction from what he was really doing, plus Hitler caused chaos in his own country before he unleashed it onto the world just like trump is doing in America right now, the cities are burning the cops are shooting unarmed black Americans usually in the back and his supporters are willing to give up their lives for him hence the stupidity. Take care of yourself Dan Dan from Stevie boy in Britain
@Mr Fugazi okay

He did a good job of it.
criminal president is criminal. c r i m i n a l. criminal.
no exoneration.
@Peter Stoops A recount is a great idea! Then we can watch Trump lose TWICE!!!
@Michael Carter this too, is true
0% Integrity
More than that, even… Toxic, dangerous. You’d swear these professionals & experts speaking in general, were specifically describing HIM!! #MedCircle #DoctorRamani #PsychopathFree …js If the immediate & deafening sigh of relief heard across the entire U.S. (& World, actually.. his neglect esp re: covid impacted EVERYONE) didn’t speak volumes? …. It’s like, phew… “Heeeeere’s your sign!” Manipulation is quite the powerful tool. Patterns of behavior & same cycle of abuse followed as in a cult or abusive relationship. With a lifetime of practice, it’s all he learned, all he knows & imho…. lies by omission easier than he breathes these days. Doesn’t make it any less obvious. Let’s just hope he’s actually held accountable & is issued tangible consequences this time… rather than just talking, intimidating or threatening his way out of it, as usual. Imho, will be no conceding, no humble speech or acceptance of… He can only do what’s of benefit to HIMSELF, which… will be “had better things to do anyway” while forever claiming fraud… & will just walk out without a word, imho. At which time, every supporter who put their lives (& those of their loved ones) on the line & at risk JUST to go support, meet, rally… who have prob donated $$ too… All those manipulated, while they start to regain clarity not having the constant fog of b.s. & mind games + fkery spewed…. will quickly be discarded. He will have no further use for them, either. As someone said about a recount.. Nothing wrong w/ that IF a) difference fell within guidelines of law… qualifying FOR recount (0.5%) OR…. there was actual evidence presented BEFORE making accusations & claims. NONE of which, has happened.. to date. All court cases thus far, dismissed & unfounded. He can say what he wants… doesn’t make it “so”. In his case, it’s mostly been just word-salad & lip service… nothing to actually back it up, sadly. Imho for him, was never about politics & def. not about the people. Just about power, control & self-gain…. at any cost but his own. So important to recognize that those like him exist AND… to know the red flags. Trust in what can be proven, 100% & reserve benefit of doubt…. for those who actually earned & deserve it. All, helps avoid being fooled by their words alone. “B.A.I.T.E.R.S.” ~ Stay safe & be well.
@science wins haha
they’re asking a recount but look the result was given more votes to Biden, Pretty soon Biden will gain 7 million more votes , then Trump will throw tantrum like a kid, 

@Norberta Whitby EXACTLY!!!
Biden and Harris 2020

Soon we’ll have to drag Donnie out of our WH like a screaming three year old from the toy isle at Walmart!..

If only you had the brain capacity to understand just how much trouble your country is in…
I was thinking the McDonald’s playground.
@L H Just in case anyone hasn’t seen it
That will be good watching!! might have to tape and watch many times donald* must go!!
My 6 year old daughter & I were visiting a Walmart in Utah once & my young daughter was appalled at the condition of the toy department. The mess we saw around 6pm was shocking. You couldn’t even walk down the aisle!! This is how trump is trying to leave the WH–as a total mess!!
Trump and family need to be charged on departure from Whitehouse……
SDNY will be right outside his door.

Charged for expenses like fumigation, as well as charged for crimes.
And the corrupt yes-man as well … they can nanny him in Trump tower.
They will be and there’s multiple civil suits waiting for him. He’s gonna be stuck fighting in the courts for years
He’s pulling one last money grab from the MAGA hat wearing rubes. They are donating money to him thinking it’s to save the Republic, while the money actually will be used to pay off his personal debts.
@GotTheMunchiesShow It’s voluntary giving, though, so let them give how and where they choose.
@Michael Wuj So the safety and security of the vote counters doesn’t matter? Was it Biden’s supporters who were prowling around with weapons? Would you want your wife/husband/brother/sister/son/daughter in that room? Inside the building Republican Party scrutineers outnumbered Democrats by more than 2:1. You can believe whatever theory Agent Orange puts out, but my advice to you is this. Get an education.
@macro dethGo the L Ron Hubbard route, and make a new religion. You’ll get money for years and years.
Jimmy r, Let those suckers refinance their mortgage to get cash out, let them borrow from their bank, let them max-out their credit card, and let them donate the proceeds money to the biggest con-man in the world. I am happy for them. That’s the real suckers and losers for you!
Trump’s denial and narcissism are not above the law. He must vacate the oval office by January 20th, 2021 or he will be escorted out.
Secret service supervisor will call his hand picked team giving them that day off Right? What can he do time expired Sir bye now.
@Oracle Of Delphi

@saffron wetterTRUMP LIED, PEOPLE DIED! … LOCK HIM UP!!!
@Michael Wuj the poll watchers were inside and the protesters were banging on the windows screaming, so they boarded.
Trump’s post political career? Can he have one from jail??
Oh… there are enough MAGA Tards that will.
Trump won’t be alive when the next election come around
If your a Con servative
@DEEJCEE yep… Couple hundred post covid clots just waiting to let loose on the loser….
Bye Donny…
making license plates?
Trump lost by a greater percentage of the popular vote than any incumbent since Herbert Hoover.
And he lost the popular vote twice, don’t forget!
thats dumb, no he didn’t, take a look at the 1980 and 1984 elections
Awesome news to hear that Davis. Regards from us Kiwis
@Hamlet K Squid Both are true.
@science wins – Even better.
Donnie lost Bigly! Like nobody ever seen before! It was tremendous!
I, Donald Trump, your favorite president (not) LOST THE ELECTION perfectly.”
The beauty is that when he gets a recount we’ll see him lose again. In fact Biden might even gain some votes.
He’s not anyone’s type
It’s strongly looking like that!
That riddle wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in an enigma…Trump LOST.
you are so right mark carmela
Completley agree

Not even close to Churchill, he lost plain and simple nothing untoward just a manchild refusing to accept his reality and everyone elses. Thank him for trying to destroy your democracy and may you never invade another sovreign country and try to change theirs!
It’s called “the _burden_ of proof” for a reason.

“Make America Rake Again”
“Lawn and Order” Love it..
The Voter Fraud ‘Illusion’ was created weeks ago by Trump, knowing full well he was going to lose. Trump will not & cannot accept that he has lost, his EGO will always get in the way.
The legal fund is a final money grift. There’s no cash in graceful concession.
He’s been shouting voting fraud for years!
The “Facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd are learning that courts don’t care about their conspiracy theories.
Look Trumpets if the democrats were gonna rig this election they wouldn’t stop at Trump they’d have taken out Mitch and Lindsay too!
@Cindy Brewer
As they and any same person should.
Look. You are being too logical. You can not talk to trump supporters that way. They will go crazy with this kind of logic.
And Georgia would not be having 2 runoff elections in January. The democrats would have control of the senate also!
@Make America Sane Again And why aren’t they contesting in States Trump won?? I’m sure if they cheated, they would have tried it everywhere!!! I hope they do a recount! That way we can watch Trump lose TWICE!
@Cindy Brewer Do a re-count! That way we can watch Trump lose TWICE!!.. TRUMP LIED, PEOPLE DIED! … LOCK HIM UP!!!
Republicans have been scammed again. 1st it was the “build the wall fund” now its this!
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me……the idiots
If Democrats rigged the ballots why did they let Moscow Mitch win, he’s almost worse.