Robert Gibbs: People Are Concerned About Issues ‘In A Bipartisan Way’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, and president of the National Action Network Reverend Al Sharpton discuss President Biden addressing issues facing all Americans after he signs an executive order protecting the American worker. Aired on 2/24/2021.
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Robert Gibbs: People Are Concerned About Issues ‘In A Bipartisan Way’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Robert Gibbs: People Are Concerned About Issues ‘In A Bipartisan Way’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. GQP will not let Biden succeed on his plans for america to recover with the losses from the pandemic,…lives, jobs economy,…
      Republican will look bad when he succeed.

    2. @Baby Teano : First, GQP ? Cute. All that many people see with Biden right now is a puppet for the left. Shutting down the Keystone pipeline to please his leftist environmentalists, no matter how many UNION jobs were eliminated (and please don’t tell me that was just a few temporary jobs). Then you have transgender biological boys/men being able to compete against girls/women just to please the LGBT. Then you have his attack on the 2nd amendment, and the massive increase in immigration. NOT exactly a recipe for success.

    3. @William H Music 2020 How many accounts do you have bro. Jesus. Always spamming people with your abusive video links.

    1. Liberalus Stupidus are these the same republicans that vowed to make Obama a one term president that you felt were treated poorly?

    2. @Liberalus Stupidus
      Seriously? One of the main criticisms by your side is that he’s doing too much. You’re – as usual – just saying stuff that you think upsets us. Nope, we’re not done gloating yet. You folk tried to create a dictatorship and we stopped you.

      You’re a rat that’s been cornered by wolves – you bare your teeth, you stand up to act big, you make noises, but you’re going to lose. You might get a bite in, but you’re going to lose. You’re in an ever-shrinking minority. Get used to it. Trump was your last gasp, and he failed, you failed.

      I am done with you. I’m not wasting any more time on a scared child who’s making up stuff to sound brave.

    3. @CommonSense yellow haired Biden is backpedaling and teleprompter reading. Nothing else. The guy is fake

    1. I’m not sure, but I don’t think the Big Mac diet is going to help him stay alive until the next election. Even the diet coke is not going to buy him any more time

    1. Truth be told I would believe a Republican over ANY and all leftists on the internet like you because you literally don’t spread any facts. Just misinformation

    2. Ikr. Just a controlled opposition party for what normal white people that are left in this madhouse. We deserve better.

    3. Surely you weren’t thinking of Kinzinger and his like, were you? I know Mitt Romney has a spine and shows it, even when I don’t agree with him. The main problem is the loony Rep shouters are still shouting, and it gives the impression that ALL are self-centered and worried more about their cushy jobs than about their constituents.

  1. Finally a President who has a nationwide coordinated emergency response plan to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic and the damage it’s causing to the economy and the American people. 💙Biden

  2. I’m over “bipartisanship” at this point because, my Lord these Republican’s only seem to be concerned about bipartisanship, when it works in their benefit!

    1. Well what’s going to happen is MAJOR bipartisanship now. The Dems were so rude and divisive with the Republicans that the Republicans are going to give it right back but only worse

    2. @Liberalus Stupidus You’ve got it completely backwards… republicans have been partisan hacks obstructing everything they can every step of the way(except for tax cuts for the rich obviously). Divisiveness, which president was constantly spewing us vs them rhetoric, can you remind me? Which party completely ignored the other one when they’re in power and then cries for bipartisanship when not? Which party robbed Obama of Supreme Court nomination and then rushed an incompetent religious zealot within days?

  3. Leave it to the Rev to point out the absurdity of it all. God love you, Rev. Sharpton. I sure do!❤️✝️☮️

  4. brilliantly said, ty all. gqp being their usual ugly selves, blocking and delaying everything that they can. smh

  5. One thing is for certain, President Biden’s first trip abroad won’t be to Saudi Arabia to do the sword dance like Trump did during his first trip abroad.

    Obama visited our troops in Iraq just 3 months after taking office. Trump waited TWO WHOLE YEARS before he visited our troops for the first time in Iraq. And that was only after he was pushed to do so by advisers. Trump’s first official trip overseas was to Saudi Arabia of all places. But if you know about Trump’s long financial ties with the Saudis, it all makes sense.

    “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

    1. My favourite trump comment from that first trip was when he got to Israel and told everybody that he’d just come from the Middle East!

  6. It’s important to realize that republicans are responsible for all the messes we face in this country. All of them.

    1. I agree. Watch if the get x45 back in power as #47. I will guarantee that they won’t give 2 💩’s about bipartisan support. The dems won’t get a voice. The dems need to stand up against these repukes and treat them they way that they are treated.

  7. When the majority of Trump’s cabinet resigned, was fired, or replaced, they were replaced by “ACTING” heads of their departments who did NOT GET CONFIRMATION HEARINGS! The GOP should be asked, why didn’t you confirm THOSE people!?? Why were there people in charge with NO experience, NO vetting, NO confirmation!?

  8. I’m just waiting for the Republicans to apologize for the Big Lie, go to their people, and tell them the truth. It is unfair for all those deluded rank and file Republicans to labor under the weight of that lie and all its subsidiary lies. Let Americans on both sides experience the light and lightness of truth.

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