Robbers Identified in Portmore $23M Bank Heist | New Measures Needed to Fight Crime

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  1. I would not have given out the man’s wife number. I would direct the public to the police. What if he was a target or involved in something that could endanger his family?

    1. Yes you’re so right. And no photo of the missing man…. This whole report was done poorly.

  2. Are the body of those vehicles really armored? Arming the guards are obviously not enough. Beryllium needs to go back to the drawing board. In addition, their vehicles may need to be unmarked for certain errands in particular areas.

    Hmm… It will be challenging, but hopefully they can come up with a solution that will keep them at least one step ahead of these disgusting thugs!

  3. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash

  4. The poor wife and family of the missing gentleman.🥺😢 I can’t begin to imagine the fear and heartbreak. I pray that God brings him home alive; answers.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  5. The problem we have is not Police as we have a load of police doing their jobs. No, we need more Prosecutors and Judges and Prisons to help reduce crime. For instance, the Beryllium guards shot here- the criminals if caught will get bail and be back on streets quickly and if the judges and prosecutors manage to get them to trial before 2030 it will be a miracle, because the judges always saying they have too many cases and not enough courts..or juries.. so in that time they will probably just rob and kill or injure more banks and guards and bystanders

    1. So your grand idea is to prosecute and lock up the criminals who are mostly victims of their situations? What about jobs, opportunity, a livable wage and reduced corruption? Jail can not decrease crime, after these people are released they will cause greater havoc to society .As expected, your ideology is to terminate, not reduced by prevention

  6. The government of Jamaica don’t care about what is going on with crime in the country. He himself is afraid of the criminal them

  7. Signs of the time are everywhere. Things are not getting better… Jesus is coming soon friends. Just prepare to meet Him in peace. I know many don’t want to hear it but it’s true.

    1. Cant meet him if they have repented n baptist in the name of JESUS thats why the only way n living holiness n righteousness n obeying his laws n living 100% no sin no blame

    2. @Patricia Williams so u ago make pperilious times stray u from GOD u better get fire n stay under the blood of JESUS everyday n walk holy so his protection can always be around so when the weapon form it wont n will NOT prosper

  8. The police commissioner and Andrew holness told the citizens of this country that these security measures would cause some inconveniences.

    1. But it is not a crime plan. Both of them needs to resign and/or go back to the drawing board. Also the cops aren’t being paid so they’re not motivated

  9. Good afternoon.
    Talk about outrageous!!! Those thugs should never have gotten away, let alone with J$23.2 million given the close proximity of the 100 Man Police Station to the scene of the robbery. I have zero training in law enforcement or any kind of safety and security systems, but specific, doable security measures should have been put in place given that one security officer from the same security company lost his life (R.I.P) while executing similar duties just weeks ago.

    This is one of the many things that aggravates me about how things are done in Jamaica both in government and the private sector – no effort is made to prevent a recurrence or deterrence. Things happen and instead of learning from the mistakes, tragedies etc. we continue as if they never happened. It’s lunacy!!

    Imagine if pilots didn’t learn from historic plane crashes or doctors didn’t learn from medical research/mistakes etc. I would love to see snow in Jamaica because clearly the sun is too warm and people are not bothered or affected enough to be OUTRAGED AND DEMAND CHANGE!!

    The Pines Plaza is gated, the security on duty should have a direct line + code with a special word/term/numbers to the nearby police station that means robbery or dire emergency. Simultaneously the plaza’s entry and exit points should be closed. Who’s in must stay put, who’s out cannot enter. Thereafter the police should immediately contact the JDF and deploy air surveillance along with helicopter hoovering over the general area. The police should call for backup across the parish (St. Catherine) for maximum ground coverage. Show real police leadership and use all intelligence, expertise etc that’s available to the force. Coming to ask the public for help in a casual, matter of fact manner after the damage is already done is so predictable, lazy and ineffective!! Jamaica has a world record crime problem therefore the police and military MUST match or be 5 steps ahead of the criminals/thugs. Jamaica is too conducive to crimes and criminals.

    Why elect a government that cannot do something as basic and important as protecting all its citizens? While collecting and spending billions $$$ in taxes annually. Flipping ridiculous!!

    Shame on that security company as well. Earning so much yet you can’t supply your staff with real armoured vehicles to transport multi millions. And you need to review your operations strategy such as incognito vehicles/staff etc. This gives a poor impression of an established local security company😡

    1. I would give you a big hand shake….once shots are fired all gates should be closed automatically.

    2. @Mary Patten they want to pay to maintain the armored vehicle because it’s pricey but to them the staffs life value nothing. It’s a shame , underpaid and their lives at high risk

  10. When you know the amount stolen put it in the newscast that the money was 5 times more. That way the robbers will start to fight each other

    1. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🏅😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂you are smart 😂😂🤣🏅

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. If you don’t have them in custody why put out the information that you know who they are and not put out photos so the public can be on the look out so they don’t try to flee or hide some where? I don’t understand how the JCF operates at all.

    1. They just lying. They dont know who they are. They will not youse their privit car and do that it have to be stolen cars

  12. The Brinks money service is really a joke, i now believe those in charge has no regard for the safety of the security officers they employed, their method of securing the money is a shambles they’re supposed to have undercover vehicle that escort the the truck or go a head of the money truck and scout out the area for a few minutes before the truck arrives. How easily can they forget the robbery that took place a few weeks ago.

  13. This might sound a way, but maybe if more of these robberies keep happening and the rich in Jamaica is directly affected by crime, they might put pressure on the government to finally do something about crime. Something that ordinary Jamaicans have to deal with every single day..I always wonder as well why when crimes are committed against the rich in Jamaica the police seems to swiftly identify the parties involved and apprehend them, other crimes just seems to get no attention, anyone else notice this or is just because I wear glasses.

  14. The the Berylium’s remington shot gun, was retrieved by a chubby brown skin man in white T-shirt and grey cut jeans shorts, he is on video taking up the weapon and leaving the scene. He is well known to the community. People, the reward for such weapons is $250,000 – $400,000, so people do the right thing, tell the police where he lives.

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