Road to 270: Biden leading in these battleground states

CNN's John King examines the state of the race eight days out from Election Day with Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden leading in key battleground states.

#CNN #News


    1. Naw. Biden’s already got it knocked cold. Even CNN says so. Also President Hillary Clinton says so. Wait…

    2. @the big dipper yeah I’ve heard that one before, Hillary by a Landslide! 😂😘 you just never learn do you? Ruled by your emotions….Trump will get re-elected. People have seen the leftist mobs burning and looting and murdering people in the cities. The American people want that stomped out and want to get back to work. Get your tissues ready…

    3. How did you learn that lesson. Maybe Nov 3rd 2016. Hilarious REEEEEE Alt left radical cult goblins spewing cnn vomit ! Hidden/Hairass 2020 ! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ORANGE MAN BAD !
      REEEEEE! SJW TDS NPC ! Anderson Cooper is Keith Olbermann’s butt buddy.

      BTW, laptop from hell REEEEE sjw npc tds Hilarious !

    1. These Polls Are Wrong Anyways…And Republicans Are Just Getting Started…Trump Is Ahead In The Ones He needs.

    2. @Ron Wuerch if it is wrong, there are no need for those people who keeps coming to CNN and watch and then said Poll was wrong. If you are knowing CNN is wrong, then won’t watch it anymore..TRUMP will be out and we will win big.. TRUMP will be out very soon!!!

    1. How did you learn that lesson. Maybe Nov 3rd 2016. Hilarious REEEEEE Alt left radical cult goblins spewing cnn vomit ! Hidden/Hairass 2020 ! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ORANGE MAN BAD !
      REEEEEE! SJW TDS NPC ! Anderson Cooper is Keith Olbermann’s butt buddy.

      BTW, laptop from hell REEEEE sjw npc tds Hilarious !

    1. @M Reid Maybe you can explain to the people of Yemen ,Libya ,The Crimea ,Syria ,Egypt (twice) how a democrat with a nobel peace prize had his fingerprints all over the destruction of their territory.

    2. @M Reid Where have you been asleep? Or was it Trump in 2016 that attracted you to politics? You’ve alot to catch up on Rip Van Winkle and clandestine ops/ proxy wars would just be out of your scope.

    1. VOTER FRAUD ? Last election a Trump Supporter signed his Ballot ” o ” and this election ” x ” When asked why ? he said I changed my Name.

  1. “I’ve seen this before. I’ve lived this before. Too many people struggled, suffered and died to make it possible for every American to exercise their right to vote.” -John Lewis

  2. What about McConnell, I live in Kentucky and Mcgrath has really made some headway. There should be term limits because he has been in for 34 or 36 years

    1. How did you learn that lesson. Maybe Nov 3rd 2016. Hilarious REEEEEE Alt left radical cult goblins spewing cnn vomit ! Hidden/Hairass 2020 ! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ORANGE MAN BAD !
      REEEEEE! SJW TDS NPC ! Anderson Cooper is Keith Olbermann’s butt buddy.

      BTW, laptop from hell REEEEE sjw npc tds Hilarious !

    2. Especially if there is cheating already a police officer on tv got in trouble for giving publicity for trump and not leaving the citizens freedom of choice he was out and caught told you that people cheat but noone really listens go in person and paperwork bs don’t trust them for real.

    3. @Cc Silva I see your still pretty upset about 2016. Relax alt left radical cult goblin spewing cnn vomit !

      Hidden/Hairass 2020 ! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ORANGE MAN BAD !
      REEEEEE! SJW TDS NPC ! Anderson Cooper is Keith Olbermann’s butt buddy.

      BTW, laptop from hell REEEEE sjw npc tds Hilarious !

    1. And how did you learn that lesson. LOL

      How did you learn that lesson. Maybe Nov 3rd 2016. Hilarious REEEEEE Alt left radical cult goblins spewing cnn vomit ! Hidden/Hairass 2020 ! RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ORANGE MAN BAD !
      REEEEEE! SJW TDS NPC ! Anderson Cooper is Keith Olbermann’s butt buddy.

      BTW, laptop from hell REEEEE sjw npc tds Hilarious !

    2. @Christine Stange no, no thanks. The man is senile and I would really not like to have Kamala Harris as my president and Nancy Pelosi as my vice president. You’re an idiot 😂

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