A speaker who was scheduled to deliver remarks at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday was abruptly removed from the program after she retweeted a thread promoting an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory with ties to the fringe conspiracy theory, QAnon.
Mary Ann Mendoza, whose police officer son was killed by a drunk driver, had been included in a list of speakers sent by the Trump campaign earlier Tuesday evening. An updated rundown circulated before the convention, however, did not include Mendoza after her tweet garnered significant scrutiny following a report by The Daily Beast.
Mendoza had tweeted, "Do yourself a favor and read this thread" in reference to a string of conspiratorial tweets about a Jewish plan to control the world. She later deleted the tweet and claimed that she hadn't read "every post within the thread."
"My apologies for not paying attention to the intent of the whole message," Mendoza said. "That does not reflect my feelings or personal thoughts whatsoever."
#GOPConvention #CNN #News
RNC speaker pulled for tweeting anti-Semitic conspiracy theory

John McCain: Obama is a decent, family person
I still remember those days when the Republican party had some values!
@Obverse Singularity Ah… so you’re a Biden racist, AND you proudly have cultural biases. Got it.
And you KNOW Joe Biden wasn’t joking… because he APOLOGIZED. You on the other hand are proud of your racism.
Obama is elegant with his lies. Trump is brutal with truth.
@magic city covfefe
@Admiral Xizor do you work at being that stupid or does it come natural?
American exceptionalism is cultural bias… I’m proud to defend western culture.
I bet you wish you knew what any of that means.
@Admiral Xizor hey buddy, I think Trump made my point for me in his own words. But this has been known to normal people for months. Are you still stuck on stupid. Wake up dude or are you getting paid to spread stupidity?
Why is that?
Is it because they (cnn etc.) Has barked so many commands at you that you belive them and are willing to defend them without knowing what your talking about your just told to think that way?
MKNJ GT no look at the evidence never believe everything you hear!
@MKNJ GT That and cause basically every other news outlet (except for FUX news) has reported. Besides, the proof is in the pudding! Trump loves Putin and it shows! There’s a reason why he treats him better than his own staff!
@Samantha ThE PhILOsOpHeR I have and the evidence is there to convict the Obama Administration for spying, its also there for Hillary to get lethal injection.
It’s ok to be racist in the trump party as long as you don’t tweet about it!!
Jackie Andrea
Oh you mean that one guy. The one that’s dead….
Jackie Andrea
It doesn’t matter what was. What they’re doing now, proves exactly what they are. There is no doubt in people’s minds. People are walking away every day in droves. Black people are waking up to what is being done to them by the DNC and walking away by the tens of thousands by the week. So that speaks for itself. We will see come November. Get ready to scream at the sky some more, because there’s no way the democrats can win this, not fairly anyway.
@Thereal DrHankMcCoy Well obviously you live under a rock So pay attention. Go to Google.com and type in Ilhan Ohmar and the word Antisemitic and a bunch of articles come up. Here’s an NPR one https://www.npr.org/2019/03/07/700901834/minnesota-congresswoman-ignites-debate-on-israel-and-anti-semitism.
TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt Easily losing the popular vote like in 2016….

We are just following liberals examples. You are the racists. Omar etc.
Don’t know why she was pulled out of the RNC line-up. She seems to fit in just fine with others in this administration.
It would just be another Donni jr girlfriend (cruella’s) speach
Maybe too overt? They seem to be putting a new coat of paint on things to hide how terrible they really are
#FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020
Because she let outsiders hear/see what they all think.
Pulled for a reason. Use your brain.
He has shown us his true colors now for almost 4 years..he is a racist and we ALL see it. Vote Blue for the safety of America.
It would just be another Donni jr girlfriend (cruella’s) speach
@michael nolast Racist can’t tell they are Racist That’s why we have to point it out, if you care about it you should change. If you are happy being a RACIST than vote for trump. do what your soul tells you.
#votegold #jojorgenson
@Master Blaster maybe to the small minded people but I don’t wake up in the morning wondering if someone hates me I don’t care it stupid to say u don’t know your racist. But if the shoe fits where it. If you have a good cause that I can agree on I will stand beside you and fight. No matter the skin color. Not all people are bad my brother.
@Ash Roskell The “Reinstate Glass-Steagall” activists would at least be willing to admit the 2007/8 financial meltdown was created because Bill Clinton had repealed Glass-Steagall’s regulations upon banks.
Can you finish this ancient tactic: Divide and ______.
It doesn’t matter what the party names are in any “two-party system” because you’ll always be either supporting the Divide Party, or you’ll be supporting the Conquer Party, and neither mean the nation any good.
Everyone that votes for the evil they *PERCEIVE* the lessor still votes for evil because they’re caught up in the most effective divide and conquer strategy in the world of electric lighting: the two-party system.
And please don’t think I’m a Trumpie because I was saying he’d been blackmailed by Epstein at the latest when he received the nomination in 2016, if not when he announced his candidacy. After getting to know of Jared Kushner, and his family’s connection to Netanyahu through Trump’s presidency (and his father’s conviction of corrupting politicians), I think we’re witnessing a mafia war where the Netanyahu/Kushner crime syndicate has used the blackmail provided by the Ehud Barak/Wexner/Maxwell/Epstein operation on Trump to eliminate the competition of said Ehud Barak/Wexner/Maxwell/Epstein operation so the Netanyahu/Kushner syndicate can have a total monopoly on those types of honeypot operations.
Even if Epstein did kill himself, that operation will still continue. Just like the Boystown/Franklin Credit Union blackmail operation has continued after sacrificing the Epstein of that operation.
What was the Republican party doing endorsing a woman who promotes the madness of Qanon? I think we need the ‘anon’ discovered, named and indicted for unAmerican activities.
Republicans should make qanon illegal and person is responsible making qanon cult should show face
Who said hitler was dead .he lives on in trumpet
your gonna be so butthurt when Trump wins AGAIN. I guess its another 4 years of anger and Nevertrumping. LMAO You must be sick of losing.
@chev izak And how will you deal with it when Trumpster loses? Well, good luck there.
Reminder: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American emergency medical technician, was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove on March 13, 2020.
good thing, too. we can’t have anyone in this administration peddling crackpot conspiracy theories! that might send the country into chaotic disarray….
Also Laura Silsby was caught with 33 kids kidnapped in a church group she was going to traffic across the border. The Clinton’s flew in an immediately covered it up.
She changed her name and works for a top position in Amber Alert
Laura Gayler ^
The lawyer who represented Laura Silsby, was himself convicted as a sex trafficker in a ring of human trafficking involving women and girls. Jorge Puello was arrested in the capital of the Dominican Republic on a warrant issued by Interpol, the international police organization. At the time of his arrest, his wife was already imprisoned in El Salvador and “faced charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women.” Puello was ultimately sentenced to three years in federal prison .”
The Harvard Human Rights Journal
A link to an extensive study of the case by the Harvard Human Rights Journal which clearly linked Bill Clinton to the scandal was totally ignored. They similarly failed to acknowledge or address emails published by Wikileaks between Hillary Clinton and her legal counsel which may potentially indicate that she violated State Department policy for the treatment of U.S. citizens arrested or detained abroad.
PDF harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf
Hillary Clinton Email
Archive https://archive.is/z9tGy
Freedom of Information Act Collection FOIA
CLINTON HILLARY (Search found 890 items)
I see what you did there.
vman armand isn’t that what best ID (DNA of the Trump party! ). Formal Republican party
This is just getting worse, be careful of this cult.
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky That’s a misunderstanding of how viruses travel though. You don’t get, “naked”, virus’ floating through the air. They are always bonded to tiny droplets of moisture having not long exited the respiratory system of an infectee, and taken as whole the virus and it’s traveling companion are easily filtered by a mask
LAST CALL your right, misunderstood
There was reddit support group when familes lose their loved ones to qanon cult
Aparna Rajesh George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push
George Soros crashed the British Pound. You would sell out this country and let them hijack a human rights movement. You are in a CNN cult
I rather joint Q than antifa
Stop calling it a movement. It’s a deranged conspiracy.
@LAST CALL QAnon = Mein Kampf
@sean cutshaw
They are the only ones with access to the type of information that they possess.
@kyle racine
You are too afraid to look into it for yourself. qmap.pub
@LAST CALL So that’s a hard “NO”?
What if we find out later that “Q” is just Stephen Miller typing in the basement?
Q is actually Mike Flynn’s son…
The world is flat Lunatics…
Deep state n aliens have landed..
They are a conspiracy contradiction..
Nope, he would have to he literate to do that.
I would agree with you James McClure, but miller doesn’t even try to hide who or what he is.
This all happened in 30’s somewhere else.
“And all of this has happened before, and will happen again.”
Yeah really? Some guy in Germany tweeted an anti semetic tweet then deleted it and apologized?
When did that happen in the 1930s?
I think it was Germany. Lol
FE Gaming , the slow erosion of do’s and don’t , the tweet thing would have had to include a real bird then. Poor bird
Fixer Upper jawohl
People like her are only ever truly sorry about one thing.
That they’re caught.
Tell that to BLM ANTIFA.
Caught? You think she or any of Trump’s supporters care? She was fine with being caught–she’s not sorry, either way. She is only sorry that she lost her biggest platform yet, and the opportunity to further spread her bigoted brainlessness.
@M. Coleman and why did that happen? Because she got caught saying the silent parts out loud
Nomore Illegals please how’s the weather in Siberia?
“Angel Mom” sounds like a gender-swapped reboot of “Ghost Dad”, or a sitcom on the Disney Channel.
More like a karen lifetime movie
Karen, starring in “ANGEL MOM”
Another fraud…
Apparently these idiots took Reagan’s words literally:
“The Republican Party, both in this state and nationally, is a broad party. There is room in our tent for many views; indeed, the divergence of views is one of our strengths.” – Ronald Reagan
Reagan family would hate trump and qanon
AT LEAST THE WEIRDOS STILL LIKE HIM . . . nobody in their straight mind, does.
Yeah we do like him
I have A question for you
How could anyone support a political party that doesn’t care if their cities are destroyed?
@Barry Guyer- I care. But, is money and property more valuable than people?
Trump Virus 2020-Misuse and abuse of Government Agencies!
VOTE and end the madness!
Joe “China Puppet” Biden
Chinese, Biden Express Confidence in Treasuries
(Links below)
By Bloomberg News – Aug 19, 2011 11:09 AM CT
Vice President Joe Biden told Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao that China has
nothing to fear when it comes to its investment in U.S. Treasuries.
Biden and Wen both expressed confidence in the U.S. economy, with the
Chinese premier saying its stability “is in the interest of the whole
“We appreciate and welcome your concluding that the United States is such
a safe haven because we appreciate your investment in U.S. Treasuries,”
Biden told Wen yesterday in Beijing, where he was on the second day of a
nine-day trip to Asia. “I want to make clear that you have nothing to
worry about in terms of their viability.”
Joe Biden plagiarism
More then 100 UN Peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti. None were ever jailed.
Also Laura Silsby was caught with 33 kids kidnapped in a church group she was going to traffic across the border. The Clinton’s flew in an immediately covered it up.
She changed her name and works for a top position in Amber Alert
Laura Gayler ^
The lawyer who represented Laura Silsby, was himself convicted as a sex trafficker in a ring of human trafficking involving women and girls. Jorge Puello was arrested in the capital of the Dominican Republic on a warrant issued by Interpol, the international police organization. At the time of his arrest, his wife was already imprisoned in El Salvador and “faced charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women.” Puello was ultimately sentenced to three years in federal prison .”
The Harvard Human Rights Journal
A link to an extensive study of the case by the Harvard Human Rights Journal which clearly linked Bill Clinton to the scandal was totally ignored. They similarly failed to acknowledge or address emails published by Wikileaks between Hillary Clinton and her legal counsel which may potentially indicate that she violated State Department policy for the treatment of U.S. citizens arrested or detained abroad.
PDF harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf
Hillary Clinton Email
Archive https://archive.is/z9tGy
Freedom of Information Act Collection FOIA
CLINTON HILLARY (Search found 890 items)
We the people of this glorious country are all one race – HUMAN. We all have different ethnicities. We are human – no matter what the color of your skin.
Not a big deal, they were just over their quota of racists.
@Adam Geiger I wasn’t aware she was black!
Jules Nagbunga “quota of racists”
Donald Trump Character testimony
@Adam Geiger WTF? You are merely posting an extreme right wing website!
Jules Nagbunga what do you mean?
@Jules Nagbunga Everyone knows Trump is racist, even his own blood.