The RNC pulled a speech by 'angel mom' Mary Ann Mendoza from Tuesday night's convention schedule after it was discovered that anti-Semitic tweets were cited approvingly in her social media history. Aired on 08/25/2020.
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#MaryAnnMendoza #RNC2020 #RNC #MSNBC
RNC Pulls Angel Mom From Lineup After Discovery Of Anti-Semitic Qanon Tweet | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Absolute dumpster fire of a cult gathering.
@David Eby Ignorant troll.
MAQA, not MAGA. smh
David Eby de ugc
Popeye – That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more …
Watch my playlist
She’s not the only one. Just the one that got caught.
why didn’t the Democrats move the U.S. Embassey to Jerusalem is they are for the Jews?
Natasha Ziller No, just imbecilic!
DEADGECKOS Such imbecility! Why would either tell on themselves. There is no Q. There’s Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and a few others who know they would be called out if their names were attached to all of these lies!
@DOE John is she a 3 inputer?
Jerry Falwell Jr’s speech on the sanctity of marriage has also been canceled.

Lolol darn, I was looking for some insight on relationships
This thread is just what I needed today

Ok, that was awesome
Trump’s followers: MAQA
Bring on Mike Lindell,Pillow stuffing 101
Surprised they cancelled her – she’s right in their nutty wheelhouse.
That’s why they cancelled her. They can’t tell everybody exactly how nutty the wheelhouse is just yet.
Mendoza (and other Trumplettes): MAQA
They let Abby Johnson speak
So a drunk driver, who was also undocumented, killed her son. And she’s campaigning against immigrants and not drunk driving. Nope, no racists here
@dungeonfrek hilarious
Say What!?! That’s the dumbest sh!t I’ve ever heard. The ILLEGAL won’t be held accountable for their drunk driving killing the same way a citizen would. That;s the point…moron.
Can’t be racist against alcohol? So what’s the poor woman to do?
@House of the Diamond 8 They can still be arrested, charged and convicted of such a crime, and for felonies will usually have to serve their sentence before being deported to their country of origin/citizenship.
Maybe before you go spouting off about all caps illegals and calling folks morons you should do some more personal research with lateral reading from trusted sources.
@Anne Bergeron you know several undocumented immigrants who drunk drive regularly? some how I don’t think anyone believes you. Regardless, the point isn’t that there are not certain undocumented immigrants who drunk drive, the issue is obviously the alcohol in this situation, and the point is that drunk driving is what lead to a death. Drunk driving killed her son, not undocumented immigration. That’s like if a drunk highschool student committed vehicular manslaughter and people went around trying to ban all highschool students from the country.
Anti-Semitic and QANON? That’s prerequisite for being a trump toady. Ohhh, you’re supposed to do it quietly. Got it.
@J Tex
They can’t do quietly bcuz Dear Leader sez all the secrets out loud & they’re just playing, “Follow Dear Leader!”
If you’re a woman, you have to do it quietly. Unless otherwise instructed.
yall lame af
george soros is evil so fauchi n gates wake up
Anti Semitic truth teller? Same thing coward. Who controls finance? Who controls media? Who are the bigger donors to both political parties?
Hint, they ain’t Scandinavian.
So sit down and shut up kid, the adults are talking.
Trump: I have no idea who this woman is, I’ve never seen her, I may have met her and I wish her well.
I never had sexual relations with that woman….Bill Clinto
LOL these republicans are all crazy, IT’S A DISEASE , We have to vote this lunacy out.
@andrew chambers Trump is a user, he took you to the cleaners with his HUUUUUGE tax cut to the wealthy and his tariffs. Mexico never paid a dime, he never had a healthcare plan, etc. Dude you fell for ALL of Trump’s BS, JUST LIKE HE KNEW YOU WOULD
@RP225 yes unlike Trump’s long list of companies and people he’s used his position to try and “cancel”. When Trump does it, it’s different somehow because?
I hope some of the crazies who voted him in in 2016 have some ounces of brain matter left and can see their way to vote for Biden.
@Nga Nguyen there are still great places to go like Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Canada, France, Italy…and more
Yes, republicans who slavishly worship Israel and free markets, are insane. Now go get a Capri sun and go watch cartoons.
But, but, but it’s a hate rally – she’d fit right in.
Eracism…ok I’m fleshman at trump university
Trump’s Republican Party is the Party of Hate and Haters, the Party of Crime and Criminals, the Party of Lies and Liars…
Wonder Wonderful yep, that’s for sure!!!!!
Democratic Pelosi’s Party is the Party of Hate and Haters, the Party of Crime and Criminals, the Party of Lies and Liars…
@Cliff Jones Sad you are projecting again….
Joe DeMartini illegals have no business to be in America
@Devin Peirce Neither do Fascist Dictators, but Trump’s still polluting the White House!
Two words sum up the RNC:
Rachel Maddow is great. I saw her a couple of years ago. I was hooked. She is an amazing journalist.
Second you on that one!
They actually have lines that aren’t crossed? That’s new.
Nothing but criminals this whole administration.
Of course, and other Administrations, and those who apposed, Are all Angels, Right?
@Cliff Jones i never said that Mr. projectionist. By the way “apposed” is not opposed. What’s with all the caps Mr. trumpy lover?
Democrats- let’s unite this nation.
Republicans- check out this anti-semitic conspiracy theory.
Hmm…. idk? Who should I vote for?
Republicans: “You can’t criticise someone for a past tweet, people change.”
Everybody: “Past tweet? It was less than half an hour ago.”
@BookGirl NYS Make America QAnon? I like it!
Groucho Marxist …You know I’m kidding, right? Have you seen them write 2Q2Q? Smh
@BookGirl NYS Yes, in fact I do, but thanks for the supercilious response. Cheers.
The Left: “hahaha white people are
going to be minority!
Then some whites people get mad and all of a sudden it’s…
The left: Hey where did all of these white nationalists come from?! Hold me!
But kimberley Tinfoil was allowed to scream as a nazi…… these people are SICK.
Vote, your life depends on it
This fiasco of “administration” have broken every ethical, diplomatic, moral and decorum rule in the books!
Don’t forget legal and treasonous
TBH, I am amazed they didn’t increase her airtime. Isn’t this kind of their thing?
They couldn’t because she probably will be a talk show host on Fox
Memo to Democrats and Independents: “When your opponent is cheating, only a fool plays by the rules!”
TRAITOR TRUMP ISN’T playing by the rules
Carole Reyes pretty sure that was the point the OP was raising… just a guess.