Jake Sherman brings the latest from Capitol Hill where rioters have breached steps, says people in the Senate are receiving messages warning of "an external security threat," prohibiting entry and exit to the building. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#SecurityThreat #VoteCount #MSNBC #Rioters #Insurrection
Rioters Breach Capitol Steps As Congress Debates Vote Count | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Trump needs to be immediately arrested for fomenting rebellion.
Should have been expected. 75% of Republicans and 25% of Democrats believe mass election fraud gave Biden the win.
Two days ago we see Nancy botox Peloisi putting mandates on freedom of speech. Republicans know 2ed amendment will be next.
Progressive leftist keep pushing identity politics, Socialism, corruption, censorship, and eroding our God given and Constitutional rights and this is the result.
The blame goes to Pravada fake news, Ducking corrupt Femocrats, Rhinos, social censor media, and leftist elite Hollywood.
Ignore the election fraud all you want but untill the evidence has been thoroughly investigated Biden will not be viewed as the legitimate winner.
Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running in their veins.
Stupid leftist tear down statues of bygone slave owners then vote for their next of kin to rule over them.
Yes sir masser Biden……
Quote. ” We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden
@Mark You are a liar! Joe Biden is the legitimate winner! There are no claims of election fraud! NONE!
Imagine what would happen if this was Black Lives Matters protesters that attempted this breach.
@N W you are absolutely right
@SweetSue420 that’s true though
@Kay they weren’t really looting or anything tho
The media would worship them
They’d be praised by the media as they burned the capitol to the ground. At least the capitol doesn’t carry the new Jordans, otherwise, there would’ve been looting too
“If we nominate Tяump, we will get destroyed .. and we will deserve it” — Lindsey Graham, May 3 2016.
@CivilDiscourse No when millions are questioning an election. Joe Biden is out telling who he is gonna pick for cabinet members. If he wants to fix the damage made by Obama he should go in with Trump and say “Ok I will prove to you I won this election legal and fair.”
@CivilDiscourse Biden says he wants to unite the nation but his actions say the opposite.
@Hap Hoppy I honestly don’t see how, since he hasn’t been able to do anything yet as president. As president-elect, he has already done more to organize a proper response to the pandemic than, as far as I can see, Trump has ever done. But this is academic. We’ll see what he does for real. I’m betting the sky will not fall. It’ll be fine.
@Aljoscha Long What does chanting “Lock her up” have to do with diving the nation?
@CivilDiscourse He has been able to do stuff as president elect again he has “appointed” several cabinet members as president elect when millions are questioning the election. He even “appointed” Merrick Garland during all this. He also stood for eight years under Obama dividing everybody and done nothing. Why would he changed all of a sudden when president?
Where are the police, tear gas and rubber bullets.
@Stacy Inscoe both of you should not do these things , you guys are just as bad as antifa . TWO SIDES ON THE SAME CORRUPTED COIN .
There was tear gas and rubber bullets
@Chris Young i did saw that too
In the crowd
@Stacy Inscoe I was there. You have zero idea what you are talking about.
Everyone say it with me ” Law and order ”

Sadly law and order is just a tv show and doesn’t exist in real life.
@Chris Young clearly
This is ridiculous. There must be a brain-eating virus infecting the US.
Yea, its called the democratic party.
That’s the problem, there is no brain there to eat. Just a bunch of cult nut jobs.
trump sycophants comes to save the day.
It is called Trumpism.
There is, but it’s about to be surgically removed.
Any attempt to create a coup should be immediately squashed by exterminating the instigators. Period.
“Stop the Steal” A Biden win is a fraud against America.
@john johnson ,,,, Not so curious if you think a little bit deeper.
@Mark ,,,, The evidence cannot be investigated till Trump expresses what the fraud is and the evidence supporting it…. the courts have already told him this !!!!!
@Mark …. Trumps election objection will not be treated as real till he can convince the courts of fraud and provide evidence.
That sets a dangerous precident, and would make us no better then the Nazis or Communists
This person “MUST” be Held “ACCOUNTABLE” for what has happened in our Country! “MUST”!
Should have been expected. 75% of Republicans and 25% of Democrats believe mass election fraud gave Biden the win.
Two days ago we see Nancy botox Peloisi putting mandates on freedom of speech. Republicans know 2ed amendment will be next.
Progressive leftist keep pushing identity politics, Socialism, corruption, censorship, and eroding our God given and Constitutional rights and this is the result.
The blame goes to Pravada fake news, Ducking corrupt Femocrats, Rhinos, social censor media, and leftist elite Hollywood.
“Stop the Steal” A Biden win is a fraud against America.
Quote. ” We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” Joe Biden
Biden and Harris have something in common. Both have slave owners blood running in their veins.
Stupid leftist tear down statues of bygone slave owners then vote for their next of kin to rule over them.
Yes sir masser Biden……
Ignore the election fraud all you want but untill the evidence has been thoroughly investigated Biden will not be viewed as the legitimate winner.
“A bit of an incident”
white privilege
That’s what you get for electing a known corrupt, malicious little man for president 4 years ago .
What would you call all the other politicians..? Saints.. you can’t be that fooled by these corrupt politicians and these fake as media outlets.. they care only for their own profits..they don’t care about you.. don’t be so fooled
America is delusional: the right is crazy, and the left seems surprised…. America is a parallel world i won’t even visit on holidays.
How DARE those people display the American flag while assaulting the Capitol building!
@A. M. Schmidt Go back to school, learn what a fact is. Then come back to me. Tell me how Biden cheated in specific, detailed ways.
@COOLFIREDIGER Dominion voting system and the CCP. If you can’t see it then their is no hope for you. I’m sorry. God bless.
@A. M. Schmidt McConnell came to his senses, And I believe Mike is coming to his too, If you can’t realize that trump isn’t the winner and is trying to stall the election then you are lost, May god bless you.
@COOLFIREDIGER they are in bed with China.
They dare because we stand by and watch instead of doing something about it, like getting voting settled down (universal mail in ballots – only, requiring states to establish election lawss that enfranchise everyone), equal justice (whites here not gassed or shot – why are others gassed and shot?), establishing term limits and holding corrupt politicians accountable.
Just to start.
These people should be ashamed not even having a respect for their own vote
When the “RIOTING and LOOTING” start the “SHOOTING” stars!!!!!! Famous words donald trump.
No killing?
No insurrection against the government?
@D. Flo there’s not though
You might check the definition of rioting and looting. There was none, snowflake.
I don’t condone rioting or looting, but let’s see now, stealing sneakers, killing people, stealing TVs, killing people . During this terrorist attack, these weed smoking, thieving terrorists went unharmed while 4 people are dead and 4 families grieving tonight.
In contrast, BLM protesters and supporting protesters were injured or killed by law enforcement. We seem to forget that people of all races were protesting police brutality, racial inequality, and the criminal justice system overall. However, rather than see the real issues, people choose to see skin color which makes it easier to justify any egregious actions against other human beings. I hate racism and I hate what I’ve seen and heard racists. I’ve experienced it and it’s real. You reap what you sow and the violence meted out today will come full circle.
@Theda Bara
Don’t know about you, but I’ve been watching the videos tonight.
I may be a snowflake, but if you think there was no rioting, looting and violence, you are part of the problem this country faces.
I wonder if these were “Black Panther” Militia, would there have been a MUCH different “response”?

Nah, you really don’t wonder that, do you?
@Sailing Green Turtle — The US government went against the Black Panthers and murdered almost everyone and almost all their leaders except the ones who escaped and went to Africa! No one is going to run the Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists out of this country — that is the difference. They were all there storming the Capitol today in unisom!
Yes, they were treated with kid gloves and the police got on their knees. Two of these people have been shot dead already.
hahahah please
You know it would have.
They we’re told by 45 to go there and cause mayhem. Nothing New
Arrest the President for insighting a riot, destroying our Capitol.
Arrest that bully and his family and get this over with once and for all
It’s just brianwashed unamericans having a meltdown today no worries only 1 person lost her life today. Because they just continue to believe the b.s. that Trump tells them
*The police and the National Guard need to side with the patriots. It’s their country too! No foreign country will interfere. It’s literally up to us to make sure we don’t become communist*
Then you have to arrest the Democrat politicians including Pelosi and Schiff for insighting multiple riots during the summer with their support of BLM/ANTIFA.
@Daniel Eagan Disappointed more people didn’t die, snowflake? The hypocrisy of the left is massive!
trump’s America. But on a happier note, NBC and ABC are calling Osoff as the winner!
Who incited this? The inciter in chief, DJT.
You’ never seen anything like this, you’ve never seen a Nazi coup before,