Chris Hayes: “People congregated to pay tribute to him, to call for accountability for his death, and to play their violins in his honor. And then Aurora police basically recreated the dynamic of McClain's death.” Aired on 6/29/2020.
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Riot Police Confront Peaceful Violin Vigil For Elijah McClain With Pepper Spray | All In | MSNBC
Unthinkable, shameful but they swore an oath to protect and serve
Protect from what?
@Rem Mys
The children of the korn, silly
The portopottie crew
@Wigg Picker ….you….you believe in demons? What?
WTF! You would think police would take notice at what’s happening across America and stop this overzealous storm trooper mentality. RIP Elijah.
This is just too sad. That young man was one of the most spiritual decent human being. He was a beautiful soul and it’s too shame to lose someone like that.
Cops out of control
remember you yanks keep telling us brits you are freer than we are, doesnt look that way from here pmsl
It looks bad over here, but as long as we stay in our bunkers it isn’t too bad
We never realized it was quite this bad
I like the way the british talk.. they have such a realistic tone to their voice, which to many of us sounds cynical.. We americans talk with smug optimism about everything
Bunch of beast system slaves around here.
@Dan Jones methinks thats going to change very soon for you. if your orange toad of toad hall isnt stopped.
Cops are Liers
Yes. They are LIARS.
Mendacity…is lies.
Q. Why was musician’s protest attacked by militarised police?
A. Wickedness, Bigotry and Mendacity that killed the gentle quiet violinist again brutally attacked peaceful protestors filling the park with beautiful music.
Peaceful violinists taken down by military tactics of police against playing musicians. Against a Orchestra ! !
Wickedness bigotry and mendacity in the highest levels of all governing bodies.
Peaceful protest against excessive force by police disrupted by excessive force by police.
If you need riot gear to confront a sitting violin concert, you are absolutely inadequate and inferior as an officer, let alone a human being.
@frictionRx9 this isn’t the left… plenty of conservatives are outraged by big government putting their foot in our states
Just remember , someone had to give the order them to do so , so who was that ?
its not that bunch of police officers put on riot gear , go and start beating people up and the higher ups do not know about it .
Fake news like this is an abomination. If you believe any part of this news story you are simply ignorant.
@citizenxgen Let’s all side with any rioters instead of the police like morons shall we?
@Mox Avenger Mox: Watches peaceful violin concert get attacked by riot police.
Also Mox: yOu sIdE wItH rIoTeRs!!!1!!!1!!!
Will you EVER not be a moron?
What small pathetic people they must be to feel real big about pepper spraying a bunch of kids with violins.
if you turn on Msnbc at 8:00, white person
at 9:00, white person
10:00, white person
11:00, white person
no diversity from this network
You don’t know the facts.
All racists and all bigots are blind. True fact.
Q. Why was musician’s protest attacked by militarised police?
A. Wickedness, Bigotry and Mendacity that killed the gentle quiet violinist again brutally attacked peaceful protestors filling the park with beautiful music.
Peaceful violinists taken down by military tactics of police against playing musicians. Against a Orchestra ! !
Wickedness bigotry and mendacity in the highest levels of all governing bodies.
Ps. Mendacity = lies
@Lily Dale
…learned a new word..
This news story is full of sh&#t. Watch fake news, become a fake person.
Those were not police; they were killer cyborg drones OR they were tiny endowed punks.
Republicans are a manifestation of greed in its worst form. They have total disregard for human life and will follow Trump even to the end of humanity. Vote in November. For Christ’s sake, save yourself and save us all.
No police, not riot police, domestic terrorists.
I’ll take police any day.
@Mox Avenger Such a libertarian……..
This is what happens when you give cops military grade gear.
bone spurs toxic vibe is killing this country. He’s our Biff Tannen.
Police are acting awfully Fascist like these days under Donald tRumps tutelage as evidenced!
Whomever sent the police out there in the first place needs to go to jail for inciting violence.
Trump’s America shut up submit and obey .
Heavy handed thuggery is a hallmark of this administration.
They go after the educated and artists first. Just like the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Stalin and Pinochet. A story as old as time.
Maybe giving badges to low IQ sadists isn’t such a good idea..?
Police need to be demilitarize. To serve and protect. Not these Gestapo tactics.
Somebody ORDERS this to happen . These Police do not just decide on their own to do this.. WHO IS BEHIND THIS ?? AND SHAME ON THEM !