Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson blasts Senate and House Republicans for going along with the president as he still continues to deny the results of the election and spread disinformation. Aired on 12/2/2020.
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#RickWilson #Trump #MSNBC
Rick Wilson: Playing With Trump And His ‘Sick Game’ Is ‘Enormously Corrosive’ | Deadline | MSNBC
What happened to laws against inciting violence?
@Buff Straw But he didnt condemn the organizations instigating it…Hmmm I wonder why that is?
@Buff Straw He has failed to critique violent groups. You can post the same rhetoric all you want over and over but saying you condemn violence isnt the same as saying you condemn Antifa or BLM and you know it.
@Noreb Oh whatsamatta? Did CNN tell you to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain? lol stfu
@Random Internet User Hey you just described the main stream media outlets.
@Buck Rogers do you have a concussion?
Trump is the Nigerian Prince of Election Fraud.
He is a modern day Nero who is destroying and bankrupting the Country as a russian tool and puppet traitor.
@Daniels H THIS
It’s Trumplican or Cult Party now. Do not expect any decency or honor from them. They follow him like Rats follow Pied Piper.
@Just Me How are they abandoning democracy? They are defending the constitution. The 2nd and the first amendments to start.
You got that exactly backwards – Republicans want an honest election, Democrats are quite happy to win by cheating.
@Dan the man
lolol They are literally enabling the destruction by knowingly enabling a bs coup attempt against everything the constitution stands for & country was built on ffs. Worse its nothing more than putting self before country in a desperate bid to cling to power at all cost & regardless harm & damage caused ugh. They KNOW there is literally zero evidence of election fraud &, in fact none is being alleged in Trump & Co’s 38+ losing frivilous lawsuits. Now that has failed they are enabling trumps literal attempt to just have the certified will of the majority of voters ignored & the election given to him smh. Not to mention permitting totally insane conspiracy theory nonsense run rampant through the country literally endangering innocent lives
These facts are crystal clear to anyone who has retained the ability for rational cognative function & can examine facts & credible evidence. I am not going to get in a back & forth disputing total nonsense, lies, debunked conspiracies, & disinfo, & will now MUTE you because I will not be used as a way for you to repeat the inevitable & harmful disinfo as is the ultimate goal of trolls & those desperate to cling to their delusion. Good Luck
I don’t know man…check this out
@Just Me not really
Trump was confused. He received a note from a staffer,
and promptly ate it.
The note said:
Eat me.

was it nancy
Whats funny?
ann ,good comment,trump is that stuuuuupid Trump lawyer on Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice.
They should ALL be held accountable.
@Brian Nave Good luck on that one. “One of the witnesses will be a Clark County poll worker who observed individuals near her polling location approaching a Biden-Harris van and filling out dozens of ballots to be “fraudulently submitted.”
That’s hardcore.
@Steve-USMCVET amen brother..
@Buff Straw judge for yourself Buff
@Nix check it out…its worth a look…come on…we need election integrity and fairness
Everything trump touches dies.
@Stephen Palmer The economy he inherited and then crashed?
No war in 4 years
@Bridget Collins china virus…not trump ..wake up
@Jean GALARNEAU We still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We lost soldiers in his posturing raid in Yemen.
@Jean GALARNEAU Lots of countries got Covid — but their leaders weren’t incompetent, cowardly gasbags.
Rick Wilson is the man, dude keeps it 100 anytime he’s comes on.
@juarez.gooden The democRats are so scummy my dummy is they would try to get him for spitting on the sidewalk.
@juarez.gooden By the way dummy Trump will remain President huh ?? You say , voter Fraud.
@Carter Horn I don’t think think it’s about looks since he can’t see you
Love him!
I think all of these leaders should be investigated and removed from office for going along with these dangerous lies.
All of these Senators should not be re-elected.
Pray for the our country. Right now our senior Intel agents are being replaced by Trump enablers and over the US most sensitive data. This is not a game. Pray people for our safety from Trump.
@Pretty Thoughts give a look at testimony
Mr Wilson knows what he talks about… 45 is indeed the devil inciting violence and putting the pieces in place to destroy the country with the aid of willing and cowardly sycophants
Georgians vote for Ossoff and Warnock in the senate runoff elections!
YES! Please, for the sake of our country. Nothing will get done otherwise.
Rick is spot on. What is the law good for if you don’t enforce it?
Why even have laws, if people cannot be held accountable, at all levels. No one should be above the law, No One!
lets enforce this
Those GOPs are responsible for so many of Trump’s actions. They should pay for their actions!
nah. 70,000,000 americans voted for trump in 2020. americans are responsible for trump.
@high voltage Did it mention the millions spent on Masks from China that were counterfeit?. Did it mention that the Repubublican congress wouldn’t fund the S.N.S because they had ” Other Priorities”?. Frontline P.B.S. did an entire program as to how Med. Supplies got so low. You may be able to find it on UTUBE. I watched it on P.B.S. probably in June or July. Very interesting. Also, Glad you talked about Reuters. Highly respected news organization
@Lynda Koers
@Max Pain Stick to the issue you tosser! Who gives a flying f….k about your conspiracy theories!
I can go for “Truth and Reconciliation” for people who didn’t commit crimes, but who told lies over and over. The ones who committed crimes? Prosecute aggressively.
Isn’t a call for violent overthrow of the US gov considered a federal crime? Some sharp anti-Trump lawyer should make a case for Trump encouraging that.
GOP law makers put him above the law when they wouldn’t impeached him. Dude is dangerous.
@Prairie Dog What’s interesting about the impeachment is that it was all precipitated BECAUSE Trump KNEW that Biden would be stiff competition for him which is WHY he asked the prez. of Ukraine to dig up some dirt on him. Yet Trump touted how ‘confident’ he was over winning over Biden during the campaigns. The media never brings up the circumstantial evidence that trump was TRULY afraid Biden would win and this was before the covid scare came into full force.
Called sedition
That is Why he is pretending To be Running in 2024,, To keep them in His pockets,,
To keep them a feared .
and to collect millions of dollars from these suckers to line his own pockets.
tRump knows he’s out, but wants to bring down the country on his way out. The patriot that he is, does not care one foot what happens to this country. He thinks he will be protected and does not mind if people start killing each other. The man is evil. He is such a crook, we should not allow him to remain in “charge” until January. He should be thrown out right now. The biggest con job was played on America and we are still tiptoeing around the con artist. Crazy!
Praying JESUS be the one bring trump down Trump lawyer on Nevada lawsuit: We are presenting to the court over 40,000 people who voted twice.
@Charlene Vigne i wouldn’t do that, because the democrat commies hate jesus lady. Also, jesus was basically a Republican.
If all Republicans spoke out, the Republican Party would survive. If they don’t, they are condemning themselves. And they will deserve it!
Exavcly when you nake your bed you lie in it
I don’t know….I mean, Hugo Chavez did give the Pawnee Parks and Recreation department $35,000 to fill in their pit and build a park, so…..
@takecare A LMAO

Democracy depends on people with integrity not cowards that only want to keep their job .
Of all the atrocities, children in cages is the most atrocious..
Without exposure of The Truth there can be no reconciliation. This Administration’s Crimes MUST be exposed.
As much as wrongdoer trump can, he will do.
He doesn’t care anything and everything except his pockets.