Gov. Rick Scott, R-Fla., and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., are urging the public to wear a mask in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, indicating why wearing a mask is a public health and not a political issue. The panel discusses. Aired on 6/25/2020.
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Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Suggest Public Should Wear Masks | Morning Joe | MSNBC
*US coronavirus and GOP moronavirus. They are now ”..urging the public to wear a mask…” in June, not January. Only 131 days to VOTE HIM OUT on November 3, 2020.*
@Bud Fudlacker Well, at least Corn Pop is not a junkie pathological liar who gassed and killed Americans by lying about the virus. I’ll take Corn Pop with all faults before re-electing a manslaughter president.
Andrew F.

TRUMP 2020 and on till prophecy is done with according to the word of GOD. Thank GOD the earth is being cleaned up from EVIL and FILTH and from being Babylon the GREAT and from being SODOM and GOMORRAH.
@Bud Fudlacker What was your name last week? I forgot,you BOT!!
@Phyllis Cobian He’s a super bot!
*Germs hate Trump too. Otherwise POTUS would have Cornonavirus already. Instead Trump has terminal moronavirus.*
I like moronavirus.
Thats describe trump
@Dave Schultz And the part about poor white kids you left them somewhere in-between a rock and a hard place.
@Wilfredo Molina Great, being antiscience he’s never looked into a cure.
Too little too late! I learned over the years that one could make a mistake but there’s no excuse for stupidity
Trump told his cult followers not to wear masks.
The 3 worst managed countries are Brazil, Russia and the US. The cult is literally dying!
@Danielle Adair
Lucky you…now we can’t even travel to other countries. Thanks trump and his cult members…
Maybe I should try to sneak into Mexico or Canada illegally lol
@bill First, the whole West Coast was not part of Mexico, only California. Second, you act like Mexico itself is not the product of white European colonialism. It is. Look at what language they speak. Third, they aren’t “taking it back.” They are coming because they want to be in the US.
the cult won’t die it will spread the disease to others
@Crystal Giddens wrong. I had it in March. I didn’t get sick enough to need hospitalization but I still can’t breathe well, I cannot exercise and I now have chronic headaches.
Mexico doesn’t even know how severe it’s having it. Very little reporting.
GOP take a bit longer to catch on to Science than people who aren’t brainwashed with Guns and Bibles since before birth. Sadly, the “individual” rights Republicans kick and scream over are ALWAYS at the expense of their community.
What you call “Science” is BS too. Nobody ever landed on the moon, evolution is a ridiculous fairy tale, and there is no proof Earth is a spinning ball.
@joy4118 when you’re dead you’re dead and you don’t know you’re dead, and it’s only difficult for the people near you, ……. it’s just like being stupid
Rubio and Scott are a disgrace and they will continue to be wastes of oxygen. Their input on anything is useless.
Couldn’t agree with you more!
I think they are trying to make the case: “even those knuckleheads get it”.
I mean, yeah, some Republicans breaking with Trump and for once not giving the worst advice possible is a good and relevant development.
But they are miles away from earning any credit for that. They are just one little step closer to doing the bare minimum you should expect from them.
@Wolfram Stahl the bare minimum is all we can hope for regarding the GOP.
Those Trump Republicans are being too little too late to say that
Carol Sitzberger zero at work wearing one now in a issue is for people who don’t wear but are likely to change
@bill Gotta correct you here…The asshat IS doing something about it–…..Ignoring it. #staysafe
Trumpism is not a political party but an ideology of cruelty.
@Lrac Lrac we need to change this perception about wearing a mask is bad. Especially during a pandemic…
I researched mask wearing during flu season and there was some evidence which showed a drop in transmission if the sick wore a mask
US spends $85 Billion per year due to the flu annually per the CDC
What is surprising how important masks are to medical science, yet there is a limited number of published papers
Carol Sitzberger don’t worry were I’m at we are recommending the importance of the mask to reduce infection. I just want to inform people, if your in the car by yourself, you can remove it

“Americans will always do the right thing, only after they’ve tried everything else.”
Anything to not talk about the coup.
Matt Thompson What coup? When faced with a corrupt leader and administration, you’re obliged to act.
Donald tRump wish’s McDonalds Hamberder/HamBurglar didn’t wear a mask just like he doesn’t wear a mask when he’s robbing America out in the open in plain sight!
To bad somebody at McDonald’s wouldn’t spit the virus in trumps burger a double dose .
I wouldn’t let trump be president of my next bowel movement.
@Walter Bo: Check your American history books. They have them at your socialist library. I know you don’t want to darken their door for sure.
Actually, he should be voted president of Bowel Movements since that is the only movement he can understand.
@Dee Pattison *
Haha. So glad. I live in Australia.Ooh god. What a bloody nutter !!!
The protesters won by wearing face mask majority wear it and no increase spike from them. I notice myself I spread saliva by talking, people talk and never notice they spit saliva. Please wear face mask.
Even if you don’t spit when you talk, your breath carries aerosol moisture directly from your respiratory system. This is exactly how respiratory viruses travel. Something as simple as a cloth face mask can reduce this aerosol by as much as 60%. Proper medical masks can reduce it as much as 95%. Still not perfect but a helluva lot better than 0%.
It’s suuuuuuch a simple “task” to do! Why is this a problem!!?? #staysafe
@StinkyPirates All these protest to do what? Cause more hardship to so many. When everybody life matters, no matter what your color of skin. We see injustice everyday, crime and drugs that affect every neighborhood and family. That has not changed, it just got worse and violate death to some very innocence men, women, children. America just went backwards in time.
@Blu V – Aaaand…what hardships are the protests causing? And how does that in ANY way relate to the fact that they are being safe where the President and his rallies were not?
So typical. Science and doctors were fake news until the virus affected the Republicans now look at the Republicans they’re all wearing masks. This new covid-19 outbreak is directly a product of Republican stupidity.
Mamma say’s that people who wear mask’s are the Devil.
@Cleon P. Same here,7:30 A.M in Florida.Saw a republican mom with her little kids walking the tRUMP Death March with no mask,I don’t think she’ll be able to vote in Nov.
@anthony wright Tell your mamma I am not the devil. I AM GOD. Wear that damned mask
@anthony wright Good for you,Anthony! We love a smart American,so continue to #staysafe !
@Tim Smith it’s not a second round . it’s the first round not done with us .This is prophecy so stop trying to lay blame on Chinka. No man can stop it. It will run it’s course and stop when it runs out of new hosts which there are lots in America because they REFUSE to social distance and use other precautions , no matter what any one else says. TRUMP made sure that food production and gas supplies never failed for U.S. citizens .
DeSantis, Scott and Rubio are Trump’s stooges. Only when the proverbial “gun to the head” moment happens they might do the right thing. Not a second before.
Vote Blue in november for facts and science!!
now they come around “GOP”, this is what happens when you fallow a “DERANGE LUNATIC” aka “TRUMP”
Trump’s indifference to Covid 19 is the cause of the deaths! He is responsible.
@Matt Thompson If Obama and Biden have enough influence to be responsible for this, more than 3 years after Trump took office, then Trump must be the least impactful, least effective, least in-control president in the history of the world. I’m surprised you have such a low opinion of him.
@Matt Thompson
still sucking on the orange juice huh, 
most fools have giving up, but the big fool Matt, hangs on for that last drop.
@Matt Thompson ahahahaha, what a comedian
Australia 100 deaths.
America 125,000 dead
America is 15 times bigger than Australia.
America should have 1500 deaths or less.
Trump and the GOP have to pay for this.

Riding those fence post hurt. Republicans never care for the masses
I wouldn’t put any weight on Rubio, soon he will be posting hypocritical Bible verses.
Who are you to bring up the Bible as if it were a prop like trump used it a couple weeks ago.? Do YOU READ it? I do. Be careful. You do NOT want to dispute the Word of God, my Friend. The only hypocrite is YOU. Shame on you.
Yes covid19 is super deadly to elderly
Covid19 is deadly to everyone any age and if you get it. Covid can destroy your lungs for the rest of your life.
Exactly. Younger people are stupidly thinking they’ll just get a minor flu and be fine without understanding even a smidgen of the long-term damage all coronaviruses cause. Some people WILL be fine. A lot will be asymptomatic. Being asymptomatic doesn’t mean you aren’t experiencing organ damage, though. Could just make you a little sleepy for a few days and you’ll never know why, if you even notice at all. But your body knows and is permanently weaker for it.
We LITERALLY could not have a worse “leader” at this terrible time.
*^ yet another stupid shallow comment followed by a thread of stupid shallow comments.stupid shallow must never get old for you people. stupid shallow is the norm for you folks, I guess.*
@Crystal Giddens said by … an expert in stupid comments
@Crystal Giddens What did I say that was untrue?
@Crystal Giddens Have you seen trumpturds worshiping their orange Bonespured pedophile Fuhrer? Have you trumpturds injected disinfectant? #trumpvirus #injectdisinfectant #hydroxychloroquine #bunkerboy
Crystal Giddens ; LoL, u texted like you have sense, watch the mirror, u will see stupidity in it.. funny how you can’t think for yourself.. you need to do some reading because you lack knowledge.. Don’t be deceived, you ain’t wise at all..