Eminent British scientist Richard Dawkins discusses Donald Trump, political tribalism and our shifting moral zeitgeist with CNN's Bianca Nobilo. #CNN #News #TheBrief
Richard Dawkins would ask Trump to resign

Eminent British scientist Richard Dawkins discusses Donald Trump, political tribalism and our shifting moral zeitgeist with CNN's Bianca Nobilo. #CNN #News #TheBrief
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
@fah q good luck with your brains leaking out of your face.
@John Bold You mean like how Trump looks at the sun during an eclipse? Trump will be beaten by whoever runs against him. Everyone thinks he is an idiot, even his own party.
@Daniel Evans you actually believe Joe Biden can beat Trump? Seriously? The guy has demintia or something.. You want someone with demintia running our country? The Democrats claimed Trump was being manipulated by the Russians.. Can you imagine how easily it will be to manipulate Biden? How cruel are you guys Democrats to not take a stand against Biden running? The guy said 150 million people have been killed by gun violence. Nearly half of our population gone! The guy said he’s running for the Senate. The guy mixed up his wife and sister.. Oh yea and he loves children jumping on his lap rubbing his leg hair..Come on he has no chance. You Democrats if you had any compassion would be demanding Biden step down. It’s time for him to retire! I watched my Grandma go through Alzheimers. Trust me you do not want someone with demintia running a country.
Education is stuffed with leftie atheists. If you don’t like the result, why are lefties constantly trying to sell us more.
@Mark Bullock that is price people pay in the democratic world where even waste bin trash has a vote.
More coverage please, of atheist perspectives on current events would greatly contribute to critical conversations. Thank you!
Jeff Soltis I’m sorry what? (Referring to your very first comment) “I would argue with that any religious perspective should be negated” but then you go on to say “we need to realize that there are different opinions and views” how hypocritical and contradictory
DarxPhil 0 “Its nonsensical to also think we all have an elevated sense of ourselves.” While I agree that you cannot generalize an entire group of people as having one trait, a good majority of atheists are rather ostentatious with their beliefs. I mean, look at this very reply thread. Over half of the comments are snarky, condescending atheists exhibiting a superiority complex.
Richard Dawkins is a self-deceiving kook.
@52 80 yeah same B.S. about Hillary, An Zippo
enlightenment age : separation of church and state
millennial age : *Separation of Corporation and State*
Why would you want godless and moraless people running our government? In the colonial days, Christians were preferred as leaders. The whole obama administration were godless and it was a disaster.
@Allex Gibbs psalms 109:8
@Dorian Shades of gray You don’t think banks and corporations rip off people? Trump is a tax cheat. You pay for roads, the military, etc. And the rich pay less. Trump himself has ripped off contractors as well as laundered Russian money .
You are rather stupid.
They have a non believer in the WH now. He panders to the evangelicals & lies about his faith in God.
BREAKING NEWS: *Democrats Turn Fascist* Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) Issues Death Threats Against SC Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
This happened during a speech Schumer held to a noticebly angry mob of far left Antifas, and it does bring into memory similar death threats from Maxine Waters (D)
100% of Presidents are mass murderers, I don’t know why people find this kind of comment enlightening.
Wow, you must know President Trump personally, Alun. Did Trump tell you that he’s a non-believer in God while you two were having dinner together on Air Force One or Mar-a-lago? What a stupid, incompetent statement to make but then again, it’s coming from a weak, delusional snowflake like yourself. Bless your heart.
@Mojo Maximus Mojo has no Mojo….more like mojo minimus….lol
I remember Richard debating Cardinal Pell.
Pell claimed religion kept the citizens moral and atheist were often immoral.
After the debate Cardinal Pell raped another alter boy. Now in prison. Good.
@democrats are pedos Shut up muppet.
@democrats are pedos mans literally raped an alter boy
Richard Dawkins fails to realize that atheism is indeed ANOTHER RELIGION according to Ninian Smart and the 7 dimensions…. if Richard Dawkins is justifying atheism then let’s us look at all the pedophiles, murderers, etc. who has raped or killed someone in the name of their God.
Atheists killed hundreds of millions of people during the 20th century, the low number is 400 million for the communists alone. A lot of raping goes into that also, I knew someone who was raped by Russian troops.
People seem to miss the point about Christianity, except when they are accusing it of promoting guilt: It is based on an awareness of sin. Christianity isn’t disproved by the fact that there are sinners who purport to be Christians. But whether they are Christians, or atheists in sheep’s clothing, is another mater.
Further, hundreds of years after the Reformation, there seems to be surprise that excess exists in some parts of the some churches. Not exactly breaking news.
We don’t live in a purely atheist time. We live in a time where people feel compelled to take a shot at Christians, because Christian influence is still strong. We have not had the kind of revolution where all the Christians were shot, and a few generations had passed. I am not optimistic about what the morals of that kind of future will be, though we can see what it might look like in places like China, and North Korea, and an increasingly intolerant West.
@Corn Pop well, I guess…..if you really believe that crap!
I love how the religious fanatics are so ticked off in this comment section.
Richard Dawkins is a self-deceiving kook.
@ihave35cents yeah, well contards are far worse
@Troy Stocker Quit acting like you know even one little fucking thing…
El Jay and you can’t read huh? Couldn’t even quote me correctly. What I said was “a hypocritical homophobic HOMOSEXUAL” do you know what hypocritical means? And yes. Willam h is a well know gay guy who hates gay people. That, FYI, is a homosexual who is homophobic. Thanks for playing kid
In the information age, ignorance is a choice.
David Foster maybe you have time to share some of your jams with me. Here’s a link to some of my older stuff. Turn it up!
@Chase Land Not a bad sound. You lose me at the lyrics, though.
@SE Morgan *disinformation highway*
Using CIA/State Dept definition, there are a lot of cover stories and very deceptive. False reporting and plausible deniability made into an art form.
Richard Dawkins is a self-deceiving kook.
There’s no devil in Judaism at least. Only your own bad inclinations lol
“When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.” – Richard Dawkins
@Crystal Giddens “The entire universe in an infinitesimally small dot”: Well, yes. Energy and matter are different expressions of the same thing. E=MC2.
M is the speed of light which is 126,000 miles per second.E is energy. M is mass. M can be tiny. I suggest you enrol in a course of nuclear physics. You’ll chuck your religious ideas out the window. By the way, Einstein’s equation which I just quoted, was proved with the first atomic bomb.
@Margaret Caine i suggest you E=MC2 yourself into a clinic or perhaps a hospital. The notion you know, they know, or anybody knows the (big bang) to be a fact is as farcical as it comes. Like i said, you think Noah had problems?
The notion that WE COULD KNOW all the matter in the universe (billions and billions and billions of years ago) was once fit into infinitesimally small dot is incomprehensibly beyond insane. LUDICROUS even!
You sir, it seems, can believe anything as long as it is said in the name of *science* It is NOT science!
It cannot be observed. it cannot be repeated. It cannot be tested. Still you believe because *science.* It is *NOT science.* You are INSANE!
That is stupid 101. A tautology. And auto definitionally a religion.
@Margaret Caine So, just to be sure, you believe an infinitesimally small dot, yet, infinitely massive dot, existed billions and billions of years ago suddenly exploded and created our universe? And you can sincerely mock those with faith in our Lord, in the name of *science?* Seriously? What is wrong with you?
What a first class interviewer.., amongst her other skills
@democrats are pedos You sound like you’re going through a difficult time. I hope you get the help that you need.
@Tronald Dump lol
@democrats are pedos define Fascism for me.
Tiger Tiger lol
She is stunning
Cnn this is the type of content we like to see. Keep it up. No more news cycle of sheep saying the same thing over and over
@William Burgess
the runt in question.
@William Burgess that didn’t happen. Don’t know where you got that from, not a thing at all…
No one ever thought of just asking Trump to resign. Dawkins is smart(?)
This engaging interview ended to soon (and too abruptly)
Is it just me or was the title to this video kinda “click-baity”? He spoke about Trump for like 30 seconds while mainly speaking on his views on a range of topics from a more informed perspective for much longer…
I agree on the name of this video is a clickbait. Trump’s name grabs attention these days so they mentioned that and ignored the other things he discussed.
@Edna Joseph Without trump to use as clic bait cnn would be bankrupt..
Richard Dawkins is a self-deceiving kook.
Pretty standard for CNN from what I’ve seen. Often, the video title gives all the content you need to know, and then the video is 10 minutes of blathering.
Absolutely love Richard
The volume on this is too low
Who cares, there’s plenty to look at.
yeah, if you are going to talk with marbles in your mouth at least wear a mic.
Think I like what you were saying, but she is worth watching.
British bombshell. I like her.
@HemiHead664 yeah that woman was hot
I bet he’s running to resign now.
Please turn up the sound recording.
I have to turn up my volume to 80% when my normal comfortable setting is 20% on other videos.
CNN please interview Dawkins and Chomsky together – time is running out.
Trump trots out the phrase “God Bless America”, mechanically, because it is expected of him, not because he actually believes in Him.
His church attendence is abysmal.
Just cause you dont go to church doesnt mean you dont believe in God
@enjoyitbro You tell them…especially Ronald Macdonald. lol
Haha, “ I mean he’s like an infant”, nailed it.