1. I agree,.as with the US we need to do more to put pressure on Russia,.even if it means some inconvenience for the country,..we all need to do whatever we can to help the Ukranians

    2. Let’s go Brandon! And God bless Donald Trump for calling for peace with russia this weak. That’s the best proposal of this decade.

    3. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

    1. @Sraka, It’s not even factually correct mine and my wife’s car would both use more fuel if we went 10mph slower, and mine would use a considerable amount more.

    2. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

  1. My country, Germany, should reduce the use of russian oil/gas in small steps. About 1-2% every day. This could be done with buying from other sources. This would strangle Russias economy slow and steadily. The goal to achieve is not to buy anything from Russia, until it calls the horde back home and pays Ukraine for the enormous damage.

    1. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

    2. @ Gluteus Maximus: i don’t think that we could just step back to further circumstances even if the war stops. Russia unfortunately destroyed the work of decades within two month.

    3. Great idea! This will add up quickly over the course of a month! 30-60% reduction.
      Unfortunately, math isn’t most people’s strength🥴

  2. If we just looked at this like it was our children being bombed, the decisions would be so much easier to make.

    1. If you think about it, ultimately all humans are descended from a single ancestor. In that sense, the ones dying are our own brethren. Of course, not everyone is going to see it that way. That’s why it’s good to note that having Ukraine win is important for other countries as well. We need to make Russia’s actions a warning example for other countries, to show that one-sided invasions will not end well, in order to discourage other countries from following suit.

  3. If Branson and other billionaires want “citizens to play their part too”, the citizens will ask the billionaires to financially help those who will be at the greatest risk from cutting off Russian oil and gas. The oil and gas flow must stop to stop funding the war on Ukraine, we all want to do it, but the billionaires must do their part too and take a substantial hit like everyone else.

    1. Simply smashing, old chap! What a splendid idea! Bang on! Our finest hour! We shall never surrender!!

  4. I’ve been saying the exact same thing from the beginning about conserving energy. Put on a sweater, turn up the thermostat for the air conditioning, reduce your speed when driving. There are so many little things the entire world could do to reduce consumption. It’s such a small adjustment to make and the benefits are far reaching.

    1. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

  5. Everyone who can work from home, should be. Things were going in this direction anyway. There is no better reason to speed up the process. For Ukraine, for climate change, for people.

    1. When I lived in Greece back in the ’80’s, there was a law that people couldn’t drive their cars one weekend in two, i.e. odd numbered plates could drive one weekend, even plates the next. I believe it was to help combat pollution. Everybody car-pooled – made for some fun nights out too! It’s time for people to pitch in for Ukraine and, yes, for climate change.

    1. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

  6. Incredibly clearly spoken and correct thinking that I do not Europe is ready to hear. Sadly the issue is simple: for the common good of the world Ukraine just win. And to do so, the feee world (if it need means to be free) must pay its share: inconveniences and compromises shall prevail over a lifestyle we got accustomed to. I agree that “Wimbledon tennis player forbidden to play is much less to bear versus a civilian woman or a young man having to pick up arms and fight for their country. God Bless Ukraine.. Thank you for this simple and to the point, logical interview.

  7. That is almost too easy. We can all do it for a 12 months or more worldwide. My parents drove 55 in the 70’s during the oil crisis. This time it saves lives and cuts Putin off at the knees. A worldwide campaign. Drive 55forUkraine

    1. Yes, we did drive 55ish during the fake oil crisis when gas went from way under a dollar to price gouging 🤑

    2. Yes, we did drive 55ish during the fake oil crisis when gas went from way under a dollar to price gouging 🤑

  8. I agree….they are playing on our dependence as a source of leverage. The slower our transition, the less it will hurt them. We have to find alternative ways to supply energy until that time. I applaud Richard for making his position clear. We need more to speak up!

    1. We can lower speed immediately, but EVs are better, so next time you go shopping for a car, have a look. Yes, need to put up more wind turbines, and solar pannels to power them. Also, mini split heat pumps can be very efficient, like 3x as efficient as a whole house unit for air conditioning, and can heat too. That air conditioning might come in handy during the next heat wave.

  9. This interview needs to go viral!! Thank you Richard for giving us something tangible “to do”. My heart is breaking for those in Mariopol who are trapped and we can’t do anything fast enough. I’m going to share this as much as I can, with a challenge. I’m Canadian but my action still matters. Robin. 🇨🇦

    1. I couldn’t agree more. People seem to jump on Branson all the time and hate on him for no good reason but I feel this time there is no way people can argue against what he is saying. We all need to do what he is saying asap.

    2. 👑WW(3)”🔥. What would happen if men bless one another, even without meeting? Perfect peace with rain on earth, war would be inconceivable. I have sent you an earth in order that you might make a video into a live struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war in pain.43. If the hearts of men were not so hardened?, The pain of war would have been enough to make them reflect on their errors and return them to the path of light. But the bear is still the better memories of the butchery of humans, and prepare are ready for another war. 44 how could you believe that I the father, the divine love, would be capable of punishing you through war?48 in about this, I tell you. Who is not necessary for the evolution of the world. If menus were four in vicious Soul Fish inns, it is because of the materialism of those who promote those wars among them are those who believe only in the existence of this world.. before my kingdom is establish I will half to battle evil for is necessary that I always wore in destroy all evil to give you the piece of my spirit👼 the 3ed testament. The HOLYSPRITE Queen in. Haiti…

  10. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels not only helps Europe protect its national security, but also helps reduce global warming.

    1. Energy independence…
      So… trump had it right? Like his handling of the border? And the economy?

    2. @Home Oman We dont have enough electricity now so how are we going to have enough if everyone buys an electric propaganda machine?

  11. We all should be prepared to make some sacrifices to hinder Russian aggression. Driving 10 or more km/hr slower is a pretty small thing. People complain about the high price of gas and then drive like maniacs. Leave 10 minutes earlier and stop competing with everyone else.

    1. Anti maskers will never adhere to such rules. They’ll say, “Humans should be free to drive at whatever speed they so damn choose.” And it’ll become a whole big political thing.

  12. – Branson is right in that the world was able to drastically cut fuel usage during the first year of the pandemic, so it _is_ possible, and we don’t have to completely cut it by not driving at all, just cut everything back a tiny bit. Yes, it’s “incremental”, but when you multiply a tiny bit by 8 BILLION people, it quickly adds up. Salami-slicing isn’t just for embezzlement. 😉
    – Yes, it’s not fair to punish athletes and singers and such for what their government is doing, but at the same time, it makes no sense whatsoever to sit back and allow Russians to participate in world events like sports or singing/dance contests, and such while their country is doing something like that. Russia is NOT participating in the world and society, they’re doing the exact opposite, so it’s ludicrous to let them participate in other parts, that’s just hypocritical. 🤷

  13. He’s absolutely right. With all the (hypocritical) condemning Russia’s aggression every single day, we could really ask ourselves; which side are we really on, Russia or Ukraine.

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