Rhodes: Obama Left Trump A ‘Global Health Infrastructure’ | MSNBC

Fmr. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes responds to President Donald Trump's statement that he doesn't "take responsibility at all. Because we were given a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time," saying that fmr. President Barack Obama left President Trump a "global health infrastructure" to manage global health threats, shut down by the current administration.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Rhodes: Obama Left Trump A 'Global Health Infrastructure' | MSNBC


  1. I don’t remember the Ebola crisis during Obama’s term, but I guess that’s because it didn’t become a crisis for us in the US. Thank you, President Obama.

    1. @Angela Lee H1N1 killed 12,000 Americans. You don’t remember it because the press didn’t cover it. Homework for the day: Find 1 Obama Press briefing on H1N1 where he took questions…..just one.

    2. @Leesa Lovely you saying 40 deaths your wrong it’s one thousand three hundred death in USA alone

    1. @James Young I think that’s what I was saying sir. I voted for Biden in the primaries to keep Bernie out! I don’t need anyone correcting me and then you were wrong about it 😅😆😂🤣🤣🤣

    1. @Michael Wuj yes it, or most of it at any rate, could apply to some millionaires and to almost all billionaires in the world.

    2. @s2wheels the truth hurts huh? Your ignorance for facts outweighs the little intelligence you possess.

    3. @Kristján Rúnarsson CDC funding increased while the Pandemic Response Team had been absorbed by the NSC Dept under John Bolton’s orders. And everyone knows Bolton wasn’t a team player.

    1. Emil Ogborn maybe correct your grammar and listen to the Dems.. you will then be happier, Emil! You have drunk thd dangerous koolaide!

    2. Emil Ogborn get off here.. you don’t know what you are talking about. Trump needs to GET LOST and go back to his realty shows..

    3. @Marlene Alexander your faith in your Democratic party is your failure.the news outlets just reported when Obama used all the masks gowns and ventilators during the swine flu. He never replace them. So he used to stockpile and never re-inventoried nothing. So Obama set no one up for nothing but failure. That’s his legacy a pandemic failure, and ObamaCare that failed.

    4. @Emil Ogborn hi emil, remember Obama also had to deal with ebola besides h1n1, replacing ventilators is not the issue, trump had at least three months to address this issue and said it was a democratic hoax and we wouldn’t be inside hiding right now. The Republicans on the other hand made the dems hold the stimulis package because they wanted to pay out the businesses and the upper class first and that didn’t sit well with the dems, Emil I understand your loyalty to trump and the Republican party but you need to broaden your view on what’s happening here, the dems aren’t perfect but the Republicans are more unperfect, all I see with them is they look out for they’re own and they’re wallets.

    5. @Benjamin Romberg hello. And Obama had six years to replenish all all the backup healthcare supplies the government keeps for in times of emergency. Like this one!so even now the Democrats want to give 14 billion dollars to Africa , 75 million dollars art culture, same-day voting rights, and the list goes on.so by trying to push this stuff through on this 3rd bill for this coronavirus. And are country men and weman are dying because of this. Nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer the head of your Democratic party think this is more important than saving Americans. In times of disaster you put politics to the side. Nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer shows that cannot happen in a Democratic party.

    1. @coop awhip The fact of the matter is that a lot of the reason blacks cannot get ahead is indeed because of racism against people of colour.

    2. @Karen Schumer The democrats divided there own party and Americans of color woke up to the radical marxist dictators on the left with dividing our Nation and the race card failed and trying to overthrow a Presidentcy keeps failing removal of impeachment fail all the radical marxist dictators have left is division and because there to stupid like moron AOC and Communist Bernie Sanders as all they will get is the demise of there party in November and the majority of Americans can’t wait

    1. I know. I am in disbelief . He is sending people to church for Easter . If anyone belives what he says they are just simply stiuped .

    1. He said he didn’t take responsibility for cooking the bat soup that the virus came from. And he can prove it.

  2. when his failure of a presidency ends in November I hope they put him on trial for high crimes against america

    1. @Teresa 67 Factoid no I get all of my misinformation from foxy and the traders. Now go troll your dictator

    2. They better. And we need changes implemented that make all voted in politicians under contract to serve their citizens, not the filthy rich oligarchs and corporations who basically use bribery for policies that are always not in the interests of citizens, the Earth or it’s creatures. A politicians failure to work for us first is grounds for dismal by a tribunal selected by voters. Preferably all under 35 yrs old. The same for the president. And wouldn’t a 12 seat tribunal be superior to a president? Replaced annually. Obviously staffers and government employees are needed. Let this criminal trail of humanities worse narcissists teach that lesson. Love

    3. @Pamela Anderson
      We don’t need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant.
      We need to see the tax returns of public servants who became

    1. @Sherry Young And now there are Bernie Bros. who refuse to vote for Joe. And now there are minorities who are going over to Trump. And now there are working families going over to Trump. And now Joe cannot even string two sentences together. And now Trump will cure a major depression after only one month, just like the Great Depression should have been cured in 1929. It’s all over but the tears.

    1. Hiroader11 The Analysts I doubt it stupid. The people will vote him out of office. He’s done nothing for the economy or the American people but lie and try to cover up his crimes. He’s a con man. If you can’t figure it out, shame on you.

    2. A crisis such as this just shows what kind of mindset these conservatives have had all the time. They are very shallow and juvenile in how they navigate crisis’s. Trump and his minions are cowardly and literally stupid. Have mercy, Lord, on us.

  3. People around him telling he’s doing a great job… just like with hitler😣 those enablers are the worst and should be prosecuted just like what was done after the Hitler regime

    1. ……… and trumP loves PRAISE (even if it is false).
      Problem is that he then starts to believe it and thinks it is an endorsement of everything he does and that his actions are correct because his yes-men say so.
       [Aren’t they spineless ones indeed].

      Remember the couple of times trumP had everyone around the table ‘sing his praises’,
      goodness, that was actually sickening to watch.

    2. Exactly right! Here’s what Linda Ronstadt said to Anderson Cooper about Trump;

      Anderson Cooper;
      “You’ve read a lot about the Weimar Republic in Germany and you sort of see parallels between then and now.”

      Linda Ronstadt:
      “Well, Great parallels, I mean the intelligentsia of Berlin and the literati and all the artists were just busy doing their thing and there were a lot of chances (as) Hitler rose to power there were a lot of chances to stop him and they didn’t speak out, and the industrial complex thought they could control him once they got him in office and, of course, he was not controllable. By the time he got established he put his own people in place and stacked the courts and did what he had to do to consolidate his power. And we got Hitler and he destroyed Germany, he destroyed centuries of intellectual history forward and backward. You know the people like Beethoven and Goethe and Thomas Mann became jokes, they became Nazi laughing stocks.”

      Anderson Cooper;
      “I think a lot of people would be surprised to hear comparisons between what happened then and now.”

      Linda Ronstadt;
      “If you read the history you won’t be surprised, it’s exactly the same; find a common enemy for everybody to hate. I was sure that Trump was going to get elected the day he announced. And I said it’s going to be like Hitler and the Mexicans were going to be the new Jews, and sure enough, that’s what he delivered, you know.”

      The fact that Cooper could not see the obvious historical parallels between Trump and Hitler makes Cooper sound like nothing more than a corporate sycophant and not a reporter at all!

    3. Totally agreed. Having the mindset of a small kid is the premises. Kids love praise. Kids get very angry otherwise. Trump behaves exactly like this.

  4. Prison should be the only place just about his whole administration needs to take responsibility for …as inmates.

    1. Victor Johnson A few of he’s friend’s are waiting for him. Makes me sick to see people still saying his the best president ever

    2. Ernesto Olono yes he’s definitely the worst president ever. I will vote blue no matter who. Tired of the circus in the white house.

    1. ’cause we don’t pandemic response team when there is no pandemic. A team can be put together when there IS a pandemic. Do you want to pay for top medical professions to sit around and wait for a pandemic?

    2. @DA7545 A fire department can be used as a good example. Their work on fire prevention saves a lot of fire loss in future. If we waited for a fire and depended on the bucket brigade, how would that work?

    3. @DA7545 The US pays for a massive military they hope will never be used in an all-out effort. A pandemic response team could still do research or planning for possible outbreaks. Assembling an ad hoc team after the fact would be like locking the proverbial barn door after the horse has escaped.

    1. me
      You are correct. Trump cant really cope with a second term. He would resign, if he knew he wasn’t going to prison.
      This time he’s over his head. He’s barely making it now.
      He’s huffing, puffing and sniffing right now.

  5. This should be a lessen for all Americans, and remove this sick person from the White House. Much love from down under🇦🇺

    1. @Underhander if the percentage of trump followers are higher than us we won’t stand a chance against the stable genius

    2. @E Tan yep, that’s the way the stable genius molded this country, what a shame that we live like this.

    1. @tree man the turnout for the 2016 election wasn’t great to begin with. Democratic voters who didn’t care to vote caused him to get the presidency. History is repeating itself now with a low turnout for the democratic convention.

    2. @jane hyden People don’t want the truth, they want to get High on Fast Food and reality TV…

    3. This is an interesting fact you have a 1% chance of death in Canada with the Virus % & US 2%. That is the same with almost every ailment. Canada double the US when it comes to health care. If the US adapted our Health care systems 1.4 million less Americans would die per year.

    1. Obama’s legacy was a crime spree.
      Barry soetoro did nothing for the American people in 8 years other than being a good looking smooth talking black man with a fake back story fake children and a man dressed up as a woman as the first lady.

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