Rhode Island Governor: My Goal Is To Reopen Once | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Gov. Gina Raimondo, D-RI, discusses a new app Rhode Island is launching to help fight the coronavirus. Aired on 05/13/2020.
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Rhode Island Governor: My Goal Is To Reopen Once | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Republicans are all over it, don’t you worry. You’ve no clue what the Republicans understand. You’re the one to determine that? Grow up. You’re nobody.

    2. @Love Laneonthebeat Montes that’s a hawk crap that’s what you want them to say because you support their narrative your Democrat you’re not a republican so that’s a conflict of interest question. AT&T owns CNN as CNN never ask a question why CNN never questions AT&Ts corporate interest as an example, just like the rest of themwho owns those networks and who do those networks? They definitely protect democrats

    3. @RMPsumma This year, I’m not even voting! I don’t like either, but Trump is losing his mind! He’s going way over the deep end. It’s scary because all of his secrets will be exposed, and he’s not one to be a good sport when he loses!

    4. @CTM Wow, you must think we are idiots! Actually, I’m not a democrat, so don’t assume to know me! I’m protecting the Governor of R.I.! I’m an Independent! She seems like one as well, but chose Democrat because Independents hardly get voted in!

    5. @Love Laneonthebeat Montes At least Trump has a mind to lose! Biden’s has been gone for months! “Have they introduced me?”

  1. Their getting the death projections wrong every time to Aug 4th.now its 147000. It will be at least that number mid june.

    1. @ken rudge I will be more accurate from those projectionists and their getting paid to give honest projections. My 260/270 will be far more accurate than their 147.brainless twats.

    2. @The Ropes of Renovation Any wild guess would be better than Trumps in late February. ‘It will be down to zero in April’.

  2. Kind of funny how some countries like France can withstand a 3-month lockdown but the greatest of them all, the US, cannot afford to be locked for even one month.

    1. The US, although it has its moments and had good intentions (sometimes) is a very immature country.

    2. @Susan Bara Yes, it is very intelligent to ignore actually medical experts and put your clients’ lives at risk. So is “Shelly Luther” (sic) a new hero of yours?

  3. proverbs 22:3 “3 ”The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, But the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.”

    1. @PSoul so you wish when you run up against some one who knows their worth vs your shallow reasoning.that takes you down the wrong track of your haughtiness……LOL..Timothy 3 versus 1 – 7. “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, Haughty, —-blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6 from among these arise men who slyly worked their way into households and captivate week women loaded down with Sins, that by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”you appear to be one of these…..as well as these..”
      2nd Timothy 4:3 – 5 “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teachings, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn your ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keep your senses in all things.”
      last but not least the following..”—————————————————————————————————————-Proverbs 6:12 – 15
      “a useless and wicked man walks about with crooked speech 13 he winks with his eye, signals with his foot and motions with his fingers. With a perverted heart, he is always scheming evil and spreading contentions 15 therefore his disaster will come suddenly in a moment he will be broken beyond healing.

      Proverbs 6:16 – 19 “these 6 things the Lord doth hate: yea 7 are an abomination unto him 17 a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, 19 a false witness that speak as lies and he that so if discord among brethren.… King James

      presumptuous one listen to the doctors advice, that was the point I was making but you missed that ….roflmbo……have a nice day……proverbs 22:3 pay attention…

    2. @PSoul hahahahahahaha…take comfort in your dreams as you still miss the point and wish to ignore it….have a nice day……

    3. @AdversarySatan I understand perfectly and you are absolutely taking it out of context. The verse is not talking about a dang virus dude.

  4. Some governors don’t care about human lives. Some we have to listen to, because of the epic failure of leadership in the nation. More than 83,000 people should be alive, and are not. Remember this in November.

    1. @The Tweatles Go away and read about Covid 19 why your argument makes no sense and then come back.

    2. @Zach Rogers That is all of Europe and, unfortunately, we are just getting started.

    3. Mark Alexander-Warne Not true. That is the fake news the left is portraying. And again -the US had except 150,000 deaths to get the US economy going. That’s what the people want!!

    4. Mark Alexander-Warne You need to stay unemployed in your basement in fear!! Than you won’t get it. Don’t worry about others!!

    5. De quoi tu as besoin You have accept 150,000 to 200,000 deaths from this virus to get the US open. If we don’t then all your statistics will mean nothing!

    1. This is what’s making America Great Again? Looks like… people need to open their eyes. What’s going on is not good! Realize we need each other, you never travel this journey alone.

    2. Shelly Luther found do ten times better! Now we see why Sanders lost the nomination! More mind numbing boring interviews from MSNBC! Talk to people who can show these simple minded politicians how to manage! Show them Dallas, Texas! They know how to do it. Talk to Shelly Luther to give tips on good management! MSNBC and their current guests keep reading and repeating information that was applicable five or six months ago: the relationship with China. Things change and when things change smart people change with that new information! Isn’t one of the critical signs of dementia constantly repeating the same thing over and over as we continue to see with MSNBC employees. It seems like the dementia test would be much more critical for MSNBC news people considering their statements. I understand that a good deal of the issue is lack of education, very low iQ, lack of experience (or at least remembered experience). Of course, they sound like excessive drug use is part of the issue since the dementia (lack of recent memory) is so widespread at MSNBC. Often there is repetition of the same incoherent phrases four or five times within a very short period of time. Another characteristic of dementia is negativity!. This is the only view expressed on MSNBC.Go to the people who know. Hire Shelly Luther to do interviews! She is much more intelligent than these clowns!

  5. When will the Republicans understand that the economy is TIED to the health of its people.ENTER THE PUPKIN

    1. Now we see why Sanders lost the nomination! More mind numbing boring interviews from MSNBC! Talk to people who can show these simple minded politicians how to manage! Show them Dallas, Texas! They know how to do it. Talk to Shelly Luther to give tips on good management! MSNBC and their current guests keep reading and repeating information that was applicable five or six months ago: the relationship with China. Things change and when things change smart people change with that new information! Isn’t one of the critical signs of dementia constantly repeating the same thing over and over as we continue to see with MSNBC employees. It seems like the dementia test would be much more critical for MSNBC news people considering their statements. I understand that a good deal of the issue is lack of education, very low iQ, lack of experience (or at least remembered experience). Of course, they sound like excessive drug use is part of the issue since the dementia (lack of recent memory) is so widespread at MSNBC. Often there is repetition of the same incoherent phrases four or five times within a very short period of time. Another characteristic of dementia is negativity!. This is the only view expressed on MSNBC.Go to the people who know. Hire Shelly Luther to do interviews! She is much more intelligent than these clowns!

    2. When will Democrats understand that the health of its people are tied to the economy? Enter the Demotartds!

  6. Of course the deplorable underbelly will rabble-rouse the swamp yankees there to protest at the statehouse. When was the last time a US president incited insurrection like this one did with Liberate Virginia blablabla It is under Seige!
    Oh, that’s right, never

    1. veterans of the Tea Party era. organizers of “Liberate such and such, and save your great 2nd Amendment”

  7. I want everything to get back to normal too. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to rush into crowded malls and bars. Not for my sake, but I don’t want to potentially get other people sick.

    1. a lot of people are in denial, they refuse to accept even facts about corona virus, they turn on you if you try raise their awareness.

  8. How about making n95 masks here instead of China ? And reagents for tests here instead of India?

    1. Good idea, but you just can not snap your fingers and make it happen. After we are out of the crisis is over that would be something to do. However most in the US will totally forget about doing it after the crisis is over.

    2. @Brad Quinn So, there’ll be no change to reflect the lessons learned(if any).
      The problem in America is the financial greed.

    3. Because you’d have to give USA workers full time with livable wage and benefits rather than three jobs at minimum wage with no benefits.

    1. Gilmore Mccoy and they understand that health care or any form of care really, is an economic business too.

    2. Up here in British Columbia Canada, essentially all decisions are made by Bonnie Henry, our head provincial doctor/medical officer.
      She is a high level medical scholar who specializes in virology. Our premier does nothing regarding this situation….he listens ONLY to her.

    3. Let’s not stereotype! Do you think that “Judge Jeanine” would (or is) making good decisions? What about Susan Collins? Has Trump learned his lesson? How would Sarah Palin handle this? Brilliantly? Until we collectively look at the person for their ideas, instead of their gender, race or sexual orientation, we will be stuck in this awful era of tribalism where actually thinking takes a back seat to silly stereotypes.

    4. Kia Ora from Aotearoa New Zealand 🌻💗🌻

      Yes, that’s true for us here, at least. Our leadership team, led by our P.M. Jacinda Ardern, has done an amazing job. But we all had to pull together to make it happen.
      And that’s despite the daily attacks from our foreign-owned, right-wing Corporate Media.

      We have a COVID19 website up and running, it’s worth a look at what we’re doing 👍🏽

      21 Kiwis have died from COVID19, and my condolences to the families of each and every one of them.😓
      Today, we step into level 2.
      I’m seeing my Mum and Dad for the 1st time since Christmas. They’re in their 70s and Dad’s health isn’t great. The 8 hour drive to see them, worth it.👍🏽

      To any Kiwi reading this: thank-you ❤ ❤❤ from me, my parents and my kids. They like having their grandparents around, and so do I. We appreciate the hardships that lockdown has caused, we’re going through it too.
      But we’ve pulled this off with minimal loss of life, with teamwork.
      We’re going to rebuild our economy the same way : With Teamwork 💗
      Kia Kaha Kia Toa and #HeWakaEkeNoaAotearoa 👍🏽🌷👍🏽

  9. Now there is a smart woman who cares about business people and her citizens especially the poor and working class🇺🇸

    1. The rich try to not think about the poor and hard working. They don’t think about the fact that we can’t just put our feet up and live the life at home. We have to keep up with the bills which has not been stopped. We can still be evicted from our houses and become homeless. The governors never talk about that. Which by the way they still get paid working from home.

    2. @hamhockbeans Well, she has setup a government aid assistance program for those who are having a hard time covering their house or rental. You can get up to 5 thousand. She is using the states finances to rebuild not only jobs, but so that families who are struggling can get help.

  10. Every generation suffers a difficult problem that causes significant loss of life as a society. Prior generations have responded by making sacrifices to get through World Wars, pandemics, floods, etc. But people have become soft and selfish and it shows. They are so eager to avoid any sacrifice they want business as usual even if it means infections rise again and businesses are shut again and the economy takes a bigger dive because we never put in a viable testing program.
    The economy is people who are healthy enough to work and be productive and spend without fear of infection to themselves and family.

  11. WTF, really. Screw the economy. We need to get thru this first. REMEMBER NOVEMBER!!!!! VOTE TRUMP OUT!!!!

  12. Why is it a republican vs democrats in the USA its America against the virus thats all that matters NOT making it a political tic for tac the health of ordinary people in your country is all that matters you can rebuild economies ,lives and families are not so easy to rebuild its your governments duty to protect and assist its citizens in a time if need no matter how much it costs the government you need a workforce to rebuild your country but the virus death projections are shocking and worrying KEEP FIGHTING AMERICA all the best and good luck from the UK

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