Reverend Al Sharpton: We Know Who Trump Is; What Will We Do About It? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Rev. Al Sharpton calls into Morning Joe to discuss new tweets from the president referring to Sharpton as a con man and troublemaker. Rev. Sharpton discusses his history with Trump.
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Reverend Al Sharpton: We Know Who Trump Is; What Will We Do About It? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Reverend Al Sharpton: We Know Who Trump Is; What Will We Do About It? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. ’45’ is so appropriate for Trump, his base hovers around 45%, he’s barely half a man, I think he is even 45th on the good to bad Presidents list and that’s about how often he gets it right..

    1. Christian white supremacy at it’s best, for there time is almost at hand, WW3 is going to start.

    2. Isreal Emunah though it’s clear as day some want it to.. It’s up to ordinary people to make sure it doesn’t.. That means getting rid of losers like Trump, Pompeo, Abrams, Pense, Bolton and yes that ‘lovely’ Nikki Hailey.. And a host of others..

  2. Americans need to protest to start impeachment inquirys on Trump like Puerto Rico got Rossello to resign 😡!!!!

    1. Big John yes big John that’s how Hitler started in the 30’s spreading hate and fear do you think all the Germans started out evil ? No they just didn’t do anything and cheered him on breathing life into hatred and division, is this what America has become ? Is evil winning ? As far as I’m concerned anyone who votes for evil is complicit in the fall of America, shame on all of them , I want the America I know and love back I want the evil man in the White removed before he causes anymore damage I wonder how many Anne Frank’s there are right now in fear because of ice raids ? Calling all Americans to stand up for freedom and democracy.

    2. To be fair there are weekly protest against Trump. However in the end the governor left office because that’s what was best for the people. Trump will have to be dragged out of office. Hopefully on a set of cuffs.

    1. Don’t mistake address with an occupant, absolutely nothing wrong with the White House, contents, history.

  3. Time for WE THE PEOPLE to #RiseUp and “Puerto Rico” this lawless, un-American regime! Drive it from power via massive protest.

    That’s the only way to drive fascism from power: voting won’t help at a certain point because it is rigged. (2018 could very well have been our last free and fair election for some time…and even it was heavily influenced in the GOP’s favor…for instance, the Senate received 12 million more votes for dems than repubs, yet the GOP picked up 2 seats because of gerrymandering).

  4. The ONLY way out of this mess is voting him out! Let him go back from where he came from. He did nothing for this great country…..nothing to make lifes better…nothing ! 2-3 jobs for people…and they are still poor! He is a total failure!

    1. The ones who say that are the poor, uneducated low lifes from Baltimore who could never afford to spend a night in a Trump Hotel.

    2. The New York health inspectors found a rat and rodent infested mess when they visited his restaurant in Manhattan.

  5. He stopped giving the Dems money when it didn’t buy him what he wanted. Then he drug a dollar bill through a trailer park and he hooked the repugnicons hook, line and sinker. 🌊🦈

  6. I will not lower my expectations on the character of the USA President. He’s got to go. Vote 2020

  7. *Seen enough horror..? Then vote against every single Republican, in every single election, for the rest of your lives.*

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