Rev. Dr. William Barber On Threats Against ‘The Squad’ | All In | MSNBC

Rev. Dr. William Barber reacts after the president continues rage-tweeting about the four Democratic Congresswomen known as "the squad" in the wake of two disturbing social media threats against them.
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Rev. Dr. William Barber On Threats Against ‘The Squad’ | All In | MSNBC

Rev. Dr. William Barber On Threats Against ‘The Squad’ | All In | MSNBC


  1. Thank you, Rev. Dr. Barber! Racism is the ultimate shell game, keeping us divided and blaming each other for what the 1% has done to all.

    1. @Ash Roskell same…same. Ben Franklin was right. We didnt even last 300 years. Rome atleast limped in close to 2,000 yards.

    2. I’m racist in no way, but completely disagree with every one of the four democrats in “The Squad”.
      And do not want people this far from center in any position of power in my country.
      Multiculturalism has utterly failed the United States.
      The more diverse a country gets, the more divided and unstable it becomes.

    3. Literally, nothing Donald Trump is saying is not what any member of Palestine, Somalia, Puerto Rico or the S. Side of Chicago would say if there were legislators in their country/area that directly opposed their core values.
      The citizens would violently attack you in every location I just named.
      If you were in their area attacking their culture and values.

  2. It’s too bad poor white t’rump supporters don’t understand that they are simply hurting themselves by allowing republican corruption, corporate greed, and the privatization of social services to run rampant.
    But at least they have them guuunnnnsssss!!!!

    1. @recipioct How/why do people have such a simplistic view of things? At least put some effort into understanding what you’re talking about instead of parroting talking points you’ve come across. Neither one of those systems are inherently good or bad and cases can be made for/against the both of them. Disagreeing with someone solely because they’re a “socialist” or a “capitalist” is f*cking stupid.

    2. @recipioct Why do Trump supporters not understand that we are already a socialist democracy in this republic? We have a ton of programs — education, infrastructure (roads & bridges), elected officials (supposedly The People), medicare, social security, disability, welfare, unemployment, healthcare, mental healthcare, foster care, police, prisons, National Guard, etc.. IF we allow many of those things to become privatized, like our military has become, we pay a lot more money because corporations want and need profits for themselves and their shareholders. Do you Trump supporters NOT GET THIS VERY SIMPLE FACT on what kind of SOCIALIST Democracy we are? Look at your own families and checkmark the programs you have utilized. Do you contribute taxes for that utilization? I pay for many of them and I have never used most of them. However, I do not mind paying my share to keep my fellow citizens well. When they do well, I also do well. There are different kinds of socialism. Many of you are petrified of communism. Our type of socialism can co-exist with capitalism. AND, capitalism CAN run amok and become all about greed, control and power– which is where we are today. Corporations own us rather than the other way around.

      The corporate pendulum has swung way too far and we need to bring everything into balance again because we are very off-kilter. That is why we feel such division and fear. It is actually good that all is being revealed so we know for facts what is off-balance. Trumplicans have done a good job of brining it all out in the open– I grant you that. But now, it is swinging too far into nationalism and racism…again, too far on the pendulum and we all need to come back into the middle and work together.

      We are all in this together on this little sphere spinning around in space. Work towards making it a better place for all of us– despite colors, religions, orientations, languages, etc. America is the Great Experiment of having multiple cultures all be able to become citizens on one continent. We can do this, but we need to come together, be truthful and trust one another. Lies and bullying prevent the nation from being able to operate on the principles of which we were founded (well, after we genocided our Native American civilizations and dragged human beings from African countries to build prosperity in this country). 

      We have a dark past, we need to build a brighter future full of integrity for our fellow humans and respect nature whom we completely depend upon for our well-being. Each of you should spend time in nature daily and let it remind you of whom you really are beyond all this fighting and bickering.

    3. @recipioct Capitalism obviously. I’m not a Socialist, and neither are the Democrats. Sorry that you don’t understand the nuanced difference between the corrupt system in Venezuela and what universal healthcare is. Tell me son, why are you in favor of keeping tax loopholes in place so corporations like Amazon pay no taxes – while tens of millions of Americans can’t get access to healthcare? I guess you like living in a flawed system that favors the rich and powerful. 🤔😃😄😂

  3. He’s right. People must stop voting against their interests because race or party are more important.

  4. The Reverend has it spot on. The tactics that are being used are several hundred years old. Divide and conquer. Those who can’t be conquered are suppressed. Hence the CIA’s attempt to criminalize WhistleBlowing and reporting the facts!

  5. “”America, love it or leave it”, a pseudo-patriotic slogan used against political activists, critics, dissidents and opponents in the United States. The precise origin of the saying is unknown, but it was first popularized by Walter Winchell in defense of McCarthyism during the 1940s and 50s.[2] It became particularly fashionable during the Vietnam War when it was frequently leveled against anti-war protesters[2], made its way onto bumper stickers and into country songs, and helped Richard Nixon become president.[3] Though its popularity and power have waned since then, the expression is still hurled from time to time in disputes over a variety of issues, like anti American domestic policy, claims of white privilege, strong border enforcement, etc” —-Wikipedia

  6. Democrats have done much to expose the failed or non policies of anti American pro Russian Republicans. E.g., Moscow Mitch’s graveyard of bills he refuses to bring to the Senate floor.: The Grim Reaper.

  7. Racism has always been the tactic that men of power use to pit poor whites against blacks to gain more control.

  8. If Trump has an issue with any member of the Squad, or with their opposition to him and/or his policies, then he should take it up with their constituents seeing as that’s why they sent those ladies to Congress in the first place. In fact, he’s the reason so many Democrats were sent to Congress, while his Repugnicunt buddies were sent packing.

  9. Hi Joy.👋.
    Exceptional reporting, Joy.👍☺👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.
    Keep on digging, Joy.👍.
    👉👉Patience democrats, patience.👍.

  10. It seems like when someone like Rev. Barber speaks they’re always out of time and he/she can’t give us more of the great information they have. I could listen to what Rev. Barber was saying all day because I know its the truth and I think/know that we ALL need to hear it. S/O to Rev. Barber for being a real one!

  11. What happened to seperation of Church and State????? JESUS IS LOVE NOT HATE! Congress needs to give each one of these congresswomen police protection this is not right!!!

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