President of the National Action Network Reverend Al Sharpton says that Trump did not offer any answers on the question of race at the final presidential debate and did nothing to address the conversation Black parents have to have with their children. Aired on 10/23/2020.
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Rev. Al Sharpton Says Trump ‘Had Nothing’ On The Question Of Race At The Debate | Deadline | MSNBC
YeH like Sharpton the sheister has anything we want to hear. FAKE NEWS MSNBC ENEMY OF THE PPL
Trump 2020
He’s already won
Ah they just don’t say what you like
@Shar Pei If you believed that you wouldn’t be here.
First of all you can’t spell…it is Shyster….and you voted for one.
If you got to pull out Sharpton, you lost.
Bublee cry me a river lefty
Trump 2020
Oh Jesus
Are you a poor boy?
“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” -Joe Biden.
@Southern Mema Spoken by a white supremacist
@Darrion Myles things could be back to normal again my brother. We just need freedom, vacations and travel again right. Full stadium of peoples watching sports again right
@Hue Yang No I disagree idk why you would even tag me in that response should have kept it to yourself.
@Darrion Myles sorry bro my mistake
@Hue Yang We need to stop being so divided but when the President is a white supremacist this is what you get
Race Hustler. Does nothing to actually help the black community.
@TJ Anderson not taking it personal just know and learn how to talk to people just in life no one is gonna agree with you so if you’re willing to have a adult conversation behave and talk like an adult or a grown man instead of a teenager.
@Darrion Myles quite letting msm and the idiotic leftist brainwash you into things that factually are just not true!!!
Fred) the pic. had me laughing
@vladthecon abe been dead for century man people be tripping.
@YT anti 1st amendment Hate is a strong word. Hate can destroy those who hate. Life is too short to bear real hate. Many on this thread are talking about hatred. They cannot accept the hatred that is put on those not like them. So they turn around and hate them. This country is going backwards. Evil is trying to win but will eventually be defeated.
Imagine being a snitch as your race looks down on snitching.
@Alexis Williams Why spam ?
Chris Tucker even Louis Farrakhan is more respected in the black community than Al Sharpton.
@Emilio Maurice doubtful
funny how Al Sharpton was so nice to Trump, BEFORE he became president.
@eye see
You mean our white supremacists system? Nah, they won’t care. Lol
Robby Macaulay
Robby and yet Jews were in the National Socialist Party and military.
The Wedge … Sharpton woke up, what’s your excuse in still defending a moron yet you stand beside a president that’s killed thousands because he didn’t want to panic America (Wall street) and too cowardly to show the importance of a simply cloth face mask and seek help from our adversaries and the proud pu$$y boys that kidnap women for his reelection and lost the parents of 545 children… just wow
@hector heck thanks for the mansplantation, but you missed my point.
@Ann Marie Hicks “mansplantation” LOL. I assumed you meant the hypocrisy of Trump and Hillary. Politics is rich with hypocrisy. Look at Biden and Kamala. She was metoo’ing and racisting him like crazy during the primary and now she’s fully supporting him. It’s not unusual at all.
Race hustlers never have any other issues in mind other than race. That’s how they make their living.
Al sharpton has skimmed off the top of federal findings for decades. Now there’s a new player in town by the name of ice cube. Now ice will really help the black communities and all can’t get to the pots of gold no more.
Trump 2020
He’s already won
Booker T Washington talked about these kinds
@ThatOneWhiteWizard So did Frederick Douglass
@TK Los Angeles Elderly black people who grew up during segregation and experienced racism do.
He didn’t have to. Sharpton is nothing more than a race hustler — ignore him. People like him are the problem.
@Duke Wolf Sharpton and Jackson earn a living off racism….
@Billy Cole II well I guess they don’t have to worry about going broke in this country
@Duke Wolf Not really, Tawana Brawley…..if there is no racism , make it up.
@Billy Cole II you got that right if there’s no racism
@Robby Macaulay Hitler? “Under Trump, Black Prison Rate Lowest in 31 Years, Hispanics Down 24%.” (search it) America’s imprisonment rate has dropped to it’s lowest level since 1995. Do some research, you brain-dead tool.
This deck of cards has three jokers.
Two jokers and a RINO.
Lol nice
Trump, Pence and Moscow Mitch, I agree.
@Vincent Irkalla Pelosi, Schiff and Biden?
Nothing new here but more junk news. Bobble heads abound.
Trump 2020
Ok, be honest, who came here just to read the comments? I did!
Actually I only came to make and read comments but I didn’t watch the crappy video
@Pat Mitchell
I never watch the video.
I don’t want to give them money for nothing.
Lol me too
Bum made his money scamming corporations telling them he’ll out them as racist if they don’t pay him
Imagine calling one of the richest people in the world a bum lol
Thats how garbage do…….
@JudeGeeYT “What you talkin’ bout Willis?”
@JudeGeeYT he’s talking about Al
Sharpton doesn’t know anything. He’s a wolf…
christopher hitchens embarrassed him in a one on one debate.
Momma’s boy←_←
@Combat Archery America ?
Al’s all about racism. He’s been dividing poeple for years. Where’s Jessy
Masks are not even why we have so many deaths/cases. Studies show that 85% of cases, people were avid mask users.
@L U white is not a race ? Really you’re gonna stand by that response….man this is pathetic
@Gloria Brown You are correct, the elderly are dying at a much higher rate. That happens every year because they are frail.
Knowing COVID hits the elderly the most, why did 5 Democrat run states have a policy to put COVID patients in nursing homes? This effectively doubled their death rates in places like LA and NYC and Michigan. What does Trump have to do with that?
@Darrion Myles how can I respond to something that doesn’t even make sense?
@Gloria Brown “Be a leader and people will follow a leader….I know a lot of people wouldn’t even wear masks because they said it was all a hoax because the president wore no mask”
Honest question, if Obama or Biden were President (or pick any leader from any country), would a certain sect of the US wear masks more, because they told them to? Would Republicans wear a mask more just because Obama told them to? I think you know the answer.
Ask Al Sharpton about not paying his taxes, now there’s a real tax crime.
@Johnny Joe whatever jmr means….I’m sure joe’s not hurting, just needs to be led to his home….maybe you can help him!!
@Vincent Irkalla I’m black and a registered Democrat and I was raised not to throw stones from a glass house. Al is a leper
Liberals never think for themselves but rely everything what the mainstream media said. So sad. Liberalism is disease and it’s contagious
are u a troll?
Tony Preston … you deflect just like your sorry leader that beg for help from foreign adversaries and the proud pu$$y boys that kidnap women, Sharpton is not running for office!
Says the guy who has spent decades making money off of race baiting.
The Rev no place to talk!!
Calling Al Sharpton “ Rev “ is like calling Jeffrey Dahmer “ Chef”.
Sharpton love Donald Trump until her ran for office.
How dare you!
Al Sharpton is about as “Rev” as Lucifer.
MSNBC: Stooges
This is someone who cannot even spell respect (literally) and got famous for defending someone that was a liar and faked a hate crime boy his words mean a lot.
It doesn’t much matter what Al Sharpton has to say! This man has no integrity or consciousness!!