Rev. Al Discusses Possible Changes To Minneapolis Police Department | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A majority of the Minneapolis City Council agreed Sunday to dismantle the city's police department after the in-custody killing of George Floyd, a council member said. The Rev. Al Sharpton discusses what this means. Aired on 06/08/2020.
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Rev. Al Discusses Possible Changes To Minneapolis Police Department | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. If we want justice to return to the Senate, McConnell must be replaced by an honest person to the Senate>

    2. Lol they should be pretty used to it by now. To busy confirming yet another quality federalist judge nominee lol

    1. You should feel the same about multinational corporations. You pay more percentage wise than Mr. Koch.

  1. Remember David Dorn and Tony timpa also!! he couldn’t breathe either!! George Floyd didn’t deserve to die, but his death is no more important than thousands of others all over the world every day

    Blue lives matter too!!!

    1. Larry Beasly… why don’t you ask Fox to lift the comment band so ya’ll can vent there…. ask that same question to Trump supporters, Seriously!!

    1. @Baby Faye Educate yourself, you fling the word ‘fascist’ around as though you know what you are talking about.

    2. @Baby Faye means no money. Would you work for free? But I agree because I can protect myself and over 90% of police work is useless.

    3. @Baby Faye That’s exactly the end goal…..abolishment of all police. Left-wingers say exactly what they mean.

    4. @Baby Faye Considering the extreme left has ran Minneapolis for the past 50 years, we shouldn’t even be talking about this should we? It should be a nice socialist utopia there by now. Why isn’t it?

  2. Liberal media doesn’t mention George Floyd held a gun to a pregnant womans stomach and was high on crystal meth when he was arrested.

  3. Minneapolis isn’t proposing doing anything that Camden hasn’t already done, and they had great success

    1. Yeah they dismantled their police dept. And made it way bigger with more resources and more cops. It’s worked great. I love it.

    1. @John Hillman enjoy the crime lol dont dial 911 not that it will matter there will be no one on the other side of the line.

    2. CNN said you are racist. Because you are encouraging people to move out of state. Also, Msmbc said you are white supremacist. Because you don’t support BLM.

    1. DO OR DIE…. say what u want about Sharpton but at least he’s trying to bridge the gap and bring this country together… the exact opposite of Trumps actions

  4. Floyd was a convicted felon who held a gun to a pregnant woman stomach during a home invasion. What a great guy.

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