The Rev. Al Sharpton describes speaking at Daunte Wright's funeral in Minneapolis. Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, was killed during a traffic stop by police. Aired on 04/23/2021.
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#AlSharpton #DaunteWright #MSNBC
Rev. Al: Daunte Wright Given A Tremendous Sendoff, But Who Wants To Give A 20-Year-Old A Sendoff?
The police need to learn how to do their job without killing people.
@arick Johnson the people that refuse to take responsibility for there actions are the trash. The cowards that run or fight to get away and get killed by a cop the world is better off without.
unless, of course, that’s part of their job – then the job needs eliminated
@Rob Cashe hi bigot
@Mike oh no, don’t call me names you’ll ruin my whole day…words are so scary
@Rob Cashe how much of a trump bootlicking troll are you?
I approve this message
The saddest part for me is that I can’t keep up with these unjust police killings! It took me a minute to realize which situation this was. It’s an unfortunate struggle for me to keep up with all the other incidents that aren’t resolved.
You should try keeping up with how many times they shoot each other. Nobody cares about those though huh
@Rob Cashe who is “they”? Better yet, don’t answer. You’ve already exposed yourself and your position. Your racism has nothing to do with anything said in this post.
@teehud313 ohhhhh man please don’t call me racist wha wha wha

you know how much words hurt us 

@teehud313 stop liking your own comments too you little sissy

@Rob Cashe spoken like a true trolling racist
*RIP Shock G, AKA Humpty Hump.*

20 years… he didn’t get to live for tags and airfresher?
you are another PLAYED FOR A FOOL person. They went to pull him over and he ran, when they ran him he had a wattant. Then the moron tried to run while getting handcuffed. he had a gun and drugs. Try researching instead of believing race baiting networks.
@Wisconsin Man why shoot a citizen that run? was the warrant for mass murder? was he dangerous like that?
@Wisconsin Man – you’re a dork
Is reverend al going to Jaslyn Adams funeral?
@Harry Johnstone
Corona virus has a similar death rate to the flu. States like Florida who never had a mask mandate or never completely shut down has a lower death rate than states like Michigan. How does Lord Fauci in his supreme wisdom explain that?
Most people who died from it were those over 75 who had other health conditions i.e. people likely to have passed away if they contracted the flu or even common cold
The fun in Chicago is just getting started. In about another month, it will be time for the annual South Side of Chicago massacre. Memorial Day weekend will kick off the festivities as is tradition.
@Louis Barrow 85% of those who died were over 50. Use pointed facts please. 90% of those who died did so avoidably. Pay attention. Before it is over there will be more than half a million American deaths on Trump’s and his supporters hands. Try to explain that away however you like. I know it must be an inconvenient truth. But, it. is. the. truth.
@Megan Ferraro I was not addressing you, Ma’am. I was responding to:
Christian 153
8 hours ago
@Harry Johnstone You don’t want to see innocent children stop getting killed?
The same racists POS that try to deflect and conflate and build false moral equivelencies are the same, to a man and woman, who supported Trump’s American Carnage. The *-hole doesn’t give two squirts about the little girl who died and he doesn’t give two lumps about half a million PREVENTABLY dead Americans.
I’d say, in this context, they are directly equivelant -in re that putin-puffer, xtian153
@Harry Johnstone
Of course they were over 50, because most who died were so old they could have had 50 year old children.
It’s a disease that’s slightly more dangerous than the flu and even more the elderly has a ~10 percent death rate which means even 90 percent of people over 75 won’t die from it. For those younger and with no underlying conditions it has less than 1 percent death rate. It’s not like smallpox that killed a third of every person.
Several red states had few if any mask mandates and they are just fine. I live in Michigan and despite all of the heavy handed lockdowns and mask restrictions, we still supposedly have high infection rates. So that means it didn’t work. While freer states like Florida are doing just fine.
Also, I guess all the old people our esteemed Empress, Gretchen Whitmer killed by sending corona virus patients i to nursing homes should be on her hands, right? She should be occupy a cell right next to Trump as she is even more directly responsible for deaths.
Apparently living in Minnesota is hazardous to Black American’s health
Life is death to hate
Love Rev Al’s eulogies
And he loves giving them. Funny you morons think he cares. He profits from every one of these deaths. Y’all are real smart folks ya know it

We cant breathe in ya stinking air no more. Yo tags of racism has expired- Classic
Why did they need a casket?? Minneapolis has plenty of alleys with plenty of dumpsters that could have been utilized??
@Louis Barrow cause the alleys and dumpsters are being saved for you
If someone want to seek someone to blame, then the blame is pointing both to the police officer and himself. Both sides are fairly commiting blunder that were causing loss of his life.

I wonder were the tags really expired.some folks ride around on expired tags for years.
Let’s see “Reverend” Al Sharpton’s tax returns.
Right after you try to prove you have a heart.
I want to see Trump’s tax returns for the last 30 years.
@Daniel Gallegos oh does he profit from the death of kids too? Moron
@Rob Cashe – over 500,000 American’s died due to his COVID blunder. So, yes.
@My toes Are cold true, half a million did die…so how did he profit from that? This should be interesting. Hurry hurry
Preach it, Reverend, preach it! “Righteousness”
Yaaaaa get that money standing on that grave rev! Moron.
Carson Johns got pulled over for expired tags on his car he got a ticket “Carson is White,” Daunte “is black” gets pulled over for expired tags and gets shot by police there is something so wrong with this picture.
Prayers to the family.
@Tabitha bishop And I wish the same to you.
@Rob Cashe fake pity is what bigots do best
@Mike fake pity? Hmmm did you mean fake remorse? Must not have been on your “word of the day toilet paper” yet eh?
@Mike you’re a pretty funny guy

@Rob Cashe do you get off on trolling all day?
Bye felicia!

My deepest sympathy, and sorrow to Daunte Wright and his dear family, and friends. Please know that you all are in my heart, and my prayers, today and everyday that follows. R.I.P. Mr Daunte Wright, and God Bless You All.
This flee gets a media covered funeral. The driver of the car he hit was lucky they weren’t killed. And now have to deal with there insurance company.