US Army Major Mike Lyons (Ret.) and CNN national security analyst Steve Hall discuss the Russian missile system used on the apartments in Dnipro, Ukraine, and reports from the Kremlin saying Russia plans to increase its armed forces. #CNN #News
Retired officer on significance of Russian missile used in apartments attack

If this was 1940, I wonder if MAGAs would have called Churchill a fool, supported Hitler and called FDR a demented potato Gimp?
They would have.
And they will, give a chance.
If they had Fox news and all the other right wing media, yes.
They did, actually.
Not even capable of getting embarrassed, are you?
tell us about your supporting of regime change wars in iraq, syria, libya, etc etc. you are the neo nazi.
Deliver those damm heavy weapons to Ukraine and do it NOW!
and than whats gonna happen do you have like any idea? for example do you know that russia has but 2% of its military in ukraine? think of that….the more weapons you bring the more military and weapons russia will bring too….and theirs is far better than western one….so ukraine can never and will never win this war….think of this comment in a few months
@pisac Senna Sure ya that’s why Russia is losing oh ya no one likes Russia or Russians NATO would (will ) crush Russia
@pisac Senna Sure
…. that is why putin is running another round of conscription to throw more of the far to few young warm bodies russia has into certain death.
Russia is loosing badly against less than 1.8 % of the west GDP in hardware support. Its military hardware is mostly destroyed or in Ukrainian hands. Its ammo supply is low and morale is at an all time low.
You have lost this war long ago….. and the only question that remains is…. how many more russian lives putin is going to sacrifice in a sea of blood to stay in power for a few more months.
Your demographic situation is disastrous… your economy in free fall and your global support dwindling.
This will be all over soon…. and then you will pay the price for your delusions of grandeur.
Really sad for word.
What else is so sad that when ever Ukraine shots to defend itself, it’s shooting or bombing it’s own land adding to the destruction because that is where the invaders are.

Close the damn skies! “Never Again” was obviously an empty vow.
Part of reparations ought to including ceding Kalinigrad Oblast to Ukraine and making Russia’s Baltic fleet homeless.
The Kh-22 missile has two attack modes: one (high altitude) is from 56,000 feet up. The other (low altitude) is from around 36,000 feet. They’re both high altitudes compared to most cruise missiles and Ukrainian systems cannot detect objects at 56,000 feet. By the time they detect the Kh-22 coming from that height it’s already too late.
S-300 V used by Ukraine can reach almost 90,000 ft and engage a target at Mach 8. Has 50 mile greater range and twice the speed of Patriot PAC 2 going to Ukraine.
Why did Ukraine claim they shot them down earlier in the war then? Liars.
Imagine living next to a neighbor whom throws rocks at you, your family and your house. You cannot throw rocks back at this neighbor’s house. You can only act to defend yourself if your neighbor walks on to your property and then throws rocks at you. As a result, most of your home is destroyed and you’re forced to live deep in the basement to avoid rocks. This is essentially Ukraine’s situation and in spite of this ridiculous handicap they’ve managed to make Russia’s imperial genocide and invasion look woefully incompetent and barbaric.
@Dave Dawn Putler? Duh
!!People who says that are the ones who support Banderas.. Azov.. and nazis …
Putin will get you don’t worry
@John Muthan Wat u smoken dude?
You forgot to mention that Ukraine is a neighbor who was collaborating with some troublemakers Nato, USA, UK etc and working against its neighbor Russia. You know what happens when somebody creates extreme enmity with neighbor, you pay for the consequences. Ukraine must learn to live friendly with its neighbor rather than working against it which it has been doing for last 2o years. Stupid Zelensky , throw him out.
@Me So But Crimea was part of Ukraine until 2014 when you stole it. Just because you used to posses it does not mean you still own it. I have talked to Georgians. The who’s I met they wanted their freedom back from Russia.
I find it funny that the state controls all the information and media in Russia, but you claim that the west is spewing propaganda. It has only be recently that Russians could call the war in Ukraine a war with out fear of going to jail.
And why would NATO want Sebastopol when NATO can dock ships in most of the other ports in the world?
Face reality.
@Big Earl read my previous comment again and again about Crimea I’m not repeating that!
Also Do your research about what the ex Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili did to Russian UN peacemakers .. and how coincidentally he also became the mayor of Odessa in Ukraine after the illegal 2014 putsch by the Americans .. same corrupted men here and here around ex USSR republics ! Mikheil Saakashvili studied in America
Can Americans stay away from Russia please? Thank you
Ukraine is winning.
That apartment building looks like the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 after Timothy McVeigh did his work. A good friend died in that bombing. She was cremated because her body was “unviewable”. 168 people, including nineteen children perished. McVeigh was better than the average Russian. He actually took some personal risk. The Russian stands off at a safe distance for himself and commits mass murder with his missiles. Disgusting.
I’m from Oklahoma, and was in the 5th grade when that happened; and what you said was precisely what I was thinking. Orcs tried to say it was a SAM. Oklahoma City was 2 tons of explosives, does that building (Dnipro) look like 100 pounds of explosives were used??? Didn’t think so.
tell us how US/NATO bombs third world countries from thousands of feet in the sky.
@Bill different explosive and probably talking about the weight of the missile and the explosive is to different things and different explosive do different things and McVeigh used fertilizer and other things basically not as sophisticated and it’s also different on how under a building and threw it so I’d say yes whatever was used was substantial and not a good way to down a building but only a coward would do something like that
– RF deliberately & constantly attacks residential buildings & social critical infrastructure with missiles
– RF’s servicemen don’t defend the mythical “Homeland” but attack another country’s territory as occupiers & aggressors
All this has clear legal consequences
RF is waging a full-scale war with all types of weapons. RF kills civilians en masse & “cleans out” the territory. RF commits crimes against humanity.
There is no way to negotiate. The war must be won.
It’s desperation. Launching missiles meant for aircraft carriers at non-military targets screams desperate.
It’s of the upmost importance for Ukraine to defeat Russia, it’s a message to every communist nation and those thinking about becoming communist in the future.
Patriots for the Patriots! Glad NL is gonna donate one too.
How is it possible for that missle to be inaccurate at the same time designed to target carriers?
It’s very old tech, it supposedly hits within 500m radius accuracy which if launched in bigger numbers can have a chance of hitting a big aircraft carrier
At this point I find it hard to justify any excess non conflict nation letting their middle defense systems sit in storage
How does one become so cynical and so sick in the brain that one is completely indifferent to ordering an attack in which ordinary civilians and among them completely innocent children risk being killed or severely maimed. What we are seeing here are war crimes of the worst kind.
Was the missile intercepted and downed by Ukraine? A Ukrainian official suggested that and was fired. That doesn’t mean he lied. Of course it won’t take responsibility from the one fired the missile but it brings some questions about how to intercept missiles and where? Sometimes maybe the missiles impact will be far less if it reach its goal? But that depends on how we evaluate civilian casualties. I’m not sure Ukrainians do the same evaluation as we would.