Retired general: Here’s what Russia hopes to accomplish with missile attack

Russia’s latest attacks on Ukraine damaged power facilities and left key regions with limited electricity supply, a top Ukrainian official said in an update.
Even though the country's air defenses shot down many missiles from the Russian barrage, “some of them hit several power facilities," said Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine. CNN military analyst Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.) explains the purpose of Russia's targeting of civilian infrastructure.
#CNN #News

Retired general: Here's what Russia hopes to accomplish with missile attack


  1. There’s no strategy, just a cornered rat with nothing to lose by going scorched earth. Russian high command have gone full on war criminal.

    1. They haven’t even declared war yet. I’m guessing they will next year, though; unless, a peace agreement is upheld soon.

    2. 🇮🇳🤝🇷🇺🔥🤜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇮🇱war and virus creating bullies and their slave puppies🇨🇳🇺🇸🇱🇰🇵🇰🇺🇦🇨🇦etc…. #NorthAtlanticTerrorismOrganization destabilizing and destroying brotherhoods as always for selfish agenda

  2. NATO press briefing during the assault on Belgrade

    Question (Norwegian News Agency): I am sorry Jamie but if you say that the Army has a lot of back-up generators, why are you depriving 70% of the country of not only electricity, but also water supply, if he has so much back-up electricity that he can use because you say you are only targeting military targets?

    Jamie Shea (NATO spokes person) : Yes, I’m afraid electricity also drives command and control systems. If President Milosevic really wants all of his population to have water and electricity all he has to do is accept NATO’s five conditions and we will stop this campaign. But as long as he doesn’t do so we will continue to attack those targets which provide the electricity for his armed forces. If that has civilian consequences, it’s for him to deal with but that water, that electricity is turned back on for the people of Serbia.

    NOTE: The rest of the statement is relevant to the situation in Donbas:

    Unfortunately it has been turned off for good or at least for a long, long time for all of those 1.6 million Kosovar Albanians who have been driven from their homes and who have suffered, not inconvenience, but suffered in many cases permanent damage to their lives. Now that may not be a distinction that everybody likes but for me that distinction is fundamental.

    1. serbia can get a repeat performance if they want to try something funny in kosovo again, that much I promise you. Either they can remain peaceful and stop harboring ambitions on Kosovo, or face the full might of NATO. it really is this simple. Srebrenica should have been the last of it on european soil. Putler decided that it wouldn’t be.

    2. @wanderer Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha! NATO has practically emptied its armories to arm Ukraine. 20 of the 30 NATO countries, including France and the UK, have tapped out!


    4. @Titoscudd shhh.. dont tell him that they are now stealing from pensions to cover their bills.. he thinks how they tell him to think, ignorance is bliss

  3. All missiles were intercepted, but “there were significant damage to most powe stations”? They can’t even keep their words straight.

    1. @Munguci Timothy Congratulation, you win a price for being able to hear & remember ~half a sentence. Please try again, this time for the full sentence, you know, for context. Starting from : 0:21 and the sentence ends at 0:37. I know, an insane 16 seconds of attention span is demanded of you here. Hint: the “all missiles were intercepted” is specific to the 16 which the Kyiv mayor claims were aimed at targets in Kyiv and not out of the total launched at Ukraine.

    2. @Eric Wambua more about retention and comprehension, but as people have pointed out, there was definitely a phrase… But that has some context missing if viewed from your timestamp. If you watch the entire thing the meaning is completely different.

      If that’s what we got here, I have just as much concern. It’s pretty weird. But whatever. I’m not going to pretend all of the news is accurate, but with this I’m reassured in your bad-faith.

      If I drank anyone’s Flavor Aid (It wasn’t Cool Aid. They drank Flavor Aid. The colloquialism is just inaccurate and demonstrates membership in one of many herds.) I don’t know if it worked right. I’m still skeptical, but I’m noticing that the other, supposed skeptics are spitting some dogma and don’t realize it. Hard to watch good people get turned into these unrecognizable fear-driven caricatures of themselves.

  4. Disagree with the “stalemate” assessment. Currently waiting for ground to freeze, then let’s see how the war goes.

    1. @ShadowNinja really have you personally seen those piles of left behind equipment, or are you going by what you saw on the internet lol ?

    2. @ShadowNinja You do know that a ak-47 can fire rusted or after soaking in a mud puddle , you call the media propaganda yet your arguments are all from media reports . So if the ukraine military found all this abandoned Russian equipment they don’t need nato weapons lol , so again how is the Ukraine military replaceing their dead so are they using untrained soldier’s as well ? Well when it comes to civilian dead , when the ukraine military uses civilian buildings they become military targets. Oh and civilians dieing during war has been going on since the beginning of recorded history, just because I make statements and ask questions it doesn’t mean I support Russia to assume that is lazy

    3. @Modz pop – #1 Source For Modding Content! I’m guessing the pro-Russia commenter is a bot. No one can be that stupid, right?! 😂

    4. @Scallen I like how y’all try to bring up that argument like it isn’t the exact same from y’all’s side. Y’all aren’t on the battlefield either, at the very least I do my research you just say “Nah Russian couldn’t possibly lose”

      The Russian armed forces have failed spectacularly and have committed countless war crimes already. The fact anyone supports the mass murder they have caused is laughable, cause you are truly blind
      Putin is the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
      My hope is that the Russian people do what they do best, overthrow the government, even though that’s incredibly unlikely I wise for it all the same . Im ending this discussion here cause there’s no point arguing with you single minded Russia stans

  5. When this war started, Ukraine had the biggest air force in all of Europe, after Russia, the same can be said about the tanks and military vehicles, but in less than 6 months’ time Russia has turned them into junk, that is the reason why Zelensky kept asking the west for tanks, artillery pieces, transport and armored vehicles. Ukraine is losing this war of attrition and it will lose in the end. Even our top brass is now admitting the truth of this conflict, that without a massive amount of weapons/ammunitions Ukraine has its days counted. So far it has lost 120,000 men, 36,000 unaccounted for, 200,000 injured or maimed, these numbers are from US ex-military, Ukraine and the US do not want to reveal the true loses, this does not look good for Ukraine!

    1. All because the USA and others won’t give long-range missiles and AirPower to Ukraine. How do you expect Ukraine to win with one hand tied behind its back.? I blame Biden for the wimpy responses , with token aid given

    2. This does not look good for Russia as well on the long term – this will not be forgotten no matter how it ends. Btw it’s difficult to be in a war where you are not allowed to attack the other part. Ukraine is basically just defending and defending

    3. @Soundoverload I don’t know where you are getting your info (perhaps you’re getting it from the US/Western outlets, including CNN, which are nothing but propaganda and lies in favor of the US narrative, which is Ukraine is winning this war) look for alternative news source ( I can recommend plenty), they tell the truth, not the embellished lies of the US government. Look for U.S. Col. retired Douglas Macgregor and U.S. retired Intelligence Marine Capt. Scott Ritter (they have to be retired or the US government would go after them for speaking without permission), there’s also another show called Judge Napolitano judging freedom, they are all on Youtube and both come on in difference shows, explaining what really is going on in the war, you’ll be surprised of all the stuff you’ll learn, it will open your eyes. Good luck, and Happy 2023

    4. @Plato Lover Ukraine had very good air systems before this war started, the had many S300 air to air systems throughout the country, they had long rockets that could penetrate into Russia, they had the biggest air force in Europe after Russia, and they had thousands of tanks/armored vehicles and artillery pieces, all of that has been turned into junk, that is something our government doesn’t tell us, because there could be public opposition to US sending so many billions in weapons and aid to Ukraine, all that money is coming out from the US taxpayers, and we all have the right to complaint, remember Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth, most of that aid is going into Zelensky’s pockets and the rest of the Ukrainian politicians in power, that is why Zelensky owns a $34 million mansion in Sunny Isles, Miami Beach, USA, another mansion in Switzerland and has over $1 billion dollars hidden in foreign banks, all of that on a comedian salary? I don’t think so! He’s finances were exposed on the famous Panama Papers, and the US government knows it. The US is trying to prevent WWIII, which that is what is going to happened once they use US long range weapons attack inside Russia, that would be like China giving Mexico long range weapons to specifically attack inside the USA.

    1. @Ligma Johnson Where did I insult? I didn’t cuss once here. Sorry the truth insults you!

    2. it’s so funny to watch your news. do you think you are the right country? what the destruction shows today, we have been watching them for 8 years, for 8 years Ukraine has been destroying its population. and nothing all your news was silent. When in 2014 Ukraine bombed an electrical substation that supplied the Ukrainian Crimea at that time, people sat without electricity for 5 months, Ukraine cut off their water supply. the people in Crimea, the Ukrainian Crimeans had no water, there was no light, did you see what the Ukrainians said about it? they were rejoicing! in this video, they showed a destroyed building, and why don’t your filthy media show how Ukrainian soldiers have been shelling kindergartens since 2014 and until today, how schools are being shot, why don’t they show you these murdered children? because America needs a war. America needs to sell its weapons, if everything stops in Ukraine tomorrow, America will find another military conflict, incite people and sell weapons again.

    3. @Ligma Johnson well, they like Ukraine because they have been programmed by Adam Schiff to hate Russia. And, as an added twist, they have taken on the oersona of their hated enemy George Bush’s attitude towards who disagree with their war.

  6. 54 out of 69 was shot down, but 16hit?! Write the bloody number on the paper when you going to be lying and don’t know most basic math 🤣🤣. But then again that’s probably we by he stutter so much when he say that
    Not to mention. Haven’t Russia run out of missiles and ammo in April? How are they conducting larger missile strikes every week?

    1. There is nothing wrong with their mouth. They’re counting strikes from the debris from the rockets that were hit.


  7. Does anybody remember when we, the United States of america, and our military had specific Rules of Engagement in afghanistan? Very similar to our rules of engagement, the Ukraine has aid from the United States of America on a conditional basis. The largest condition? They cannot launch missiles into the former Soviet Union. If the Ukraine cannot launch missiles into indiscriminate populated areas of the former Soviet union, how well do you think they’re going to do? Remember the Blitzkrieg and World War ii? Do you remember fire bombing in World War ii? Sure, Blitzkrieg was hitler, however, carpet bombing was the English. Don’t think the United States of America didn’t get in on that action.

    1. different time… they had no precision bombing… if you wanted to bomb a target back then, you either did it with lots of bombs without discrimination, or you didnt do it… some bombs even landed on the wrong country. No gps in them days… no cruise missiles.. no laser guided bombs… but there s a difference between that and using precision weapons to hit civilian targets in the 21st century..

      no, hitting russian taregts in retaliation would just help putin mobilise his nation for the war.. if russian perceive they are actually under attack because Ukraine missiles are falling all around them and the power keeps going off… it will just mobilise them to the nations defence.. not only would it ensure ukr lost moral high ground, but also it would be counter-productive.

  8. If the US would quit financing it would have been over a year ago. All of the suffering and destruction is your fault.

  9. CNN retired generals are as useful as the retired intelligence people who said hunters laptop was Russian disinformation.

    1. How much money did the biden family get from the First Lady of Moscow?
      How much money did the biden family get from Communist China?
      We want to know.
      Hunter Biden Laptop

  10. WW2 took 5 years , and there is no quick end to this ! We keep supporting Ukraine and in the longer run Ukraine is clearly winning.
    Ukraine has huge success with ruining stocks and supply-lines !
    Now Russia need to place supplies 70 km out of reach ! but if Ukraine get a few lang range missiles (at a time) they can target all the Russian supplies !
    This is probably the cheapest way to his the Russians at the moment – hitting the supplies

    1. Shows pictures of rubble and has no power going into winter, we are on our 5th aid package to prop up/bribe the government to keep sending high schoolers to their death.. this guy says Ukraine is winning🤣 go back to sleep

    2. @Ben Lakowsky US signed the Budapest contract and it honours this by supporting Ukraine ! As does UK and others. Ukraine does not get any “bribes” , your are a very limited person

    3. @Jacob Schønberg Ukraine considered the most corrupt country in Europe.. and you think they dont get bribes?.. you think only the big guy gets 10%🤣🤣go back to sleep

  11. Dear western allies thank you so much for a way to save lives of innocent and defending our motherland from Vladolf Putler’s slavery. For the right to protect freedom and democracy values.
    Glory to the heroes of Azovstal! Glory to Ukraine! Support Ukraine with United24 (YouTube).

    1. Don’t support Ukraine, otherwise we are not better than any other corrupt nation. Ukrainians must surrender if you want this war to end. Otherwise, Russia will win, no matter how much death they bring or receive

  12. Just called my representatives a few days ago and insisted they do more to help Ukraine. They said they are getting lots of calls about this after Zelensky’s visit which is good but we must keep the pressure on them. We also really need to ramp back up private donations for organizations that send helmets, gear, drones, etc to the Ukrainian military. Many things citizens all over who support Ukraine can do to help them.

  13. How do you strike peaceful places and people, it’s people’s homes for the God’s sake, how do you explain that

  14. I think it is time for Ukraine to start taking out the energy systems in Russia and turn the lights out and stop the fans from pushing the heat into the homes

  15. Magical missiles!
    Even though the Russian missiles were all shot down, the missile debris managed to destroy all targets.

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