Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling weighs in on The New Yorker’s reporting that then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley penned a lengthy and vociferous critique of Trump in a resignation letter he ultimately never sent. #CNN #News
Retired gen. weighs in on Milley’s reported resignation letter to Trump

Trump – appointed person led the raid.
Last fight
Wow…he has no respect for military injured while serving our country! He’s such a vile disgusting human!
And it’s the same guy who falsely claimed bone spur to avoid being drafted. Damn!
I like chairman’s of the joint chiefs of staff who follows his oath to the constitution, not to a person!!
He invited
He incited
They rioted
Then he denied it
Even though he’d implied it
Now he must be indicted.
You are a poet and don’t even know it
Thank you Mark. You were the right General at the right time and remain so today.
Your former civilian boss may have been looking for some type of Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, but you really rose to the occasion when your country needed you.
Bless you and your family.
@Cadfael you understand maga .
Last fight
Most importantly to recognize is that the generals were NOT Chump’s generals, but the United States military’s generals
The irony when this is the same generals who think they can win a nuclea war with china, Russia or north korea lmao
@The Cuteness There was a white Nationalist president recently?
Who, when?
I’ll say it again General Milley
thank you Sirfor being a real American patriot. Men like you built and preserved our military. So glad you urned that into anger and watched out for each and everyone of us. Truly we cannot thank you enough. Forever indebted and remembered. Much love Sir
Mad respect
@Lonnie & Darha Lynn O’Quinn we needed to get out of Afghanistan but the execution was terrible by milley
@Lonnie & Darha Lynn O’Quinn those things take time to plan. Our military took out air command first which was the only thing stopping the Taliban from coming in as you saw yourself.
@Patriot explain. Can’t wait to hear this.
Please award this Great General the Presidential Medal and ALL Highest award available in the WORLD….. General Milley not only saved America but HE saved the WORLd
When the troops who fought for the causes not drafted by them, but given to them by their superiors, it is the responsibility of the leadership to honor the bravery and valor the troops demonstrate. To hide them because they were injured, that’s painful to hear.
@NUREMBURG Charges for cnn <--- this guy talking about safe spaces is talking trash using a fake name on YouTube. Dude, it's your ultimate safe space.
@Ryan lex US Generals do not start wars.
@William Russell
@William Russell
I remembered something tonight. He was at some memorial where there are vets buried. BUT…he’s done and said a lot of stupid things about vets and those who serve that I don’t know where this one was. BUT…he said, to someone, “I DON’T GET IT?!?!” It was something to that effect & sadly he was being truthful. What he DIDN’T GET was WHY WOULD OTHERS SACRIFICE THEIR LIVES FOR A GREATER CAUSE?!?!?! Which is EVEN MORE SICK and TWISTED seeing AS HE WAS ASKING HIS SUPPORTERS TO SACRIFICE THEIR LIVES FOR HIM!!!!!!!!! AND sadly, there was enough to believe in the big lie!!!!!!!!!!!! AND that the election was stolen that he was still trying to overturn in Wisconsin just a few weeks ago?!?!
Time is way overdue to put the Devil ( You know who
) to Jail….!!!!
@Charles Gehlen
Last fight
@Tom Henry Yeah, the indictments will come any day now. How’s about you go wait by the mailbox until they arrive. (Take food and water with you—it’ll be a while.
I have nothing but respect for General Milley! We should be grateful he was there during the dark days of Trump.
Miller don’t resign ,things won’t always be like this ,we have come too far to stop now ,trust and believe the wickedness of these wicked people is coming to an end
“That’s not my safe. I don’t own a safe. The safe is lying, I’ve never seen that safe before in my life.”-Donald Trump, probably
…it got me coffee once. I may have taken a photo with it…

@Loretta Stiles Low key slavery was not low key. Why should he get special treatment?
That safe is just a coffee table.
I saw an interview with General Milley recently on Australia’s government funded ABC, where the journalist was absolutely hostile to him. I could see a an honourable man deserving deep respect, as a taxpayer funding the interview I felt shame at his treatment. This news of the resignation letter just hammers home my ongoing respect and trust for both US, Australian and UK defense personal and leadership. Thanks for your service.
@Cadfael I’m not concerned about paying tax – the cost of civilisation and evidence of financial success. I just don’t like how it’s spent some of the time.
Gen Milley is an expert in hostility and that interview was not it.
She legitimately asked political questions which he skilfully deflected.
One notices the havoc Murdoch has caused Stateside and in the UK in the media landscape and one wonders how courageous public broadcasting is “down under.”
“I want my generals to be like german generals” – only he would have instilled a joint chiefs of staff that looked like the germans from hogan’s heroes…
@Brian Gallagher It’s what MAGA trolls do: deflect from the subject of any YT video they don’t like.
but much more dangeous.
@prankEmJohn Context and intent is everything. Does President Biden have racist intent? It does not seem that way.
But with ex-government employee Donald, he makes it VERY CLEAR that he does NOT like THE OTHERS. That is, anyone who isn’t white, straight, Christian, and Republican.
Your attempt at whataboutery was not only un-American, but it was very weak. You are not good at making comparisons. Don’t worry about it, doing so requires intelligence.
I like presidents who:
– have respect for veterans
– aren’t narcissistic sociopaths
– aren’t career conmen
– aren’t impeached, twice
– don’t side with Russia
– don’t steal classified documents
– aren’t fascist authoritarians
– don’t commit seditious conspiracy
– aren’t the worst traitor in history
– aren’t raided by the FBI
Then why not try to be one of them?
It is so sad #45 is all those things you have mentioned and the crazy thing is — he has NO shame for ANY of it. Zero. Zip. Nada.
And most of all one who Believe’s in democracy.
Retired Ranger here.. While there are many, ” conservatives, ” in the tank and file and in command positions in the military, the number of service members who support Trump or Trumpism aka the majority of the Republican politicians was, is and has been slowly dwindling. I got home only 9 months ago. I was there for the last 20 yrs. I promise you the military will serve the constitution not a rogue wanna be dictator. However, we’ve seen there are many loopholes that merely needs a few ppl in the right positions in political power to, ” legally, ” steal an election. This is where we as citizens come in. VOTE DEMOCRAT.
@Keith Topping there a reason why Bernie Sanders call out military industrial complex. They just as powerful as politicians
Blah blah blah put a shirt on and go fight for Israel
@Allen C. Yuck! Outdated farm equipment
The referenced German “General” was actually a Oberst (colonel)
After a lifetime of service and career in the military and rising to the rank of General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals don’t resign willy nilly, in fact they don’t resign period. Unless the President is Donald Trump.
The irony when this the same generals that will start a war with china on Taiwan
Rent free
@Ryan lex Generals don’t start wars, politicians do.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” – Anthony Brandt