Ret. general discusses CIA chief’s warning about nuclear weapons

CIA Director William Burns warned Russia may use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Retired Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt discusses the differences between artillery shells and tactical nuclear weapons. #CNN #News


  1. Putin makes himself look more pathetic every day, he wanted to shroud himself in glory but instead has achieved infamy for his failures and will be ridiculed in history for decades to come…🀣🀣

    1. @Mac Johnson they will take a large amount of Eastern Ukraine. And have a chance to save face yet, but need to hit back extremely hard, can you imagine if a country sank an Arliegh Burke class destroyer! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

    2. I don’t use Emoji’s normally but this is an exceptionπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

  2. Russia’s Warship was the pride of their Black Sea Fleet…Belonged to Russia… Belongs to Nemo now

    1. @Chuck Stark Yup, I can’t appreciate enough Ukraine naming their anti-ship missile _Neptune._
      (NATO’s designation for the missile that it’s based on is, humiliating, _”Kayak”_ lol)

      Someone needs to edit the Russian promotional video to show its missile tubes to be launching Kayaks with a booster rocket at the back. Maybe show it full speed, then at half speed, where it zooms in on the launch-tube to reveal that it’s really a kayak being launched… lol
      Bonus points if you add a Russian naval officer sitting in it with an oar! ☺️

    1. I heard an interesting comparison the other day: What if China would make a deal with Mexico, and be allowed to set up its missiles/nukes on the US/Mexico border?

  3. What an incredibly negative almost pro Russian assessment. They lost their flag ship old boy and their other ships have already pulled right back in fear of also being struck. Unlike the Russians, the British never felt the need to lie about how their ships got sunk in the Falklands.

    1. @David Welch I guess you don’t consider Russia to be ‘warmongers’ for invading Ukraine and literally starting a war?

    2. @Eric Brown It -is- was their Black Sea flagship; the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov holds the title of the Russian Naval flagship.

    3. @Sardo Numspa Don’t worry about it- if there was 2160p video from a dozen angles, then it’d OBVIOUSLY be fake/staged footage then…

  4. Official statement from the Russian Navy :
    “The Russian Navy has embarked on a special strategic plan to modernise it’s fleet by retiring some of it’s older vessels.
    Due to an administrative error , the relevant department failed to inform the crew of the Moskva of this strategy.
    We apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused to the crew on board at the time of it’s decommissioning.”

  5. A scorched-earth nightmare: tactical nukes producing radioactive fallout from Iodine 131 and Strontium 90, making impacted lands unsuitable for years, if not decades, especially for agriculture. So much for the breadbasket the invaders hoped to conquer.

    1. One or a few small nukes would actually contaminate far less than Chernobyl did, still not good but not as bad as people imagine.

  6. He’s missing the bigger picture completely, it’s scared the rest of the fleet out to sea for the time being and that ship isn’t bombarding Ukrainian cities anymore. Significant.
    The loss of the Belgrano in the Falklands sent all Argentine ships back to port and it had a huge affect on the Argentine.
    If the UK had been close to a friendly port and not committed to a full scale retake it could well have altered how they went about their business.
    There was even a full scale SAS attack on mainland Argentina to destroy the remaining excocet missiles that were killing ships, proposed, later cancelled.
    It will send shivers through the Russian navy command no doubt.
    Ukrainian Neptune missiles are a game changer..

    1. @MKody ..either one of the following happened…
      * The Russian Navy is so incompetent they allowed a fire to start in a magazine that ripped through the vessel and led to it sinking… If that is true, huge fail on the Russian nary.
      * The Ukrainians sunk the ship with missiles… which is simply a casually of war.

      Which one do you think is more likely to have happened during a war…?

      I really don’t think the crew of the Russian Flag Ship were that bad they are sunk their own ship…?
      Bu the you never know, their army is not very good at war, so maybe the navy is juts as bad…?

    2. @M4 Pinin Russia is the aggressor fighting a war in a country that their soldiers don’t want to be in… they are not fighting for their existence. Russian performance in WWII while certainly admirable, was in fact terrible, it was only the numbers and amount of machinery and the fact they they were fighting to save their land and battle against an aggressor that led to victory.

      In this war, it is Russia who is the aggressor and Ukraine who has the moral high ground and will eventually endure because like Germany in WWII, Russia in this war is the evil aggressor and will eventually lose.
      It really doesn’t matter how much ground in Ukraine Russian can hang on to, as soon as Russian attacked, they lost to overwhelming world opinion and Putin has thus set Russia back about 40 years in one foul swoop and stupid move.

      In time, this event, will likely lead to a massive revolution in Russia where the good citizens of Russia DO rise up and oust the Dictator the currently have in power. It will be difficult… but it will be good for all Russians and for the world.

  7. It appears the Russian navy is as good as their tanks .and as old It seems the only modern stuff they have is their aircraft and not many of them

    1. Arguing capabilities is a mute point. They have killed a lot of innocent people. As a result, they deserve to be stopped.

  8. Wait, someone set the ammo on fire??? Move all the ships further off shore…. because fire is less firey out there

  9. Remember, according to Putin the Ukrainians didn’t sink his battleship. BUT he’s going to attack Kyiv for sinking his battleship.

    1. What’s so funny one day a country may have the ability to reach out to america I’d love to see our much you can actually take when you get what you give out just saying

  10. This is the worst rent-a-general I’ve heard yet: The Moskva was the Russian navy’s flagship. It had considerable firepower and would be their central communications hub for naval operations. They only have one other ship in its class, and that one is not available.
    Then when asked to explain the difference between tactical nukes he says that you wouldn’t be able to see the difference between tactical nukes and regular artillery shells just by looking at them, which doesn’t even come close to answering the question.

    1. They have 2 more but you’re right that ship had a strategic importance. Also you’re right about the explaining of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, it is a huge difference not properly compared with artillery…smh.

    2. @Lea Smith He might have excellent credentials, but judging from this video, it was a poor presentation.

  11. Always informative when experienced military personel break things down. Thanks for posting this stuff.

  12. When the Spanish tried to attack England, from the sea, and lost the bulk of their Armada to smaller English vessels, it began the descent of the Spanish Empire. When Czar Nicholas II tried to invade Japan, and lost his Baltic fleet in the effort, the end of the Romanov dynasty began. First, due to unrest, the czar had to cede some of his power to the newly formed Duma, then the Bolsheviks revolted, took power and murdered the Romanov family. The ship lost was not some piddling destroyer, it was the flagship of the Russian navy. We need to supply the Ukrainians with any anti-ship armaments they desire. If Russia’s Baltic fleet is again sunk, Putin’s imperial desires will be ended.

  13. The big fear is that this war could escalate to the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia if it doesn’t go well for Russia. The general gave a poor description of tactical nuclear weapons. I suggest that you look it up. Wikipedia is an easy place to start.

  14. β€œHumans are a part of nature, and their war against nature is inevitably a war against themselves.”
    ― Rachel Carson

    1. Tell Rachel Carson that ants are the true experts at raging war. Ants rage war all the time.

  15. “How it got there, who knows” What a misleading statement. Anyone following the story knows that it was hit by at least 2 Neptune missiles and after the crew was evacuated the Russians attempted to tow it to port in severe weather. It sank before reaching port.

    1. Who gave you that story? News stations have to deal with raw data, they’re not like youtubers who steal news articles or what some site said.

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