Co-owner of Antler Kitchen and Bar, Jody Shapiro talks about sending an invoice to Premier Doug Ford to cover costs amid another lockdown.
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Government can’t learn anything after a year of this? It’s pathetic and shows they have no idea what they’re doing.
What do you mean “after a year”? Remember our Province had extensive information and experience dating back to 2003 with SARS. Where’s what the gov’t ,SUPPOSEDLY, learned from THEN? smfh. Incompetence 101.
Why not put your money where your mouth is and buy some beer?
Oh but they do. Not helping has nothing to do with not knowing what they are doing. They know precisely what theyre doing.
@tracerxy looks like conservatives are massive failures
Alberta too lol. Conservative provinces are in BIG trouble
Sitting outside on a patio with social distancing is not a threat. This government has screwed this up over and over again.
@bolskify im just comparing fluid flow physics as originally stated by the original poster.
@Lizzbird keep wearing your face diapers and don’t leave your house then…go find your safe space.
@Bob Barker bruh, smell is little droplets, odours isn’t thin air.
@Wiggy 003 covid can travel as far as the water droplets.
That’s not very far. There’s not clouds of covid floating around. Covid isn’t a virus that can travel without a medium of a droplet of moisture. That’s an undeniable fact, so kindly f yourself. There’s literally nothing saying covid floats around in the air for long distances. There is however plenty saying it’s easily destroyed outside of an environment of moisture by uv rays
Also, it’s you’re
@Bob Barker actually I’ve done research, Covid could stay airborne for hours and a person can still get infected. So go do your research instead of criticizing, then you’ll realize you were wrong.
I would be billing and taking the government to court as well if I was going to lose everything.
@GoHabs 89 Probably because it’s closed and he can’t which is kinda the point of the video? Dunno
Lol being a veteran myself, unless you have a team of free lawyers (even then) ut not gona win in court against the any government conservative or liberal
Taking the government to court? Lol.
@Everything batman collector There has been cases in Alberta where the government has changed the covid restrictions and then dismissed their cases.
@GoHabs 89 I don’t drink Pißwasser.
Hmm…Texas and Florida seem to be doing better than we are in Ontario.
@Edward Carberry not even a new study. Heard sun destroys virus in under a minute. Cloudy day 1.5 min.
@Chris Mifflin Cancelled? Like the independent company Dr Seuss who independently stopped publishing certain books on their own?
Why don’t you fascists allow companies to make their own decisions? You’d rather have the government make them for them?
You fascists are gross. Take your $500 a week and go away you CERB collection poor person
Look at Sweden. Open for everything.
@GoHabs 89 Yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn
@Dexter J and what a disaster it has been. Their leaders had to apologize and acknowledge the science they ignored by going for the herd immunity strategy
Hahahaha they failed.
Look at Japan and Korea
masks and lockdowns work 
Why not? If the government wants to force a business to close, they should fully cover the financial losses.
@Jay Guo this 100%. Why do conservatives start crying when they see a business die under capitalism
Lmfao not sorry
@GoHabs 89 are you really that clueless?
@Ted Poplawski dude, Canada is a capitalism country just like America, did you forget what capitalism really is?
You do realize it is not the government’s money, right?
@Jay Guo dude,do you know we’re in the midst of a “ pandemic “ and government is using draconian lockdown measures? ? Get informed before revealing your ignorance for all to see, dude.
Send another bill to Trudeau for allowing new covid 19 variants into the country through international flights.
Why not put your money where your mouth is and buy some beer?
Viruses almost always mutate. That’s not the issue. Lock downs and masks for a virus which has the same impact as a flu is the problem. How many years are we going to continue this
He needs his new voters guys. He’s in this for Blackface
@Z M Trudeau is bad, will never get my vote, but I’ll never vote conservative lol those fascists can lick boot
@ben jones I have heard they intend to keep up these CV19 Mandates indefinitely.
Ontario has the most restrictive measures in the whole world!!!
Australia did. And they beat the virus. Everything is now wide open. Because they shut it down hard including police stopping you to make sure your trip was essential.
Ford should’ve done a harsh shut down from the beginning. I mean it’s still not too late for it so that it doesn’t become worse than what it is..
and yet its not working!
@Samma Vitae Yup, Australia, New Zeeland, Taiwan.But they did closed the borders from last March.Last March in Canada if you were advocating for closing the borders, you were racist!!!
@Samma Vitae And then there are countries that remained open entirely like Nicaragua and they had fewer casualties overall than countries with restrictions.
Sure he’ll pay, but expect it to be a buck a beer.
My heart goes for small business, hopefully this is the last time
Your not Facing Reality! They are going to Lock you down ever few months to Break your sprite to resist the VAXXXINE!
Edward Carberry Sas but true
I would have just drank it all lol.. but seriously coming from someone in the industry, there should be compensation
Hope you guys can get back to normal soon. Out here NS things are pretty much working normally we have a handle on our cases best of luck
I forgot your province existed
@Natasha Ellwood Really? 10 provinces is too much to remember?
Alex Schmitt Don’t forget about the territories where no one lives lol.
That’s because you have absolutely no population density.
@Bob Barker OMG u dumb.. but proud too lol
This “virus” is a sick circus nightmare!!
@Chris Richardson LOL..WTF ??
Antler is where Joe Rogan likes to go eat steak when he’s in Toronto
I feel really bad for all the restaurant owners. This fiasco has to end
Why not put your money where your mouth is and buy some beer?
every single business in Ontario and across Canada should be taking all governments to court, there is zero science backing any of their covid measures.
Why not put your money where your mouth is and buy some beer?
GoHabs 89 Only a Habs fan would think restaurants only sell beer lol.
@GoHabs 89 why not put your money where your mouth is and go out after curfew in Quebec
this is what we need!
Just Brilliant
Lets shut down big box stores and let mom and pops stores set record high sales this time..!
Premier Doug Ford will issue ORBB on Monday at 9am (Ontario Restaurant Beer Benefit).