In remarks from the White House Cross room, President Joe Biden paid tribute to the 500,000 Americans who have died as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, urging Americans not to lose sight of the tragedy at hand.
#CNN #News
In remarks from the White House Cross room, President Joe Biden paid tribute to the 500,000 Americans who have died as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, urging Americans not to lose sight of the tragedy at hand.
#CNN #News
All of those we remember our condolances we remember all our losses in syria, iraqe, yamin and egypt and america god bless them all
@R Torres god bless them all they all gone due to stupid presidents bashar sadam and boch
Lets hope that byden be the wise one
@ANTI-RE-SET o. K. Mr tramp

@Meg Shafer That’s a load of crap. God is a very specific entity. God is not whatever you want God to be, God exists regardless of your opinions. And God judges. In literally every single religion that exists, God judges. I will too.
What you said was stupid, and completely meaningless. They’re just empty platitudes. You could be replaced with an average postcard mass produced by soulless corporations reliant on slave labor in Indonesia, and nothing would change. Think about some meaningful philosophy.
@Hamed Mostafa lol fake NAME u wish u were Arab

@Marshall Don what does ALAH SAY ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS?
Hopefully things get better in this world
@Joy Simpson It’s always political with you idiots! Or it insults/voilents pick your choice.
@Carin Cooper

Steven Bannon believed Trump had dementia
@Andy Lochan look at his all his legislative work on the national archives. No potential there or in the near future..
@Stryker Six
Joe Biden –
In transition to taking the United States from oil to Renewable energy. And is helping saving our planet from chaos and saving our children from suffering from the climate changes.
He took action to help the people in need with stimulus checks til September . And one big check that might be in your pocket. – (that is still in process)
He is looking for unity with other countries and is looking for peace and not war.
These are some things.
Biden drop the N word

My grandmother was an immigrant from Barbados. And she was extraordinary. We will see her again.

Racist biden doesn’t care he just wants to sniff
God bless you and your family
So sorry for your loss
@ANTI-RE-SET this is not the place for that mess bot just leave
Dear Lord please help us get out of this nightmare.
@I’m eating cereal living a lie bro?? Are you dumb do you want the link to the video, on cnn Biden says word for word minorities can’t access the computer
@Liron Deline : Did nothing ? Oh come on ! AND, the governors get NONE of your blame ? After all, they have been the ones basically in charge. They have been setting the rules and restrictions. How’s YOUR governor doing ?
@al whits Q nut.
@al whits incel
@Gary Campbell I am Canadian, and we have had our losses too but not nearly to this extent because our government and both parties have crossed the aisle to come together to help our country combat this pandemic. We don’t have one side encouraging not to wear masks, social distancing or not to get vaccinated. The message has been consistent across the board here in Canada. It’s places like Australia and New Zealand that have had like 100 cases in the last two weeks because they enforced strict distancing and preventative measures. While America has just hit half a million deaths.
Take Care Everyone.
we got to realize spirits transfer weather you believe it or not and her strength becomes yours and her comfort becomes yours and that what you feared now gives you the ability to move on
My condolences to all those that have lost someone to this virus,too many lost needlessly!!!!!!!!
Yes. Thanks China.
Yes, too many lost

@DenisMguitar hmm we all know this virus originated in China but if you really reflect back in our last leadership you can see why it REALLY got out of hand in the US, but this isn’t the place to discuss that this is about remembering those who died fighting the virus.
thanks President Biden. My mom died a month ago. Its devastating
I’m sorry for your loss
So sorry for your loss

So sorry for your loss
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss
Thank you God for their lives and memories
The number of people who had vicious reactions instead of compassionate ones is troubling.
@Wandering Jackrabbit There are massive campaigns and extensive research that goes into cancer care every year. There has been legislation for seatbelts and airbags not to mention safety testing every year. Churches and our government alike contribute to helping the needy and malnourished in other countries every year… What are you talking about??? The only one who is missing the compassion is you for those who fell victim to a virus that the former president refused to take seriously. So again, get a damn life. If you want to be an inconsiderate asshat feel free to go over to fox’s page and spew cynicism with your cult.
@E Nice Films
And you & Trump – an insane asylum!
@BikeFixExtreme 23
Don’t assume they are not educated. It is a “generational” illness akin to mass hysteria.
@Jennifer Dabill if our government cared so much about our health and safety then cigarettes would be illegal, alcohol would be banned again, speed limits would be lowered and unhealthy fast food places shut down. America is controlled by the big pharmaceutical companies so it’s all about masking symptoms instead of preventing them $$$$$$$.
The sorrow will never leave me or my family. We lost the heart of our family. My grandmother Lucy Flores Jan 17th 1939 – Feb 12th 2021.. She did not deserve the suffering that COVID brought. For someone that took care of her elderly parents in their final days, her children and grandchildren, there was no comfort for her. No hand to hold. Now we have to wait a month to lay her to rest. People still deny this is real. This is real! The pain is real. It’s ripped my family’s heart out. Thank you for your compassion president Biden.
So sorry for your loss

i am so sorry…
So sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss..
Thank you very much. I just want people to know her name and how much she meant to me. She’s not a number. She was a person. A beautiful grandmother.
OMG! His description of the pain of losing someone was exactly how it feels. Prayers and condolences to everyone who has lost someone from this virus.
That’s cause he lost his sun in 2015
I lost a pastor to this virus… I appreciate this recognition

Sending virtual hugs for those who need it
– big big hugs from Australia –
Resist becoming numb to the corruption.
Demand prosecutions from Mr. Durham.
America thats your president and what an exceptional man………So much love from here in Ireland
Thank you from Tennessee.
NEVER be numb to the sorrow.
“The day will come when the memory of the loved-one you lost, will bring a smile to your lips before a tear to your eye.” Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
Huh is this what a president who actually does his job and gives a damn about his people looks like? It’s been too long since we’ve had someone like that in office I’m glad we got that back
Is…is this what it’s like to have a president who actually has a shred of empathy? It’s been so long I’ve forgotten.
It’s been a smooth month without “orange attention starved nobody”
. Ty president Biden for trying to care!