1. yes…amen…restore Hope, Lord. Help them all seek you and educate themselves on how to come together and resolve conflict and listen to one another with an open heart. AMen.

    2. @A C Yes and amen…God keeps telling everyone to rise up. WE all need to embrace our humanity and become one educated, beautiful, forgiving and healing race Restored to our fullest potential. WE must all save ourselves. Take full responsibility for all we think, feel, say and do. I am teaching this to small children and remembering it myself. #1 Be Pro-Active. (The Leader In Me-Covey_

    3. This is EXACTLY what is needed: MEN standing up for their women and children!! It takes a REAL MAN to do this!

    4. Omar B. Omar Amen. Waiting in the govt to help has failed. Business and property ownership should have always been the goal since the Civil Rights era not begging for jobs. That was a huge mistake.

    5. @coptic777 Exactly right! The DEMS socialist “experiment” has failed. It’s time for the American dream become the driving force for personal, family and societal success. Let Freedom ring!!

  1. *This is AWESOME!* Power to the people! They look like they are starting to do a great job, I hope it continues to get better. It is a hard long road ahead, but this is a fantastic start and a light for everyone in their community. It is also an example for all communities. _God bless!_

    1. This is EXACTLY what is needed: MEN standing up for their women and children!! It takes a REAL MAN to do this!


    1. What a joke.. there is no hope.. and if any, it’s only for blacks it seems.. the zions loves black over white people…..

    2. @Congress Member Twilight maybe if you weren’t fucking left and right while raising violent fatherless bastards, but rather instead concentrated on raising productive human beings, this would not happen in the first place.

  2. I’m not from Detroit but I’m standing with the people there who wants peace. I also applaud the young men who’s deciding to change their lives for the better and for the little innocent one’s who’s coming up behind them. Much 💖 from Florida.

    1. Shawn Smith Why is you people can’t stop overdosing on meth and heroin then claim you should not be prosecuted when caught with illegal drugs while preaching to us about following the law?

    2. Shawn Smith Uh actually during the 80’s at the height of the gang wars in the cities Appalachia had a higher murder rate per capita. Now they are all high on heroin and meth with the highest welfare per capita in the nation so you need to do more research. I will find the article and link it later.

    3. Josh G. That’s funny when the Detroit 300 tried to clean up the “hood” by directly going after the criminals not only did they get sued out of existence the black police chief had the FBI come in and get him fired because everyone was having a affair with one of his female officers hardly a crime. Where were you to support that effort? Oh you were probably smoking meth and or heroin like so many of you today….

    4. S. W. Sonny Exactly! I can’t even pump my gas into my car with out one of them meth head pale guys begging me for change for their next high. What gets me is their community is demanding they avoid jail time and get treatment when they caught with the drugs. It’s amazing to hear them tell us about how to abide by the law while they don’t want the same for themselves.

    5. MJB For Trump Then you should have backed the Detroit 300 and the black police chief that tried to go after the criminal by force as few years ago. They were both taken out by lawsuits and the FBI.

    1. @Hurricane 863 Shut up stupid. You blame the democrats for gang violence you sound stupid. I’m from Chicago dude. Maybe you should look at how many street gangs from Chicago. That are in Republican states. Just as well as Democratic states. So you sound dumb.

    2. @Dae Dotfan19 no blacks hate Trump so your the one that sounds stupid and which states by the way. Y’all have Detroit Chicago LA NY Baltimore. Should I go on. Simple mined libtard.

    1. For sure, I live in NW Detroit and I didnt know we had gangs. I been living in this area since 1960. Now my eyes are open.

  3. “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!”
    ~ Rocky Balboa ~

    1. This is EXACTLY what is needed: MEN standing up for their women and children!! It takes a REAL MAN to do this!

    2. Michele you‘re Right. The system is against you. I left because of it. I left, worked hard, now life is good. Do you live in Detroit? Can you move somewhere that is better for you and your family? If you can‘t, I think this cause it s a good one. If you all ban together, you are stronger.

    3. God I’m so glad I didnt grow up in a dangerous neighborhood like Detroit I wanna b successful and make my life meaningful one day I’m black yeah and I don’t want b a gangster……its so boring and looks dangerous everyday

    1. @Tony M nah ignorant people like you who think its their fault are the problem. this gang violence is what they were born into. even those grown men were born into this violence they were not given a fair shot at a heathy normal neighborhood. they are taking the first steps realizing its time to make change to better the lives of their friends and family. you are blaming them when its their local gov that is ignoring them and their infrastructure and their poor school system. the gov needs to provide more funding to these communitys so they can have safe housing and proper safe education for their children so that they have the tools they need to make the change they want. what you are saying is like saying that poor comunitys in third world countries should just fix themselves. as if its not the gov and the people in powers fault for giving them the conditions they were born into.

    1. @Mykee Wattz Oh look. Someone learned a new word and had to rush online to use it. Insults are the classic CNN viewer method. Cheers.

      P.S. If CNN doesn’t come right out and label the footage as old that’s their fault not mine. They’re the journalism entity here. Not me. This is coming from CNN who used 5 year old kids in cage pictures to attack Trump. So I mean this seems about right.

      Thank you for your time and I hope you get mentally assessed. You’re a basket case.

    2. He better do it before the police have to do it.. …..and thsts definitely not something we need seriously!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I’m from Detroit, and still live here. The streets have calmed down a ton since the pandemic, but let’s see how the summer goes. 🙏

    1. Much respect coming from across the border in Toledo… Stay safe up there during this pandemic…

    2. @Harrington Benton Read before you try and slander…look up black wall street because that was where Africans in America were headed…that would not be tolerated in the American society then and it sure as hell wouldn’t be tolerated now…My father graduated from college in the 60’s…he couldn’t get a job because they didn’t hire colored folks except at factory jobs which was manual labor…Your In the right ring if you want a debate with me…🧐

    3. @Harrington Benton…My comment apparently got deleted by youtube…so here is the jist of it…read this before you call someone an idiot and claim to know more because your skin might be brown don’t mean all brains 🧠 ain’t grayish white…get it…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_by_Another_Name

      read the book…then you will understand.

      I’M WAITING!💯😂🧐🤨

    4. For your sake and everyone else’s let’s hope it keeps up. Life is all you have, preserve it, it’s the best thing you’ve got. Everything else is secondary!!!

    5. shelby lane Yet you all are still dying left and right from opioids. It seems like certain ethnic group hasn’t learned but hey I’m good with it! Carry on! 😂

  5. All the best with this, I love when people can come together and sort out differences, Regards from Australia

  6. We need more folk like him. That’s an American hero right there. Dong something good and brave for the community.

    1. Not trying to rip on you point, I agree. But I couldnt help but laugh at your typo😂 you might wanna fix “dong” to doing my g lmao

    2. Playlist Dealer ha. Nah let’s leave it as dong. Any small laugh these days is good ha 👍🏼

    1. Brendon W Lol you don’t know anything about wearing the Ahnk meanwhile we see you meth heads in the pixie depot with white nationalist symbols to the point that the FBI says so many of your type have infiltrated law enforcement the FBI is scared to share information with local olive depts. but you want to pretend we are the main problem with racism. Thanks for the laugh and put down the meth pipe. I know these days that’s difficult for you guys to do…..

    2. blessed14real I will tell you what’s wrong with it according to branden he said it loud and clear. He didn’t like the fact these brothers were talking about gaining resources. That mean they have to compete with us on a more even playing field and that bothers him. He told you everything you needed to know.

    3. wrs xq2 yra Ha 95% of us are sociopaths but we don’t have the highest kill ratios of any group in history. Two world wars and you killed over 80 million of your own in both of them. Hey I guess that’s a plus given you birth rate today’s are now negative lol.

    4. DawnOfTheDead991 Well see as your birth rates continue to decline as you are in the negative now. Keep up the good work with 80k plus overdose deaths a year and suicides. You now have a higher mortality rate than we do in certain areas. You are killing yourselves way more than we are. Good job!

    1. Clifford Ryan Good for you man! Keep up the good work and keeping doing what your doing. And get as many people and parents involved as possible because your saving and changing more lives then you know. I’m sending you and your movement much love and Blessings Brother

  7. Seems like CNN is beginning to change course; they’re posting more and more meaningful and useful videos, these last days.

    1. Violence exists because a disconnect from the heart is occurring. Gang violence in specific is the result of communities being raised in traumatic environments and sticking around to let out valid anger and emotion on others. Doesn’t matter what the “white man” does. It’s the individuals choice to chose love or hate. Don’t get me wrong though I’ve spent a big deal of my time angry at rich and powerful people who abuse people but just like the people in the good acting in violence all these actions are a disconnect from the heart and a traumatic experience ringing through time.

  8. The poor have enough enemy in this life, is time we realised we’re all on the same side!

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