Resident says city’s water is so dirty, boiling it won’t help

Cassandra Welchlin, a resident and social worker in Jackson, Mississippi, says that the water in Jackson is so dirty that even though she boils it, she will not use it for cooking, bathing or brushing her kid's teeth. #CNN #News

Resident says city's water is so dirty, boiling it won't help


    1. even in WV the water here is so highly chlorinated you can smell it when you turn the faucet on, so filtered water is what most everyone drinks

    2. @Amen Halleluyah You are right it doesn’t matter because the people need potable water. Unfortunately the responsibility lies with the governor. Maybe Reeves thinks potable water is Socialist.

  1. I was 13 years old and haven’t had water for 6 months. We collected snow and melted it on a wood burner and we hoped it would rain. This was in 1994. Not a new thing. It is horrible.

    1. Luxury. When I was 13 years old we had to walk 47 miles up a snowy mountain just to get a piece of bread to feed a family of nine.

    2. @Rosy C cool hasn’t rained where I am for five days.
      Also… illegal to collect rain water where I am.
      So thanks for that HELPFUL input

    3. @BurBur Clemm Your welcome. Glad to help. Some people may not know the location of Mississippi. Now they know rain is better than snow and they also know when it comes to life, collecting rain water is an option for various personal uses despite it being illegal. Another HELPFUL tip is that Mississippi is not one of those states where it is illegal to collect rainwater. I still would if I must even if it was illegal.

  2. The water system in Jackson, the state’s largest city, has been in crisis for YEARS, hobbled by aging and INADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE and, many in the city argue, a FAILURE TO DEVOTE SUFFICIENT RESOURCES TO FIX IT. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼

  3. As a survivor of Harvey…my heart breaks for these families. We spent weeks doing this bc roads were down, water treatment plant damaged, electricity infrastructure wrecked… this is INSANE. Until you have lived THIS, you have NO IDEA!

  4. What a lovely couple. My fellow Americans. Calm, courageous, and articulate, even under sad circumstances like these. You deserve all good things, and I hope they come your way soon.

    1. The government doesn’t need to do anything. The people should have already been prepared. Wasting money now only means no money later to fix the issue.

    1. @rrickarr we are talking about water supply not floods. How many times have pipes broken in Germany and not get fixed or the water supply is dirty and dusty. Come on dude,this is the United States of America.

  5. I can’t imagine no one taking responsibility, or this happening in Australia (and our continent is mostly a desert)

  6. Thing is they been voting for this all along had they voted for someone that could do something about it they would of fixed it. Red state of Mississippi.

    1. @J Exactly!👍🏻🤨
      Thank you for making that crystal clear to the REPUBS in the comment section👍🏻

  7. may God bless you all in need and keep you all safe throughout this awful storm season which really hasnt even begun yet

  8. Only giving out bottles of water little bottles?
    I’m from flint , please give people gallons and have some dignity . It takes 4 bottles of water to make a pot of coffee

    A16.9 oz bottles oz of water is a little more than 2 cups .

    You need at least one case per day per person
    And no deliveries, so you better have transportation and gasoline

    I Wish all of you the best in Jackson.

  9. Every civil engineer knows that, just like humans, infrastructure has an expected lifespan. I hope that the good people of Jackson will mobilize during their local elections and replace anyone who has ignored their struggles.
    Jackson, you deserve better than this!

  10. In this country having access to clean water in your home is a right and not a privilege regardless of who you are. Sad that with all the resources available, the government say they can’t fix this overnight.

  11. This is unacceptable. The residents should receive reimbursements and a voucher of some kind for having to buy water due to the city and state’s neglect. This should not fall on the residents. What about the residents who can’t afford to buy water, especially when their budgets are already stretched? Smh

    1. I am a citizen of Jackson and they do not care. However, the vouchers would definitely assist but that will not happen.

  12. “The people there, pay taxes…” – What a regrettable comment under any human health situation.

  13. Lord please be with the people going through this crisis 🙏. My heart is with all of you. Hope they get this issue fixed soon.

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