1. One cannot truly desire the abject “truth” by seeking out and latching onto a single media source just because it tells you what you want to hear.

    1. Unfortunately, it tends to be human nature to fall into confirmation bias. Everyone wants to discover that they’re right about things they suspect. I like being wrong from time to time, because I get to learn something new or consider different perspectives.

    2. @Caroline Matusevich Complete fail: by avoiding *only* extreme rightwing sources, you’re still in the same echo chamber which tells you what you already want to hear.

  2. Back in the day, there was CBS, NBC, and ABC; Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor, and David Brinkley, and guess what? It didn’t matter which one you watched, because they all told you the same thing: what happened that day. They kept their opinions to themselves.

    1. Which is why when the talking heads, the chills and partisan hags start spreading their opinions i usually stop watching.
      Usually the first 1-3 min of a 3 to 10 min yt cnn vid is real news, everything afterwards is sewage.

    1. So true. I never want to have people taught _what_ to think; it’s imperative that we all learn HOW to think.

  3. Fascinating. We need a lot more research in this area. Would be very interesting to see publicly available research on different social media algorithms. Not holding my breath to see Facebook sponsor this, in spite of the fact they they could most afford it and most need to do it.

    1. Reynard Foxx “non biased” based on what?

      If I created a study to compared the brain size of the common Democrat to a farm cow, would your be saying “Why are you against science? Why are you against this unbiased investigation?”

    2. flex CNN has never mentioned Trump 😂😂😂
      Then surely don’t mention him every day
      And they certainly haven’t been talking about him daily for 5 years

  4. It’s kinda funny, cause I’m a Democrat, and pretty much through the George W. Bush years I watched FOX ! I didn’t know that they were a pro-Republican channel…but, it should have dawned on me, cause they never said anything bad about Bush …ha !!

    1. And his dismissive “you’re playing both sides here?” reaction exemplifies why it’s so grating to watch the other side. No inflection, but an immediate dig.

  5. I have to take news in small doses, after practically watching news 3/4 of my day for three years , and found myself greatly depressed.

  6. I enjoyed hearing the researchers talk…the interviewer and title of the video seem way more biased than the data. I think Obama said it well

  7. Okay, I’m a lifelong Democrat, but I was fascinated to see Stelter react like he’d sucked on a lemon when the interviewees told him something he didn’t want to hear, i.e. CNN is ALSO guilty of partisan news reporting. I long for the days of Walter Kronkite and “that’s the way it is,” versus today’s, “that’s the narrative I want you to see.” Sadly, nobody has a “stake” in non-biased media. Could we maybe merge CNN and Fox Thunder Dome-style, and let them just fight it out? The ratings would be epic.

    1. His reaction was so off-putting. Why would a conservative want to watch this, when this dismissiveness is so tantamount?

  8. Chris Wallace, whose father was Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes fame, said something interesting about this topic in a recent interview. Chris pointed out that years ago the TV networks and other media outlets considered news reporting to be a “public service”. In that environment the goal was to do fair, unbiased, accurate news reporting that the general public considered trustworthy. Chris went on to say that the goal has now changed to the accumulation of larger audiences so as to bring in more money from sponsors. To that end news outlets now tune the news to attract more viewers by telling them what they want to hear. This contributes to political polarization because it only allows opposite opposing world views to develop rather then disseminating objective facts and letting people make fact based assessments about what’s actually going on.

    1. It got really weird once we started seeing Media Personalities in TV shows and films.

      It always made me wonder why a well known Newscaster on the daily news would be playing the Role of a Newscaster in film.

      That means they’re an Actor with a SAG card( screen actors guild)

      So they became famous and couldn’t report on the news without bias

  9. A perfect example of why we have to teach “Critical Thinking” to children 1-12, not just in college!

    1. There isnt two sides to facts. Facts are not subjective they are objective. This is the most ignorant and ridiculous saying ever.

    2. @Charles B exactly, these people are ridiculous. There is only the truth, that’s it. Theres no sides to it.

    3. Not always.

      Teaching evolution does not require teaching creationism.
      Teaching physics does not require teaching flat earth.
      Reporting on the benefits of wearing masks does not require reporting on false claims that masks cause disease.
      Lies are not balanced reporting.

    4. @Infinite Monkey Well maybe the wording is a bit incorrect. I believe “differing viewpoints” would be a better term. If you watch a news segment that says the CDC and 90% of doctors recommend wearing a mask helps reduce the risk of covid and they also show people saying that masks do little to protect oneself, you would hope that any reasonable person would choose the cdc and doctor recommendation. And if someone chooses otherwise that is their choice. They were given the reasonable facts to help protect themselves. Reporting and teaching are also two separate avenues.

  10. Maybe people want their views reinforced but I for one cannot stand listening to lies, including omission of certain truths! 🤔

  11. “We are living in an increasingly polarized world, a place where more and more people have lost the ability to see one another’s point of view. I hope that people would listen to each other and we can debate. Don’t lose sight of other people’s perspective. ” J. Ardern

    1. Keeping the populace stupid and uninformed makes them easier to control. While no one “runs” a democracy (sort of the point), to the extent those in control of media content restrict information they’re making it easier for those with political power. True democracy with an engaged, educated public is hard.

  12. Brian’s reaction when the researchers said that CNN does the same thing as FOX was quite entertaining. I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t expecting that.

  13. Watching both sides and some good alternative media analysts is the only way to get a picture of what is really happening. At least the opinion hosts on FOX are honest about what they do.

  14. Remember the days when Fox News advertise themselves as “Fair & Balance”, and “We report You decide”? I wonder what happened

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