CNN's chief climate correspondent Bill Weir talks to John Berman about a new study that spanned 15 years and says that people who experience extreme heat also experience a decrease in their well-being. #CNN #News
Research says rising temperatures decreasing global well-being

I love the way you put it together!! I think this is one of the best ones yet !!
Looking forward to your next one! It’s awesome!!
I pray for you reading this comment that you will live a life free of sadness, a life free of illness but full of strength AMEN.
Who was measuring wellness when i was growing up in Florida with no air conditioning at home or in school ?
1 sp8vision Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Do you want an actual name, or is that question rhetorical…???
Did you walk 5 miles up hill through the snow too?
That’s funny, here in MAGA Florida the hotter weather is causing daily thunderstorms around 4 PM. Everything is green, lush & thriving.
Florida won’t be around in the next 200 years when sea levels rise.
@Ted Williams That sucks. I am hoping to by land here.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic.
@Soylent Green It won’t happen in our lifetime so go for it!
@Ted Williams

CNN is going to find more and more “research” before midterms. Lol
1 Armin Ghanbari Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
existential research of course. the kind of research that only the FBI can bring forth in a dossier type research.
this isn’t flattering
The highest officially registered temperature is 134F recorded in California’s Death Valley back in 1913.
This week highs are 120F
Death Valley heat record, recorded in 1913, being disputed
An undated photo shows what Death Valley’s official weather station looked like in the early 20th century, when it recorded what currently stands as the highest temperature ever recorded anywhere on the globe: 134 degrees on July 10, 1913. Courtesy of National Weather Service Las Vegas
By Henry Brean Special to the Pahrump Valley Times
November 5, 2016 – 8:09 am
A new analysis of a 103-year-old weather observation is throwing cold water on Death Valley National Park’s claim to the world record for heat.
According to the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization, the official keeper and verifier of global climate extremes, the highest air temperature recorded anywhere in the world is 134 degrees at Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch on July 10, 1913.
But California climatologist and storm chaser William T. Reid believes the record is bogus, and he’s got decades of exhaustive research to back him up.
“It’s essentially not possible from a meteorological perspective,” Reid said.
The only explanation is “observer error,” he said.
The record reading was collected by ranch caretaker and weather observer Oscar Denton during a seven-day run of terrible heat in the summer of 1913 when the temperature reached 127 degrees every day and topped 130 three times.
“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17
“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39:○
@Arron Smith But none of the other weather stations within a 150-mile radius posted unusually high readings during that time, and Death Valley hasn’t seen a single 130-degree day in the 100 years since, Reid said.
Reid described Denton as a relatively inexperienced weather observer who might have been more interested in bragging rights than scientific rigor. “It looks like this observer just made it up,” he said.
The highest temperature ever RECORDED in Central Park NY is 106 °F (41 °C) on July 9, 1936
@Shelly yeah go buy your EV car that runs on free energy lol
And they needed an extensive research program to find that out. I could have told them that upfront
1 Kenaustin Ardenol Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
it’s because people don’t read their Bibles anymore God’s patience is running LOW

Now THAT is effing hilarious. Grow up ffs.
Wow, it took a study to find out something humans have know for years. When its hot outside humans are uncomfortable. I wonder how much money that study cost?
The Earth’s core is moving the water with it.
Do long periods of extreme cold have the same sort of effect? Thanks!
@Bethany you could start by telling the politicians that want to force me into an electric vehicle to stop flying private
Come live in Northern Alberta where it regularly gets below -30c in mid-winter and let me know.
@lbrounen Canada, Iceland, Greenland, RUssia, China. Plenty do.
@An Acc SAD usually occurs more in the cloudy regions. Where is is supercold, the sun at least keeps shining.
@WebBlox it gets pretty cold around Montréal too!

There are a few other factors that effect the ‘feeling of well being’ other than temperature. Living in a city can be 10deg hotter than living in the countryside – maybe that’s why country folks are a bit more chilled
It’s the corn mash around here not the shade that keeps us chill.
I totally agree with this study! Excessive heat decreases my overall well-being. Especially living here in Broiler Oven, Phoenix, Arizona, where it’s over 100° for literally 5 to 6 months straight, by September you are so over the heat already!!
Not if u were living in a cold area.
No kidding
, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. With the rising global temperatures, there’s also widespread droughts, the melting of the polar caps, rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions…
The planet itself goes through cycles to create a balance, whether it’s an ice age or a greenhouse and mankind is contributing to a greenhouse effect. Consider how much moisture is floating in the atmosphere from lakes and reservoirs drying up. Look at all of the flooding from storms. Farmers and ranchers are losing crops and cattle from the heat. Uncontrollable wildfires…. pollutants are injected into the atmosphere at an enormous rate.
Our atmosphere isn’t as rich in oxygen as it was fifty years ago. And it’s getting worse. Also with warmer temperatures, diseases and pestilence will flourish.
It’s simple Earth Science.
Media can contribute a lot by educating viewers and pressing for action. Scientist can only guess at the speed of climate change, but from what I know, we’re at the threshold of severe climatic change and the only thing that is certain, is that all of the low lying lands will become parts of the oceans or we’ll be thrown into another ice age. It depends on the time of year when climate change tips.
But, it’s known that the planet always floods before it freezes. The paradox is that this time, it’s not occuring naturally. So no one can predict the “when”.
We have the technology. They’re just too damn greedy to evolve to a higher form of civilization.
@Soylent Green The Earth’s core shifts as the magma spins affecting the magnetic poles meaning that it will only affect the North and South regions which is at the apex of the axis, also the earth itself is spinning which creates the gravity we feel and contributes to wind. It doesn’t move the water with it’s rotation. The earth also wobbles on its axis with varying degrees in slight change. The only way is by tectonic plates shifting.
@JR Blackstar The Earth is an unknown but the poles and limited surface underneath.
@JR Blackstar Thanks for the info.
On a similar note, here in Phoenix, AZ, school starts in early August!….. When temperatures are still well over 100° every day, & the poor kids, how do they focus, & concentrate on schooling when it’s still so very hot!…. You would think school would, or should start later, like mid-September-ish, when it’s at least 10 to 15° cooler, but then again, everything in Arizona is backwards.
Air conditioning
It must be particularly tough for them wearing all that body armour too.
@Carl Beane I know but, walking to & from school, to & from each classroom if it’s not an indoor school, too hot to play at recess, & lunch breaks.
Is 30 minutes a day a bad thing? Need to get that good vitamin D anyway!
My well-being is fine. But of course I live in the Midwest. Say what u want about it but we have all FOUR beautiful seasons here, so you are never too hot or too cold for TOO long , AND there’s no hurricanes or earthquakes here. Its lush and almost all crops can be grown in the fertile soil here too. I will never under how ppl could want to live in shaky cali or heat wave Florida or freezing cold Minnesota over these fields of green. It just doesn’t make any sense.
1 J Akin Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
15 YEARS!!!
I could have told EVERYONE that in ONE DAY. weather bad, hot, no longer muggy, less rain, can’t grow grass, temps consistently higher…
1 Hinata Sigosson Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
In a hundred years on average, we have raised 1 degree. I think we’re okay
1 Defiance Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Wow imagine that we messed up pretty bad on this Earth we should have found ways to taking care of it now the problem is getting bad
1 JourneyMan Smitty Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
A “study” that determines what we all already knew.
“EEEMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!” – Mother Nature
Newsflash: excessive heat makes people feel miserable. Up next: Water makes people feel wet.