Rescued beluga whales Little Grey and Little White enjoy their new open water sanctuary in Iceland.

Little White and Little Grey, two rescued beluga whales that were relocated from China to Iceland, took their first swim in their new open water sanctuary.
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Rescued beluga whales Little Grey and Little White enjoy their new open water sanctuary in Iceland.


    1. They were raised in captivity so they never learned what they need to know to survive by themselves in the wild. If they were to just release them they would die. This location is closer to their natural habitat and is 30 times larger than the pool they were in at the water park.

    2. @Random Guy What do you care? You’re not Icelandic. Besides, the problem isn’t saving their lives, it’s screwing with nature and making this necessary in the first place. ¬_¬

  1. It’s absolutely disgraceful that these two Beluga’s are to be kept in captivity. Set them free and allow them to have the life they deserve.

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